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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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Ukraine is a sovereign state that has every right to choose its own future. They want no part of Russian oppression and backwardness.


And Iran has every right to choose ITS own future.

Yet all the cries from Washington about regime change.

For that matter, the great failed experiment that was the second Iraq war:

An attempt to reshape the middle east with liberal democratic values.

Which resulted in millions killed or injured.

Selective about principles eh?
Where is our super commando dhruv today?
Again look at the origins of this conflict and not the pretty little narrative constructed by Western sources.

Common sense.

What would the US do if China set up shop in Mexico?

Hell, there was a time the US claimed the entire Western hemisphere as its domain.

War is regrettable.

But Russia has her interests too.

Let's try to be objective.
Us wouldn't do shit except arming insurgency! That's what they know how to do . But then they are limited.
If Russia, india, Pakistan etc used tactical nuke, usa will be absent that day! No show.
This war has been a humiliation for Russia and Putin. We're not even 2 weeks in and Russia has lost nearly 1,000 pieces of armor, aircraft, and equipment. The Russian economy has been rendered to third world status and Russia is being recognized as a pariah state.

A complete disaster for Putin.

Man, if you keep adding those numbers, soon they are gonna surpas what Russia could possibly have in her inventory.

I would suggest going easy on the numbers, make it look a bit more believable. :D

Fixed it for you 😉👍

Russian equipment losses count = 870 in 11 days

Russian economy is in trouble as well:


This war did not turn out well for Russia .

Honestly speaking the Russian MOD map is incorrect and so is the heavily biased Western or UKRO side maps but quite frankly the Aljazeera maps are the correct assessement of this conflict which is a rare feat seeing Aljazeera of all people get something correct for once their lifetime..

Which means the truth is in between

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