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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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Oh come on! they are "sensible" instigators.

UK refuses to ease visa rules for Ukrainians

. . . Prime Minister Boris Johnson has rejected calls for the UK to open the door to any Ukrainian refugees who are fleeing the conflict in their country and wish to seek safety in Britain, saying his government wants to be able to check who is wishing to cross the border.

Speaking on Monday, Johnson defended his government’s response, saying the UK is a “very, very generous country” but officials still want to maintain “control” and “be able to check” anyone who claims to be fleeing Ukraine before granting them a visa.

I think it's sensible given what's going on in Ukraine to make sure that we have some basic ability to check who is coming in,” Johnson said, dismissing criticism over the UK’s slow admittance of Ukrainian refugees. . . .

Looks like after these 2 major cities, Ukraine will be land locked ?

Mykolaiv / Nikolayev and Odesa.
Not sure how important is access to the sea to Urk at the moment!

View attachment 821743

And my guess would be that post-landlock, Rus will get started on this side in rectangle, thereby almost completing the encirclement of the whole country:

View attachment 821747

And when they did evacuate, one video shows surprisingly no women or children or elderly in the whole bus:


Other video shows them evacuating when Russians were allegedly firing at them (although there are very strong inductions of that footage being staged.) :


In other news:

"[China's] Friendship with Russia is rock solid."

I take that as an subtle message to whom it may concern.


Airlines Scramble for Routes Around Russia as [reciprocal] Flight Bans Intensify

...flying around the giant country may add hundreds of miles and up to two hours to some flights, incurring higher fuel, labor and maintenance costs
...[German] Deutsche Lufthansa AG’s cargo division has canceled flights to some Asian cities including to Hong Kong and Beijing until the end of March.
...London-based Virgin Atlantic Airways Ltd. suspended a four-times-a-week cargo service from London to Shanghai
...[Finland's] Finnair Oyj suspended key cargo and passenger routes to cities in South Korea, Japan and China.
...Russian flag carrier Aeroflot-Russian Airlines PJSC, meanwhile, scrapped its entire European network
...[American] United Airlines Holdings Inc. said it would stop flying over Russia on its route to India
...[Australias] Qantas Airways Ltd.’s nonstop service from Australia to London is going over the Middle East and southern Europe instead of Russia, adding about an hour to the flight.
...Ireland-based ASL Aviation Holdings said its flights to and from Asia are now flying over Kazakhstan instead of Russia. That is adding around 100 minutes to a flight between Belgium and South Korea,
China is seeing what the west does. Unites to destroy nations economically. China knows its next.

One thing is for sure.

Pakistan needs to dictionary the doctrine of focusing on tanks and move to drones.
Light agile fast and effective in destroying armour.

Spend little on tanks and lot on drones

1. I see they broke out the donated Belgian FNCs

View attachment 821753
Why do they all want yo fight the Russians...
If the capture any volunteers....if I was Russian I would castrate them and let them live. This is not a joke
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That happened and the issue was discussed at length in this thread many pages earlier.

Poland addressed the problem to large extent:

One of the good members provided an update as well:

I do not deny issues of racism in Ukraine but situation on the ground is very bad and management lapses are very likely. Bad things happen in any country in times of crisis unfortunately.
even before the crisis , racism in Ukraine was an eyesore
Come to think of it logically. If YOU can consider those factors, do you think a cunning spy like Putin and his advisors are just plain idiots and they wouldnt have taken that into consideration?

Venezuela and Russia = Apples / Oranges.

Because one is a major power in the world with veto card and other is a third world country in the backyard of USA without any significant military or say in the UN. Venezuala and China/Russia do not share any border either.

Everyone in Europe agrees that though volume will decrease, but Russia and Europe are gonna stay trading partners as long as EU is dependent on Russia's natural resources. Period.

Russia - China trade is going to grow and so will chances of an alternative finance system.

With all due respect, I am no military expert, but by discarding Russia as if she is not even North Korea, you are not stating a fact but more a wish. Just like I dont believe in Russian propaganda, I dont believe these Western propaganda sources as well.

