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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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UK rejects opening borders to Ukraine refugees -​

But this makes sense since the UK is no longer an EU member state and part of the current government's political mantra has been immigration control.

Still stinks that they are not willing to accept refugees.

Edited: Source added.


UK rejects opening borders to Ukraine refugees -​

But this makes sense since the UK is no longer an EU member state and part of the current government's political mantra has been immigration control.

Still stinks that they are not willing to accept refugees.

Edited: Source added.

ouch.... reality check!

Whereas Zelensky's account gets puffy with gold, the ordinary Ukrainian will have to pay the price for following anglo-saxon hyenas!

Germany has taken more than 50k refugees so far and Germany is the one who is getting the most criticism. Unbelievable, those British cunning foxes!

UK rejects opening borders to Ukraine refugees -​

But this makes sense since the UK is no longer an EU member state and part of the current government's political mantra has been immigration control.

Still stinks that they are not willing to accept refugees.

Edited: Source added.

Ukrain like a good baby is going to bow down! Say " Yes sir" And European theatre will change for ever!
One party (USA) politics is over.

UK rejects opening borders to Ukraine refugees -​

But this makes sense since the UK is no longer an EU member state and part of the current government's political mantra has been immigration control.

Still stinks that they are not willing to accept refugees.

Edited: Source added.

Ukrain like a good baby is going to bow down! Say " Yes sir" And European theatre will change for ever!
One party (USA) politics is over.
T80U is Ukrainian. Not russian. Note the colours and also lack of markings on both Uragaan and T80U.
they are just trying to keep the morale up! Let them! If u have seen yesteryear right wing popaganda
Ukrain like a good baby is going to bow down! Say " Yes sir" And European theatre will change for ever!
One party (USA) politics is over.

they are just trying to keep the morale up! Let them! If u have seen yesteryear right wing popaganda
Its annoying as hell, but what can you expect during war. Truth is the first casualty.
The MIGHTY Russian Armata MBT spotted anywhere?
Shoigu and Gerasimov argue over whose Praetorian Guard will get them first...

Uncle Sam to Poland:


"Give your Migs to Ukraine."

Poland to Uncle Sam:


"These are my toys, I don't want to." (Uaaan Uaaan)
Maybe u will recieve F-16 for them.
maybe u will get f16 for them.jpg
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A dear friend's son has returned from Ukraine where he was studying for his MBBS - after being evacuated via Poland. His account is very sad to hear.

There was a lot of kindness from ordinary people in both Ukraine and Poland but he recounts blatant racism during the journey out of Ukraine, at one point a contingent of Nigerian, Indian and Pakistani students were detained by Ukrainian forces and told "You will stay - we will give you a gun and you will have to fight".

They were forced to take shelter in a hostel in Sumy and made their way on foot in the cover of darkness and were helped by a local lecturer who negotiated safe passage for them "on foot". He says he did see a lot of people laying in the side of the road camped, some were clearly dead from hypothermia.

When arriving at Poland/Ukranian border control at Shehyni they were corralled by Polish security forces in a fenced area and had to spend the night in -15* whilst the Polish prioritised the processing of Ukrainian nationals.

The intervention of the Polish government officials from Krakow allowed them to proceed into Poland in a government vehicle.

At this point as a Pakistani I would like to if I could shake the hand of the Ukrainian lecturer and Polish officials who helped our people get to safety.
NY Times article:

On a snowy tarmac at Amari Air Base in northern Estonia on Sunday morning, pallets of rifles, ammunition and other weapons were being loaded onto one of the largest cargo planes in the world, an Antonov AN-124, belonging to the Ukrainian air force. It is an artifact of the Cold War, built and purchased when Ukraine was still part of the Soviet Union.

Now it is being turned back against the Russian invasion of Ukraine,part of a vast airlift that American and European officials describe as a desperate race against time, to get tons of arms into the hands of Ukrainian forces while their supply routes are still open. Scenes like this, reminiscent of the Berlin airlift — the famed race by the Western allies to keep West Berlin supplied with essentials in 1948 and 1949 as the Soviet Union sought to choke it off — are playing out across Europe.

In less than a week, the United States and NATO have pushed more than 17,000 antitank weapons, including Javelin missiles, over the borders of Poland and Romania, unloading them from giant military cargo planes so they can make the trip by land to Kyiv, the Ukrainian capital, and other major cities. So far, Russian forces have been so preoccupied in other parts of the country that they have not targeted the arms supply lines, but few think that can last.

In Washington and Germany, intelligence officials race to merge satellite photographs with electronic intercepts of Russian military units, strip them of hints of how they were gathered, and beam them to Ukrainian military units within an hour or two.


On Saturday, while Mr. Biden was in Wilmington, Del., his National Security Council staff spent much of the day trying to find a way for Poland to transfer to Ukraine a fleet of well-used, Soviet-made MIG-29 fighter jets that Ukrainian pilots know how to fly. But the deal is contingent on giving Poland, in return, far more capable, American-made F-16s, an operation made more complicated by the fact that many of those fighters are promised to Taiwan — where the United States has greater strategic interests.

“I can’t speak to a timeline, but I can just tell you that we’re looking at it very, very actively,” Secretary of State Antony J. Blinken said on Sunday, during a trip that has taken him to Moldova, another non-NATO country that American officials fear may be next on Russian President Vladimir V. Putin’s hit list of nations to bring back into Moscow’s sphere of influence.

U.S. officials say Ukrainian leaders have told them that American and other allied weaponry is making a difference on the battlefield. Ukrainian soldiers armed with shoulder-fired Javelin anti-tank missiles have several times in the past week attacked a mileslong convoy of Russian armor and supply trucks, helping stall the Russian ground advance as it bears down on Kyiv, Pentagon officials said. Some of the vehicles are being abandoned, officials said, because Russian troops fear sitting in the convoy when fuel-supply tanks are being targeted by the Ukrainians, setting off fireballs
Are all or most of these refugees from east of Ukraine, or also from western parts?
I don't have full information about that, but I'll check the UNHCR website to see if they have a detailed breakdown.
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