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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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Putin will never absorb Ukraine into Russia.

This is about toppling the pro-US regime in Kiev.

And it may surprise you how quickly people's loyalties change!! Not long ago, a pro Russian President was in power. After he was toppled, people still didn't want Ukraine to join NATO. And recently they have been wanting to join NATO. So who knows... I don't see the fight in Ukraine people. I think they will 'go with the flow'!
IMO Putin wants Ukraine to stop waging war with the rebel in Dombas region, more like Putin wants what happen in Crimea will also happen in Dombas region.

So both nations should agree that Dombas region is now under Russian control. Putin could have plan to capture whole Dombas region, the possibility for this according to me is 30 %, but this is the most ambitious plan of Putin according me, he would not go further beyond Dombas region.
The Ukrainians can’t accept ceding Donbas and Crimea to Russia, even if it remains in de facto control of the Russians. Looks like we are back in a Cold War on the European continent, because the Belorussians joined in, by letting the Russians pass through.
Don't you know things begin at Ukraine want to joint NATO?

Ukraine has been trying to join NATO for many years and was refused even before Russia took Crimea and started to instigate separatist control over Donetsk and Luhansk. So what changed?
All Ukraine is being bombin right now.

We are getting some very sad news from some of our friends.

We couldnt achieve peace. I am really sad.

Terrible tragedy. I've been to Kiev several times. Sad to think that the places I've been to and the people I've interacted with are bombed 😭

Any war is sad, also because the Ukranian government and the military chose to be Western puppets instead of joining Russia, the Central Asian republics and Belarus and rest of SCO in a non-NATO alliance.

But my best regards for the innocent and sensible Ukranian people including our friend @vostok.

Ukranian navy pretty much completely wiped out.

The navy people should have rebelled against their government.

Don't be a sheikhjeet, bro.

My cousin who is half Ukrainian says that ruski ground forces will get fukt. Initial attack favors ruskis, but assyemtric warfare will screw them. It could very well be a blunder for Putin.

He says that his friends fighting are welcoming the Russians and saying we are waiting for kebab. Meanwhile men and teenagers are literally being abducted by Russian forces in donetsk and luhansk to go fight.


Dream on.

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States and its allies will respond in a united and decisive way to "an unprovoked and unjustified attack by Russian military forces" on Ukraine, U.S. President Joe Biden said after blasts were heard in the Ukrainian capital of Kyiv.

"President (Vladimir) Putin has chosen a premeditated war that will bring a catastrophic loss of life and human suffering," Biden said in a statement.

US President Joe Biden denounced “unprovoked and unjustified” attack on Ukraine, pledging the world will “hold Russia accountable”.

Yes, according to the Western governments only they have the right to bring catastrophic loss of life and human suffering.

UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres urges Putin to “stop troops from attacking Ukraine”

In that case the Secretary General should withdraw NATO and its Al Qaeda and "Muslim" Brotherhood allies from rampaging in Libya and Syria. Enough of wars I say !

Some notify the famous PDF think tank analyst.

By the way, Where is 100 elite troops from Britain?

Yes, let's call the representative of the British queen, the famous Mr. @aziqbal.
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NATO's eastward expansion should have stopped where the US promised it would. But, of course, the US kept luring more and more countries around Russia to join NATO, unnecessarily causing a crisis.

To justify these retarded moves, the US had to paint Russia as some kind of villainous monster dying to invade Europe. Russia just wants to be secure and develop, like pretty much any other country, while controlling its neighborhood. By provoking Russia incessantly, the US has brought things to a stage where Putin really doesn't have many options than to play hardball.

The biggest tragedy is that this history is hardly ever mentioned by anybody in the West - from commentators and academics to politicians and generals. Just amazing. Their history starts a few years ago - as if their NATO expansion isn't a part of the problem. Not to mention the regime change they pulled in Ukraine to bring it into its own orbit. You can't do stuff like that and not expect a response.

The US should focus all this energy inward to solve hunger, homelessness, universal healthcare, and other issues. Some of the issues plaguing the US internally are honestly mind-boggling given the trillions it wastes on far-away chess moves.

When you read european newspapers there is not a single article who honestly lays out the causes of this war. I havent found a single one.
And there are tens of thousand of article that brushes Russia as agressive evil, Putin as mad dictator and so on. I mean its almost llke living in a totaliatarian society where there is not room for a even single voice that explains the real problem with NATO expansion on Russian door step.

This is nothing but a self deception.What happens if Russia is actually willing to go even further just in order to survive? What you have done is basically poking a sleeping bear with a knife and expect it to not defend itself.
And it may surprise you how quickly people's loyalties change!! Not long ago, a pro Russian President was in power. After he was toppled, people still didn't want Ukraine to join NATO. And recently they have been wanting to join NATO. So who knows... I don't see the fight in Ukraine people. I think they will 'go with the flow'!

Ukrainians are tough people. Tougher than Russians, I mean Ukrainians are basically the real Russians. They want revenge from Russians. If you read their history, they were starved to death by the soviets.
I'm listening to the Ukrainian ambassador to Turkey right now,

"Our soldiers are trying to resist at the border points against Russian land army on the territory of Ukraine."
"We are under an air attack, ballistic missiles are fired at our various cities."
He spent one hour ranting about how the Ukraine is not a real country. You think he's just going to leave it as is?

I guarantee you Russia won’t absorb Ukraine.

What gain does Russia have by absorbing all those anti-Russia ethnic Ukrainians into Russia?
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