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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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how much cleaner would the russian invasion be had they not had to sit and wait till after olympics?

during that period nato did send in lot of equipment
This is why there are rumors that the top Chinese leaderships has some kind of scolding going on recently.

Neo nazis in Russia.
The US is only helping European complainers by giving them a greater supply of Russian oil especially in a time where energy costs are high. Why must Americans pay for these ungrateful countries that are giving money to Chinese and Russian businesses? To save them from Russia and China?
how much cleaner would the russian invasion be had they not had to sit and wait till after olympics?

during that period nato did send in lot of equipment
How much cleaner? I would say more insurgency, would have taken longer to bring in weapons with European and U.S. scrambling to send in weapons, Ukrainian forces would have withdrew westward. Also there would be many protests and trying to overthrow the newly installed government and fights and arrests with riot police. Putin would have to send forces back in.
They are more like the Fascist movement

Just a rumor so no idea who but I heard someone on top scolded someone.

isnt it ultimately xi’s decision? perhaps be did not expect a full invasion?

so perhaps xi got played by putin?
I’m trying to wrap my head ans figure out what Russia’s long term in this. They’ve been cut off from the world completely so what will they do when they capture Ukraine and succeed installing a Russian friendly government? How are they going to convince the world to lift sanctions?

There are no end game for Putin, conventional wisdom suggest he either overplayed his hand or underestimated the European and US response, along with the defence of Ukraine (13 days in, none of the major city felt, Mariupol in particular would have been day 1 objective.)

The only way Putin can go is move forward, and try to gain enough leverage on the issue to bow out with a Peace Deal, hopefully took some Sanction out with the peace deal.

Notice that there are no way Putin can achieve what he said is the reason on why he is going to war in Ukraine, which is NATO expansion, because NATO border will not shrink (Ukraine were never part of NATO) even if he occupied the Entire Ukraine and it may actually increase if Sweden, Finland and Moldova joined NATO, which is very likely on the first 2.

I think Putin called west bluff thinking it would be giving up to him, what I think caught Russia Washington London by surprise is Ukrainian fierce resistance caught them all out. did USA not offer Ukraine Pm a helicopter ride out he declined it demanding guns and arms. I don’t honestly west cares before now probably thru real security threats they’ve hit Putin with sanctions on everyone every thing that is connected to Russia. No puppet government from Moscow will ever be able to survive in Ukraine with 44 million people against it. Neither will Putins Russia diplomatically and economically now frozen with sanctions move on looks like a stalemate to me for all of sides. only hope is for the Russians to deal with Putin when there living standards falls pre communism time and that is not that far off. he’s wrecked his country ignore his cheer leaders on here. Ukraine have successfully made the world recognised them as a sovereign state something that has never happened before all thanks to Putins miscalculation

Funny thing, was watching a TV program here who compare the two leader in this war (Zelenskyy and Putin) The guy on TV ( think he is an analyst or something) point out how different between Zelenskyy and Putin appearence during the war. And that show how the situation is actually presenting.

You can see Zelenskyy out and about shooting Instagram Video here and Telegram video there, he is in the city, you literally can see him everywhere, Putin on the other hand have a reserved and retreated style, he is always in his room, the same room that happen to almost all of his appearance for the last 13 days. The analyst then said it should how Zelenskyy is connected to the actual situation happened to him and in Ukraine and he knows what's going on, and where Putin is insulated to the fact, he is in his own corner.

That said a lot on the actual progress of the war.

They are more like the Fascist movement

Just a rumor so no idea who but I heard someone on top scolded someone.
Those are Nazi Salute......
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