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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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What’s with all the foreign fighters? Are they trying to be the next ISIS? I thought mercenaries are not entitled to the same rights as combatants. Would not be good if they get captured
Mercenary and Foreign Fighter are two different concepts.

A Mercenary is a person who fight in a conflict without any official government representation. Ie. Not part of Government Force, that can include insurgent, terrorist and militia (Not government sponsored one like the US National Guard)

A foreign fighter is a concept to accept foreign national into a country own Military Force. As long as proper Visas and Citizenship process is involved, you are allowed to hire a Non-Citizen into your own armed force, this is done in almost all western country. The most famous one is British Commonwealth Soldier (they came from Nepal (Gurkhas), Australia, South Africa, Fiji and commonwealth country) and French (Foreign Legion) US, Australia, New Zealand, Canada all accept Non-Citizen Permanent Resident to join their Military.

While Mercenary did not enjoy Geneva Convention Protection, Foreign Fighter do, if they fought under a Government Military Force, it would have the same right as a soldier born in that country and hold citizenship of that country
These are war crimes my friend and it’s against his own very Slavic brothers who he was arguing he had launched this operations to liberate them from those nazis!

Please remember Europeans are not sitting back now they have replied back to with economically and not military they are going to bankrupt his country which will be lot more brutal for Russians to
Liberation or annexation?
Time index 1 minute. Looks like the independence would be pretty short.
how much cleaner would the russian invasion be had they not had to sit and wait till after olympics?

during that period nato did send in lot of equipment
Those like @thetutle sitting in a VERY far off country willing to say, as he said above, that Europe is willing to take a chance are too comfortable in their own remote environments to realize what might happen.
I talked to some relatives all over Europe and posed this question to them. Even the ones that are all for peace and have a lot to lose agree with me that nuclear war beats Russian occupation. All of them. They all have kids. They are of the view that if Putin is determined to launch, he will launch, and doing things to try to prevent that or surrendering is a mistake.

Thay all agree that if he wins in Ukraine he has no reason to stop.
They actually believe that the Russian military is failing BS.
I talked to some relatives all over Europe and posed this question to them. Even the ones that are all for peace and have a lot to lose agree with me that nuclear war beats Russian occupation. All of them. They all have kids. They are of the view that if Putin is determined to launch, he will launch, and doing things to try to prevent that or surrendering is a mistake.

Thay all agree that if he wins in Ukraine he has no reason to stop.

Yeah no.

That's the stupidest thing I've heard in a long time.

Anything beats a nuclear armageddon.

And I hate to break it to you.

Ukraine ain't worth it.
Thay all agree that if he wins in Ukraine he has no reason to stop.

I doubt it... Even if Putin wins in Ukraine... The Russians would have lost too much in the process to progress any further... There will be no momentum left after Ukraine for the Russians.

Putin's war in Ukraine is unpopular amongst Russians.... He has limited options and time.
I talked to some relatives all over Europe and posed this question to them. Even the ones that are all for peace and have a lot to lose agree with me that nuclear war beats Russian occupation. All of them. They all have kids. They are of the view that if Putin is determined to launch, he will launch, and doing things to try to prevent that or surrendering is a mistake.

Thay all agree that if he wins in Ukraine he has no reason to stop.
Lol I’m not willing to die for what happens in Ukraine. No one in far off America wants to die. The lives of billions in the world are worth more than the Ukrainian state “surviving”.
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