Just think of it, despite all the normal Western Media bullshyt, if it were to be the case, "the greatest military might on earth" would have rolled it flat by now instead of categorically stating how they dont want to enter into war with Russia.

I do believe Russia is a major military power and it will remain that way. And just like you, I am entitled to my opinion.

And he has laid down his conditions for that which are quite sensible. Neutrality, no NATO membership and no persecution of Russian minorities. Now Ukraine should show some flexibility as well.

It depends upon what kind of feedback Putin gets from his advisors. You should watch the video shared in following post for valuable insight:

All I see in your post is dismissals for the sake of it. A well-explained analogy, Facts & Figures and actual developments do not count in your worldview. Venezuela has tremendous room and potential for growth but it is not in the good books of the WEST and its internal political system did not help its prospects either. China and Russia could not rescue Venezuelan economy either. The so-called economic alternatives are not much of an alternative to begin with. Does it occur to you that USA and Europe represent a tremendous consumer base for countless goods and have much to offer in exchange as well?

Ukrainian Il-76 flying out of eastern Poland.
That happened and the issue was discussed at length in this thread many pages earlier.

Poland addressed the problem to large extent:

One of the good members provided an update as well:

I do not deny issues of racism in Ukraine but situation on the ground is very bad and management lapses are very likely. Bad things happen in any country in times of crisis unfortunately.

Black Lives Matter. Just like others.

The issue is there and we have to make sure that it does not happen again.

And we can do it only by making sure that this topic is discussed in media, over and over and over again. In the same way as Western media creates other issues to put pressure on their govts to solve them.
I wonder what Putin thought when US picked the day he was going to invade Ukraine and announced it to the world. I wonder if the thought "will they be giving Ukraine all the details they know about by forced and plans?"

and I wonder if he thought about what effect this information will have on the war.
It depends upon what kind of feedback Putin gets from his advisors. You should watch the video shared in following post for valuable insight:

All I see in your post is dismissals for the sake of it. A well-explained analogy, Facts & Figures and actual developments do not count in your worldview. Venezuela has tremendous room and potential for growth but it is not in the good books of the WEST and its internal political system did not help its prospects either. China and Russia could not rescue Venezuelan economy either. The so-called economic alternatives are not much of an alternative to begin with. Does it occur to you that USA and Europe represent a tremendous consumer base for countless goods and have much to offer in exchange as well?
Sorry, but I am soooo done with Western propaganda machines. Used to read/watch Guardian, BBC, some German ones but have given up many years ago. No more brainwashing for me.

I am not convinced that Russia will be completely ruined in few years with Western sanctions. I hold other opinion. I think, Russia will survive and continue playing major role in world politics.

Lets agree to disagree. Time will tell.
Its evident the US and few other countries knew exactly what they were doing all along, they wanted this. These are the biggest warmongers actually and responsible for all these deaths and suffering. Its funny how this war is further exposing hypocrisy of west and their cheerleaders. So much for champions of free speech and equality.

This is my exact contention here vis-a-vis Ukrain-Russia crisis.... They (NATO, West, America) knew exactly how to trigger this conflict and still come out as looking like the champions of "human rights"....

The West plays the role of the good guy versus bad guys so well.... They even have our Pakistani Neoliberals confused....
I understand that there are many people who defends Russia here. But you should also understand that wars are now less opaque than before in this age of fast information. And fast information is why Russia and China have fast responses in controlling information in their countries. The longer this war goes on, the less sympathetic the world will be to Russia as more information about the war is made available thanks to Elon Musk.

No amount of 'What if China or Russia is in Mexico' will create or increase sympathy for Russia. The Ukrainian refugees will not take that hypothetical scenario with their luggage to mull over while stuffed in evac trains. The Euros will not think about that hypothetical scenario as they struggles with the thought and fear that their countries maybe next. Right now, the Ukrainians are calling for the US to set up a no-fly zone, not 'What if' as they lay bleeding and dying. The Euros leadership are regretting they laughed at US when Trump criticized them about depending on Russian oil, not 'What if' as they see Russian oil mixed with Ukrainian blood imported into their countries. So even if there were similarities in the past with the 'What if' the Russia cheerleaders are using now, your efforts will be in vain.
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