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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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Can you point out some credible literature where someone apart from self professed James Bond talk about this particular sensor infusion on EA-18g. Let's see what sensor have they infused. Or were they talking about fusing data from several sensors and assets to paint a reliable real time battlefield situation.
Sensor infusion? Is this even a valid term?

F/A-18 Super Hornet does have very advanced level of sensor fusion.

Despite mother of all sanctions, Europe is paying around 1 billion Euros per day. That is like 10 billion in the last 10 days.

I dont see Russia becoming next North Korea anytime soon where people are starving to death.

Basic needs such as shelter, food, water, medicine are abundant in Russia. So for the sanctions to work really, they have to stay for 5-10 years.

And I have a feeling, they wont stay in current form for more than a year.

They wil stay until "regime change". if it takes 50 years, There is no circumstance where the west accepts Russias occupation of Ukraine.
Still, don't be surprised if they're working on it NOW.

While it's certainly not the EA-18G, it doesn't have to be. It just has to be good enough to fulfill its task.
Depends, no one know what's a J-16D is like, If it is like EF-111 or EA-6B then it wouldn't do much, it really depends on the capability of the Chinese.
Social media just increasing their influence by leveraging the Ukraine war. You could literally post pics of Israeli bombing campaigns on Gaza and pass them off as Russians bombing Ukraine with the world support pouring in.
A friend of mine just got out of there like 10 days ago...


I left Nova Kakhovka on the first day of the war. On February 24, at 5 in the morning, we, like all Ukraine, woke up to the sound of bombs. I called my mom, who spent the night at the cottage, and asked if I had gone crazy. Does she hear the same thing. She heard and heard even harder. The earth trembled at the Energetik cottages, where the Russians have now set up their grads. We managed to fill up a full tank of gas, packed our things and decided to go with the kids. Drive out of the city, drive for the hydroelectric power plant, over the bridge. To anywhere but faster. Two hours later, when we approached Nikolaev, our New Kakhovka was already occupied by the Russian army. We spent the night in Nikolaev, where my dad's friends received us. People whom I never knew before, but who knew what situation I was in, who fled from the "liberators" from native Donetsk 8 years ago. Early in the morning headed to the Moldovan border. We knew the border was closed and no one was allowed in, but we decided to take a chance. We have relatives here in Transnistria, I was born here in 1988, and most of my life was lived by my mother. We've been missed. Us, and another woman with a child. I've been sleeping in silence for the third night, but I still have shivers from the noise of the garbage truck under the window. It's scary for me to imagine what mothers who remained in Ukraine have experienced and are going through now. #glorytoukraine #wewillwin #palyanytsia #russianshipfuckyou
Russian EW units. You never see any marketing on Turk TB2 drone these days. Russian has low opinion on TB2 and think that it is useless.

Either way it does not spell a rosy picture for the Russian advance, and I can only see Putin would whip their general and they may have to take the risk themselves, I would not be envy those in charge right now..

3) Things are desperate enough, and comms breakdown is bad enough for generals having to go into the field

News of generals being killed instantly rose my eyebrows.

How? Why 3 at the same time? What is in the world their command hierarchy if Putin's colonels are apparently sitting in Minsk running the operation, when their generals are doing god knows what in the field?

Then I remembered the news of Ukrainian arty picking off Russian comms/command vehicles in the first days of war. This is when it all snapped into places.

Ukrainian have solid radio recon capability being used to fire on Russian radio sources.
Lets do it ? it shouldnt happen, but Russia might counter this way…
Russians themselves, including Chechens, Dagestanis, and even central Asian states, they might use local handlers who might be disenfranchised Hungarians, polish, Romanians..
FSB (KGB) might get very busy to counter Wests efforts of pouring manpads, atmgs into Ukraine..
I forsee war escalating… Its sad, i hope sanity will prevail and people can live a normal life..

I think everyone in Europe will choose total war or even nuclear war over living under Russia's control.

Russian spies wil do whatever they have to do. But they will be hunted down all over the world just like in the cold war.

Dont forget, we won the Cold War. We will win the new Cold War too.
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