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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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Well, I will say this to whoever said Ukrainian proximity is the reason why Russian Invade.

People seems to forget Latvia is as close as Eastern Ukraine if not even closer, the reason that NATO or US wanted Ukraine to set up missile on Russia toward Moscow is absurd, why do it when they can already deploy missile on Latvia and Estonia (which is only 20 km further away from Latvia)

The West gain literally nothing for Russia to invade Ukraine, in fact, Russia themselves gain nothing from Invading Ukraine in term of strategic standpoint, in fact, invading Ukraine would make Russia Position even worse, because it increase NATO border from 2 to 6 (7 if Finland is joining) which added 1000s of kilometre of NATO border. And it also stimulate NATO spending on Military, all that in exchange for a re-2014 Ukraine, and that is if they can take it, assuming the Russian do not need to fight an insurgency. Which is almost certainly coming.

The US actually did gain and wanted this to happen. Yes latvia border is near but that does not mean its ok for NATO to gain more. Ukraine becoming NATO means encircling russia and not just that but squeezing russia in the black sea too. The black sea wouldve practically belonged to NATO had Ukraine joined. Tje west was expanding NATO and at some point Russia had to step in, though the Russians did wait alot and wanted to avoid war bit they were forced by US and allies.
it's funny how people get excited when something is going on in Eastern Europe.
btw the started of this thread was Turkish .
I am pro western because I live in the west, and my future kind of depends on the west being successful. Not at the expense of others, but in a fair way.

I am naturally mind boggled at the Russian invasion and its failure is necessary for my family and I in Europe and Australia to succeed and prosper. This is why I am glued to these events,

And if you live in the west I suggest you try being a bit more pro western also.
I am not a mindless sheep and can think for myself. What is best for me is a strong united Asia led by China. Australia is already an Eurasian country as it is and as time goes it will be more Asian then European so why the hell would we support white fascists?
Things probably changed a bit since my last time in Russia in nineties, but I've never seen such disparity in "on paper" wealth, and reality.

My father told me we are going to see a rich country with oil, but only Moscow was rich, everything else were sticks. We only seen 1 city along the way with concrete buildings.

Very much like how North Korea been until the last Kim.

After googling pictures how most of Russia looks now, I'm it's surprised how little has changed given the amount of oil they have.
Well, according to IMF, average Russia earn less than an Average Indian, so they are below Indian level now, and they are about 2/3 of what an Indian earn, and that is BEFORE this war. Now imagine what it will be look like when 70% of world economy stop trading with you?
Lol, I am a European, Bosnia is European and Australia is a European country. In even way except geography. Australia is even in Eurovision. Australia is basically a European colony.

Let me put this differently: Your claimed that European would rather eat grass than live under putin which is a big joke on your part. West-European citizen dont care about Easten Europan. Average western european see everyone in balkan countries and East-Europe as ex-sovjet commie countries with so much corruption and backward culture. Why do you think there is so much racist attitude against those immigrants from balkan, baltic states and East Europe in western europe countries?
I live in the Netherlands and i can tell you average dutch hate the war, rejected Ukraine as EU member in 2016 referendum and oppose sending war materials to Ukraine. Dutch prime minister with German Chancellor Olaf Scholz oppose sanctioning the oil and gas from Russia. Why is that? It is because these western european countries refuse to eat local grass unlike what you claimed.
Frankly these 2 countries that care about the economic and social stability are at least honest with their opinion unlike France, Italy and other countries that depend on Russian oil and gas for their economy but pretend all is well and gone well.

European leaders wary of cutting off Russian oil and gas​

Quickly cutting off energy revenues with oil and gas embargoes would hit Moscow where it hurts. But European leaders have argued for a phased approach, openly admitting their dependency on Russian energy supplies.

The Nord Stream 2 gas terminal in Germany
Germany's dependence on Russian gas is complicating moves to put pressure on Moscow

The leaders of Germany, the United Kingdom and the Netherlands on Monday said Europe was too dependent on Russian energy supplies to stop imports overnight as part of any eventual sanctions package in response to the invasion of Ukraine.

Energy exports are a key source of income for Russia, and there are growing calls for oil and gas embargoes to increase pressure on the Kremlin.

However, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz said that although Berlin supported tough measures against Moscow, Russian energy supplies remained "essential" for daily life in Europe.

"Europe's supply with energy for heating, for mobility, power supply and for industry cannot at the moment be secured otherwise," Scholz said in a statement.

Russia is the largest supplier of natural gas to Germany, currently accounting for more than half of imports, according to the government. Gas accounts for around a fifth of German power production.

Watch video 04:54

Germany's gas addiction 'a European problem'​

A 'step-by-step' process​

On Monday, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson said cutting dependency on Russian oil and gas was "the right thing to do," however it must be done in a "step by step" process.

"We have got to make sure we have substitute supply. One of the things we are looking at is the possibility of using more of our own hydrocarbons," Johnson told a press conference following talks with his Dutch and Canadian counterparts in London.

