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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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This poster is constantly provocative but can't handle getting it back and constantly reports you to the mods
Why am I "constantly" provocative? I'm stating a fact. About 66,000 Ukrainian men RETURNED to Ukraine from Poland,to fight for their country. Hundreds of thousands of men from the Middle-East,left their countries to go to Europe to avoid fighting for their country. Single men. Just men. Many had their families still in in the Middle-East and went ahead first.

Yala,if you don't know about it,don't accuse me of being "provocative". About 100,000 Ukrainians even volunteered to defend Kiev. Men send their families away and stay to fight.

Meanwhile,hundreds of thousands of Syrian,Iraqi,Libyan and Afghan men left their countries to avoid the war. Men of fighting age.
Why am I "constantly" provocative? I'm stating a fact. About 66,000 Ukrainian men RETURNED to Ukraine from Poland,to fight for their country. Hundreds of thousands of men from the Middle-East,left their countries to go to Europe to avoid fighting for their country. Single men. Just men. Many had their families still in in the Middle-East and went ahead first.

Yala,if you don't know about it,don't accuse me of being "provocative". About 100,000 Ukrainians even volunteered to defend Kiev. Men send their families away and stay to fight.

Meanwhile,hundreds of thousands of Syrian,Iraqi,Libyan and Afghan men left their countries to avoid the war. Men of fighting age.
Do you know what the term "forced conscription" means?
His not dumb but a bit Suicidal cause his Russian which is natural. I honestly don't think Putin is intimidated by NATO at all whatsoever but it is the other way around.. He plays the mad-man role and NATO always takes the grounded guy role and gets out of the way..

I would say China is intimidated by NATO to some degree but not Putin and in fact it is the other way around

NATO isn't intimidated by Russia,if anything Putin agitates the nuclear threat because he knows his armed forces on the conventional matter are utter junk,meanwhile NATO is flooding Ukraine with thousands and thousands of weapons that are decimating russian troops yet he can nothing about it.
What about Israel attacking palestine now days there is no media outcry about that only Russia attacking Ukraine what hypocrisy and double standards

Where do all of you guys come from this is Ukraine-Russia thread.. Why do the mods let this stuff continue

NATO isn't intimidated by Russia,if anything Putin agitates the nuclear threat because he knows his armed forces on the conventional matter are utter junk,meanwhile NATO is flooding Ukraine with thousands and thousands of weapons that are decimating russian troops yet he can nothing about it.

He doesn't seek direct war but the great question is that NATO needs an endgame plan to take Russia of the playing table for good by annexing it because I can't believe there would be a world where NATO would tolerate Russia's longevity existence but regime changed Russia with smaller borders that is de-nuclearized and under NATO control would benefit the US and that is what they seek and to put it short a model state like Germany or Japan out of Russia in post-ww3
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Pentagon assesses Russia has committed nearly 100% of its forces into Ukraine
We did see Russian 203 and 240mm artillery pieces going west on an earlier post. Russia probably sending more divisions to Ukraine.

Seeing how the Russians are struggling,they might reconsider their objectives. Occupying entire Ukraine seems now impossible. Russians even brought parade uniforms with them. "victory parade" will probably have to wait a bit.
They actually can if they go full dictatorship.
NATO isn't intimidated by Russia,if anything Putin agitates the nuclear threat because he knows his armed forces on the conventional matter are utter junk,meanwhile NATO is flooding Ukraine with thousands and thousands of weapons that are decimating russian troops yet he can nothing about it.
Question is why aren't the Russians sending their "good" vehicles to Ukraine? Where are the T-90SMs and the BTRTs and all those dozens of MRAPs they developed and showed in exhibitions? Where is the Armata? The tank modifications with APS and all the "smart weapons"?

Is this how they will fight the West? By sending thousands of BMP-2s,MT-LBs and T-72s while staying out of gas?

Interesting interview from a Ukranian member of Parliament. Apparently Kiev is preparing for a siege and they have stocked food for a couple of weeks
Question is why aren't the Russians sending their "good" vehicles to Ukraine? Where are the T-90SMs and the BTRTs and all those dozens of MRAPs they developed and showed in exhibitions? Where is the Armata? The tank modifications with APS and all the "smart weapons"?

Is this how they will fight the West? By sending thousands of BMP-2s,MT-LBs and T-72s while staying out of gas?

The grime reality is the Russian army is still composed in vast majority of soviet era junk albeit a small part of them are modernized. All the new IFVs,artillery,armatas etc. didn't go into full production mode because of delays and costs which Russia can't afford. Russian army was supposed to field 2300 armatas by 2020. Same goes for navy and air force.

The argument some are giving "they don't send their best units,they send conscripts as cannon fodder" is BS because the russian army doesn't enjoy the same mass as the soviet army and quickly replaceable losses.
This is a misconception. The older Ukraine government lost ground in elections due to charges of corruption in large part. Recheck my previous post - I have added sources in it.
Asst. Sec of the State Victoria Nuland on a recorded conversation with the then US amb. to Ukraine essentially identifying members of the coup.

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