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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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If and when Russia is at a breaking point, China will help. Not because China loves Russia, but because they have a common enemy .
China's politics can easily spin this as western hypocrisy, western terrorism et all.
If China dives into this fight, europe will be China's whore not Russia's. China has the numbers to match, China has industrial might and for the record China now has technological might as well.
Being an Indian, I hope this settles within europe.
Also, of nato gets involved and Russia starts losing, they will use tactical nukes. That is a given. Even if Russia uses tactical nukes on battlefield, no one will dare send an icbm to Kremlin. Because everyone knows after that only the martians survive!

Surprised no one gave any 'reaction' to your sensible post and looks like you are even banned?
The biggest winners of this conflict, especially if the conflict remains in Europe, are America and China.
Lol, wasn't this the same source that claimed the Ukrainians were planning to blow up a nuclear plant, and launch a bioweapon?


Is it possible to implement a ban on certain sources that are known fake news hubs?

🤣 🤣 🤣

Saying something is propaganda, while spouting propaganda! You can make this stuff up!!!
I would appreciate some pointers of inaccuracy of this source.

Surprised no one gave any 'reaction' to your sensible post and looks like you are even banned?
The biggest winners of this conflict, especially if the conflict remains in Europe, are America and China.
He is banned for dismissing contents in following post:

- as nonfactual reporting, dismissing my warning, and disrespecting me. He won't be back soon I assure you.

Let this be 2nd reminder to all that TROLLING will NOT BE TOLERATED.
The war nears the 2nd week.

There were last desperate attempts to break the stalemate, without success.

Remaining individual units in the field don't have enough power to punch through, especially in the north.

Russian forces in the south managed to limit their losses by enlarging their formations, and consolidating their units around few big cities, and limiting careless movement in the open field.

The defenders on other hand don't have enough reserve to counterattack, or interdict on large scale.

Only small harassing forces of regular army switching to guerilla tactics keep inflicting losses on isolated Russian forces, and logistics.

DPR, and LPR respond with own counter-ambushes.

Both sides are exhausted, and are thinking what to do next.

Russia is desperately trying to R&R its force with everything, going as far as pulling its tanks from the border with China, which means it's really dire for them. A big gamble. Putin stakes everything in this.
Kiev is defended by the best Ukrainian forces. They are very well equipped, NATO trained, and NATO standard. Thats a brutal fight waiting for the Russians.
its their fu**ing capital what do u expect. :hitwall:
Insurgency tactics. Seems like Ukrainians do not want to hold the routes captured by Russia. Instead they let the Russian trucks drive in and then ambush the fuel. :tup:

I think they simply don't have enough troops.

They have a lot of territorials now, but these people are just men with few days of training, and no gear besides a single AK. At most, they can take towns, while being transported on civilian vehicles.

Training for using even a simplest ATGM like NLAW takes weeks for perfection.

Flooding forests with these militias also wouldn't be the best use of them at this stage, because they will run into same issue as Russians stuck there in a few days.

In the open field, they will be of even lesser effectiveness.

The best what can they do is to get more tube artillery, and steadily purge enemy armour, and strongpoints from towns north of Kiyv.

If they can push Russian force behind Chernobyl, and blow up the bridge. They will get a lot more of breathing room. They will then be able to use Kiyv as the logistics centre for the norther theatre, or possibly even make an offensive into Belarus.
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Battle of Mariupol in depth analysis and break-down by a Malaysian-Singeporean Brother and his quite good and without bias and extremely neutral view on it.

This guy is actully good and go to 8;28 he says when the Russians are gonna enter Mariupol they will enter from the road the evacuation is using hence mining the road that doesn't make logical sense which is absolutely true.. Go to 8;28 point that is where he touches upon it
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