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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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Like in the Cold War, all countries will have a choice. Some will choose Russia. And thats fine. They will be in that camp.

This time around, Russia won't be as destructive as the USSR, but will definitely only offer poverty and destitution to all its allies.

this is the new Cold War. Biden warned about it. He said if Russia invades it will "change the world". The west will never ever ever allow Russia to control a European democracy and enslave it.

this can only end 2 ways. Russia controlling all of Europe or Russia pulling back and paying for all the destruction. There is no third option.
If Russia is really losing 5% to 10% of equipment sent out and presumably also soldiers, then Russia must rethink the war. They wouldn't last long until totally depleted and whether objectives by then are achieved?

Perhaps this is information from Ukrainian side or a side with interest in perpetuating that false information.

If so, then Putin is potentially the worst traitor for Russia and Russian people IF this "information" is accurate and Russia doesn't re-position and find other strategies for their objectives. Putin willingly and stubbornly losing 5% to 10% Russian military on every move means roughly 2 to 3 weeks before depleted. That willingness to lose things for hardly any real gain means Putin is doing this intentionally. Information needs to be doubted and then doubted, and then ignored until more clarity and further verifications build us a better resolution of the picture of reality.
this can only end 2 ways. Russia controlling all of Europe or Russia pulling back and paying for all the destruction. There is no third option.

So your two options are : Russia iz Evilz and Russia iz Evilz. :lol:
The slow and steady destruction of Russia its military and economy.
Except. They will cripple Ukraine even if it pull out. The war is being fought in Ukrainian land. Even a thousand tank destroyed and ten thousand trucks destroyed pale in comparison to the destruction of cities and infrastructure being endured by Ukraine.
Like in the Cold War, all countries will have a choice. Some will choose Russia. And thats fine. They will be in that camp.

This time around, Russia won't be as destructive as the USSR, but will definitely only offer poverty and destitution to all its allies.

this is the new Cold War. Biden warned about it. He said if Russia invades it will "change the world". The west will never ever ever allow Russia to control a European democracy and enslave it.

this can only end 2 ways. Russia controlling all of Europe or Russia pulling back and paying for all the destruction. There is no third option.

There is an unthinkable third possibility. May God above prevent that and help all who are righteous.
I was only half joking with that comment.

I can imagine the practical liabilities with this type of realignment. But I also think that dependency on Russian supplied hardware in any way with China has considerable risk because of current geopolitical alignment. Ideal scenario would be for India to use indigenous equipment. That however seems ever illusive. :undecided:
The day someone has the guts to cut off imports - ALL imports - our defence will take a quantum leap upwards.

they are obsessed with these legacies, they have anything to made these bomb fly at least 50km and hit targets precisely and still .......
3) Things are desperate enough, and comms breakdown is bad enough for generals having to go into the field

News of generals being killed instantly rose my eyebrows.

How? Why 3 at the same time? What is in the world their command hierarchy if Putin's colonels are apparently sitting in Minsk running the operation, when their generals are doing god knows what in the field?

Then I remembered the news of Ukrainian arty picking off Russian comms/command vehicles in the first days of war. This is when it all snapped into places.

Ukrainian have solid radio recon capability being used to fire on Russian radio sources.
Can it be?

If so, then the Russian situation is more dire than I thought.

Well, to be fair, intelligence is not hard to come by, there are rumour that FSB actually leak intelligence to Ukrainian SZR and Zelenskyy survive 3 assassination attempt because of FSB intelligence

Which mean if this is true, it's not hard to know where the general will visit and lay ambush on them. But I don't think this is true, because, well, it's too good to be true...

Mig-29s and SU-25s looking like a real possibility for Ukraine. Supplied by Poland. Poland would receive F-16s

I am guessing that the variant of F16s that Poland already flies are in USAF service already and given that Poland is NATO compatible already - this is the simplest solution. Transfer direct from USAF stocks and backfill the USAF stocks with new builds.
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