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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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Putin always knew who his enemies were from the get go. It is the western leftists and they are the dominant element across the west whereas the far-right is marginalized political entity. The concept of the leftists aka progressives and Putin don't match and notice Putin is not a far-right or left his more central but his old-school fashion and looks for values whereas the left and progressives don't have values but basically gone full LGBT etc etc in that sense they are filth but they are much more humane in some other aspects
I find Putin's opposition to the moral collapse imposed by globalization very sincere and support it.
The thing is the people who are fighting them see it differently. And that is the one that count. You can unilaterally think whatever you want, but if you blindly think that due to your own illusion, than you are taking an objectivity out of your combat objective.

Just because I think the People of Iraq is friendly, that DOES NOT EQUAL to they are friendly. And if you planned accordingly, that is your fault for not seeing the ground situation as is.

In short, if the people now fighting them are "Their" people the casualty of Russia will not be that high, and who's fault is it? Are you going to blame the hostile people being hostile?
They consider the people in power in Ukraine to be anti Russian and infiltrated with neo Nazi, like the Azov regiment. So Russia consider them the enemy and themselves as liberators. Russians are perhaps more humane then they are portrayed in the west.
Russia trying hard to border itself with NATO countries... If they somehow manage to conquer Ukraine completely.
It is safe to assume that SU-57 is inferior to f16s rafale, f35, typhoon, j10, j20 etc etc... It couldn't eliminate MIGs and SU-24s
They consider the people in power in Ukraine to be anti Russian and infiltrated with neo Nazi, like the Azov regiment. So Russia consider them the enemy and themselves as liberators. Russians are perhaps more humane then they are portrayed in the west.

First of all, you are accusing a Jewish person (Zelenskyy) who have relative who died in the holocaust as a neo-nazi, just let that sink in for a moment.

Second. ALL available intel show that Ukrainian will fight and HAD ALREADY FOUGHT in the frontline of Eastern Ukraine for the last 8 years, and you still think there is a "Chance" they may surrender, that's stupid and absurd.

And finally, again, you expect something does not mean it will happen, and if you involve that calculation into your capability to raise war, THAT WAS YOUR OWN MISTAKE. You are STARTING A WAR WITH AN INVASION, exactly how humane can that be? Let's kill people humanely? Exactly how do you invade someone else country "Humanely"?
Wait? Did not all 13 Ukraine soldiers die?
Not one died, they all surrendered and are enjoying Russian hospitality. It appears that the western propaganda machine has hired all aspiring Baghdad Bob's . MSM lies are reaching comical propensity.
Putin always knew who his enemies were from the get go. It is the western leftists and they are the dominant element across the west whereas the far-right is marginalized political entity. The concept of the leftists aka progressives and Putin don't match and notice Putin is not a far-right or left his more central but his old-school fashion and looks for values whereas the left and progressives don't have values but basically gone full LGBT etc etc in that sense they are filth but they are much more humane in some other aspects
Putin is a cold war era realist and has a good grasp of REALPOLITIK and will push on with the Ukraine campaign until Russian objectives are met. The Kremlin just confirmed the long term outlook. The hammer is about to fall on Kiev. The days of soft war are coming to an end.

Russia vows to continue attack until its objectives are met​

By Rachel Clun​

Russia will continue its military operation in Ukraine until it achieves its goals, Russian Defence Minister Sergei Shoigu said, the Interfax news agency reported on Tuesday.
Shoigu said Moscow’s main goal was protecting itself from threats created by the West and said Russia was not occupying Ukraine’s territory.

Russia is neither the enemy of Pakistan nor any other countries with similar geopolitical realities. This does not mean that we will be under the control of Russia. We should try to maintain relations based on fair and mutual interests and resisting the imposition of the Atlantic pact is the right policy here.
Well said.
We will see what will happen in the next 2-3 weeks, but for European countries they are quite determined to pose the sanction, despite trade in energy commodities and agricultural products still have way to dodge the sanction like Germany I believe will keep buying Russian gas, something that is unaviodable

Indonesia position is condeming Russian invasion but we dont do sanction, part of it I believe due to cooperation between Indonesia and Russia and business deal between two countries that still going on which involve both SOE companies.

Other reason we dont do sanction is because US and Western countries dont sanction Israel despite Israel invade Palestine
You can't senction anyone but get senctioned from doing trade with west...
Indonesia and Russia I believe will continue the cooperation to each other despite the sanction, our trade is not large but we have Russian company drilling oil and gas in Indonesia.
It would be difficult once Russia is sanctioned I mean US didnt hesitate going nuclear against Huawei so I dont know
That being said mixing of politics and trade will have repercussions in coming years
It would be difficult once Russia is sanctioned I mean US didnt hesitate going nuclear against Huawei so I dont know
That being said mixing of politics and trade will have repercussions in coming years
trade with us or trade with them... it is that simple... And he knows very clearly, he can't be on losing side even if wants to.
In past few days the western propaganda and their supporters portrayed a picture of Ukraine as Afghanistan on steroids. They were writing off russians as losers and total failure, as if in few days the Americans did any good in iraq or Afghanistan. This shows the west and their chamchas have one strong point and that is they lie professionally and can even fool experts. Here they also created a fake picture of Ukraine on verge of victory lolz, i could only laugh. But now as time goes by, their propaganda is being exposed and reality is getting evident.
I dont support any side clearly but here we try to find the truth and address the reality. Seems most of the western tools here have disappeared or gone mute. In near future we will see how everything becomes evident.
trade with us or trade with them... it is that simple... And he knows very clearly, he can't be on losing side even if wants to.
I think only China has the ability to defy sanctions by US
"Dalit" literally means Oppressed. But if you do not empathize with the oppressed and instead participate in their oppression by covert or overt means ( like slurs ) what kind of Muslim are you ? Me hopping off my Shetland pony is immaterial here.

"If you tremble with indignation at every injustice then you are a comrade of mine".
- Che Guevara.

So another chap riding on a Shetland pony ? :)
OK you have said much but the one question

What should a dalat be called yiu didnt answer?
Why didn't you answer this? If you are such a champion of the oppressed why r u not standing up for muslims oppressed in Palestine by nazis aka Israelis. Or Kashmir by the saffron gandoos

I bet you won't answer. Because those that live in fairy lands seldom address real world problems

Besides educate your Hindus in India who's word its it. Your casts your problem...personally cast system is disgusting and so are fascists
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