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced a halt to Russian oil imports last week. However, Canada is the world's fourth-largest oil producer and its imports from Russia were comparatively negligible.

Although the UK relies much less on Russian gas than other countries in Europe, Johnson said it was important that "everyone moves in the same direction."

"There are different dependencies in different countries, and we have to mindful of that," he said. "You can't simply close down the use of oil and gas overnight, even from Russia."

Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte told the press conference that weaning Europe off Russian energy would "take time" and it was a "painful reality" that Europeans were still "very much dependent" on Russian gas and oil.

EU looking for alternatives to Russia

German Chancellor Scholz said this dependency was why Europe had "deliberately exempted" Russian energy supplies from sanctions packages, allowing commercial activities in the energy sector to continue.

Scholz added that Germany and its partners in the EU had been working "at full speed" for months to develop alternatives to Russian energy. "However, this cannot be done overnight," he said.

Last week, Germany said it would take steps to diversify its energy supply away from Russia, announcing a €1.5 billion ($1.6 billion) order for non-Russian liquefied natural gas and a possible slowdown of its exit from coal.

Watch video 02:56

Russia's Gazprom lets Yamal pipeline to Europe dry up​

At a summit planned for Thursday in France, EU leaders are expected to declare a gradual "phaseout" of oil and gas imports from Russia. The European Commission is also expected to release a plan this week on reducing its dependence on Russian gas.

US wants quicker action​

For the United States, Europe's gradual approach may be too slow.

Washington is pushing for a more immediate ban on Russian energy imports, although as a major producer of gas and oil, the US is far less dependent on Russian sources than Europe.

As US legislators discussed fast-tracking an oil embargo from Russia, US President Joe Biden held a video conference Monday with the leaders of Germany, France, Germany and the UK. The four European leaders only pledged to "continue raising the costs on Russia for its unprovoked and unjustified invasion," without specifying how.

btw look at 'Americas' , subForum. look how much the far easterners are happy to see Russians and Ukrainians kill each other.
Australia is already an Eurasian country as it is and as time goes it will be more Asian then European so why the hell would we support white fascists?
only because they run the country and have laws where they can take your citizenship away for being against the government. Thats all.
More drones:
The US actually did gain and wanted this to happen. Yes latvia border is near but that does not mean its ok for NATO to gain more. Ukraine becoming NATO means encircling russia and not just that but squeezing russia in the black sea too. The black sea wouldve practically belonged to NATO had Ukraine joined. Tje west was expanding NATO and at some point Russia had to step in, though the Russians did wait alot and wanted to avoid war bit they were forced by US and allies.
Things is, Russia has ALREADY been surrounded by 3 sides by NATO (Latvia and Estonia in the West, Alaska in the East and Turkey in the South). And about to be all 4 if and when Finland joining, which is very likely (as last poll a week ago show 58% of Finnish support) Invading and Occupying Ukraine does not change this fact.

NATO is not an equal organisation, which mean other than the people who actually do support NATO in a meaningful manner (ie US, UK and France) everyone else is a liability, which mean the more the country signed up, the more liability because people are not about to fight themselves and asking for other to fight for them, that is the reason why people join NATO. Ie the more people join, the more people US, UK and France needed to protect.

As for Black sea, Turkey, not Ukraine hold the cards there, because it sat on the exit of Black Seas, if you cannot transit from Black Sea into the Med, then it is useless because without Turkey (which was in NATO) okay, Black Seas is just an inland lake.
Well, according to IMF, average Russia earn less than an Average Indian, so they are below Indian level now, and they are about 2/3 of what an Indian earn, and that is BEFORE this war. Now imagine what it will be look like when 70% of world economy stop trading with you?

Can you show us an official source where it says that an average Russian earns less that an average Indian? Or is just some made up stuff from you?

That would be interesting to see.
The gist of what I wrote probably 50 times here and in a few other threads was this: The United States did not thwart Putin's ideal, but, adopted a strategy of forcing him into a much more risky preterm birth. For this purpose US(and UK) made warmongering and got what it wanted. Now there is terrible pressure on Europe. The USA will definitely not take part in this war, but will watch the fire from the best place.

Russian air force and ground aviation lost nearly 100 aircraft in 2 weeks. May thousands of soldiers died... The Russian economy shrank by half in two weeks and lost access to a large number of intermediates and subproducts, services especially critical for the defense industry and the oil-gas industries. An isolation unseen even in the cold war is emerging. It aims to cut off all of Russia's arms in Europe and leave it dependent on China.

March 10 could be a critical day. If Russia sees the trap, albeit late, it can create an honorable way out with Turkey's support. Will Russia have to destroy Ukraine, for what? It is not possible for the destruction to create more than Pyrrhus victory for Russia. But before it's too late, it can still thwart the US's European hegemony - with some cost- .

Another war monument to Red Army soldiers who liberated the city of Bratislava from Nazi occupation was vandalised yesterday


Say what you will - curse the Russians - make memes but for gods sake leave war monuments alone.
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