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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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To be fair it’s not his fault when all you hear is people yell “the sky is falling” you start to believe it.

Here is a "What-IF" scenario.
Lets forget nuclear for a while.

We have seen what a virus can do to the world.
What if some of those biological weapon labs gets hit and some nasty virus gets lose?

Honestly, one wrong move or "minor" mis-calculation can get out of hand very quickly.

And that makes me worried!
Putin warns "West has no idea whats coming next'

He really said that?

I would take the warning very serious.

West has overplayed here.......Russia is not NORTH KOREA.

Russia Will/May/Should extract revenge from US and Europe, at least for sake of bringing balance in international order.

West CANNOT BE allowed to CONTINUE TO GANG UP on any certain country it wants....

NATO is literally smuggling weapons into Ukraine...They are AT WAR with Russia.

BALL is in Russian Court. Russia has NOTHING TO LOSE now.

Russia should make an example out of at least 1 NATO/European Country. That would send a message to Whole Europe/NATO/US

China must be sensing that the way West has ganged up on Russia....It can be her turn in near future...


Russias in trouble if they keep sustaining these types of losses over several more weeks

Analysis with original russian source, retired staff office.

Good read, this was posted before the invasion and predicts a lot of what is happening now. Don't forget the fact that Russian Senators have acknowledged losses in the Russian BTGs.
Bro, the man is mentally unstable, highly racist (check his insults towards Turks or Muslims or minorities), supports neo-nazis (even though he is Jewish) and is on drugs.

What leadership role are you talking about?

Do you think, world should just sit on the side and give leadership role to such a person to ignite WW3?
Well he was dancing in heels so that’s a pretty good sign a guy is unstable fme.
Is this a joke ? Survival ? Have you any idea how much power Russia have ?

This is not a war of survival but a war of ego !

One look at this table tells you what it is all about :


does this seem normal to you ?

Could Putin be worried the French president would assassinate him? Did they shake hands?

I have no doubt that they have ways to assassinate him if they get proximity.
AIIB is China backed.

Joking aside that could be smart risk management on the part of China.

Me too I had to do a double take 🤣
I’m pretty sure it had to do with sanctions based on the USD because that’s how these projects are funded. Also it’s a war zone now. No sane person goes ahead with construction projects in a war zone.
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