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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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Brother- I fear this another Russian tactic. Too much white noise right now. But looks like the Russians may make a push for Kyiv.
How else would Zelenskyy get what he wants? no-fly zone and NATO coming in to his rescue. Seems pretty credible to me, no tactics involved.
Ex-UK Spy master's views on Ukraine-Russian conflict:-


Putin "We don't target civilians",at the same time Russian AF dropping dumb and unguided bombs on Ukrainian cities



This war has at least shown us that ;

Small and light infantry groups equipped with manpads and anti tank weapons were decimating entire enemies columns and supply convoys. (the most important ones) You can't win a war without effective logistics following your armies' advance on the ground.
Senior UK military officers are genuinely worried that some British troops - regulars or reservists - might try to join the battle in Ukraine and, in doing so, risk handing Russia a propaganda victory.

Last week the Chief of Defence People, Lt Gen James Swift, sent out a message to the chain of command stressing that UK military personnel were "not authorised" to travel there.

He said that if there was any suspicion that troops were trying to make their way to Ukraine then it should be reported immediately to the Service Police.

The message warned that if serving British military personnel went to fight in Ukraine then they were putting not only their lives in danger but they also risked giving "the mistaken perception" to Russia that Britain had sent in troops to engage in hostilities.

Adm Sir Tony Radakin has now underlined that message, saying it would be "unlawful and unhelpful".

At present the MoD does not believe there are any examples of full-time British military personnel going absent to fight in Ukraine.

But it's harder for them to keep tabs on reservists who often also have another career.

This is why I don't see this ending.

If Russian past track record is and indicator, they are ready to bury enemies their own bodies if needed.

I remember reading about Russian WW2 book. In Chechnya, they took grievous casualties, almost collapsed, but in the end won. Attrition warfare in its finest.

Putins idea is that he has more soldiers than Ukrainians have bullets.

Even if they will be really beaten back to their staging grounds, they will be coming back until a complete defeat.

Ukraine has no power at the moment to really overrun Russians enough for them to consider the war to be lost.

And even if they will hit that "the war is lost moment," they will wrap up, and regroup in a few years with draft covering for all lost troops. Even without military hardware, Russia still has 140 million people, of which most are rather obedient, and well educated to man sophisticated weapons.

Unless Ukraine can really capture territory from Russia, they cannot set a long term defensible line.

In other words, Putin will keep coming back matter what, unless Moscow falls.
lmao why do you keep posting when you're often proven to be factually wrong? Do you not get embarassed when you're proven wrong? You know about Grozny? they leveled the city with artillery and bombers.

Ukrainian forces outnumber Russian forces in theater 2:1 yet they're unable to repel an attack on their own soil. Are they winning?

They're supposedly "winning" yet are flooding reservoirs, releasing prisoners and handing out guns to children. Why do this if you're winning conventionally?
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