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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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It's easy to say "fake" when you don't provide a source to counter this :)
So U want me to believe any random video and pic??? Absolutely not we have seen such disinfo last yr but this time it's on bigger scale
The propaganda has reached the levels of 1942, insane!

I never thought I’d live to see the day that history is unraveling before my eyes in a new era. We were taught this media strategy used by the Nazi’s in school back in 2002-3!
Aggressive move. This will test European resolve like nothing else can :butcher:

Likely scenarios:

- Germany tones down its anti-Russian actions and rhetoric and forces Poland to do that too.

- Germany starts buying LNG from USA, which is more expensive.

- Germany buys more LNG from USA and Middle East. USA forces its ally Qatar to produce more gas and/or sell it cheaper.
Aggressive move. This will test European resolve like nothing else can :butcher:
The resolved has already been tested, otherwise why would you think it take EU 3 days to sanction Russia?

When they had done that, that mean no more oil and gas is coming from Russia. And this is more or less expected the day they sign the sanction on the 28th.

There are good thing and bad thing, good thing is winter has already came to a close, and while it is still cold but I think the oil and gas reserve can last until next winter, by then a EU pipeline to US or Middle East or both should have been constructed. Another good thing for EU is now the gas and oil being turn off, they can go after Oil Infrastructure in Russia. Which is yet to be sanctioned. I would see EU passing sanction on cutting off the remaining Russia bank on SWIFT

Bad things is all these money for Russia pipelines is going to go down to drain...Somebody is going bust, I suspect it would be Gerhard Schröder

The resolved has already been tested, otherwise why would you think it take EU 3 days to sanction Russia?

When they had done that, that mean no more oil and gas is coming from Russia. And this is more or less expected the day they sign the sanction on the 28th.

There are good thing and bad thing, good thing is winter has already came to a close, and while it is still cold but I think the oil and gas reserve can last until next winter, by then a EU pipeline to US or Middle East or both should have been constructed. Another good thing for EU is now the gas and oil being turn off, they can go after Oil Infrastructure in Russia. Which is yet to be sanctioned. I would see EU passing sanction on cutting off the remaining Russia bank on SWIFT

Bad things is all these money for Russia pipelines is going to go down to drain...Somebody is going bust, I suspect it would be Gerhard Schröder
I think this turn off may be fake news. I don't see it being reported elsewhere :undecided:
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how on earth were you able to enlist into the US forces with such level of English?
Dude, what's English have to do with enlisting in the US Military?

You do know American from American Virgin Island, Puerto Rico and American Samoa do not speak English as Official Language, so I guess there must be no Puerto Rico National Guard then. Hell, a lot of Chicano enlisted in California, Texas and Florida too.

Also, my English is better than you thought, probably better than you, I just don't proof read and I speak 3 different languages, I mean if you want a convo, I can give you my whatapps and you can hear how "shit" is my English.

I simply just gave up on Grammar Nazi a long time ago.

I think this has turn off may be fake news. I don't see it being reported elsewhere :undecided:
Don't know, but even if this is real, it is expected....
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Dude, what's English have to do with enlisting in the US Military?

You do know American from American Virgin Island, Puerto Rico and American Samoa do not speak English as Official Language, so I guess there must be no Puerto Rico National Guard then. Hell, a lot of Chicano enlisted in California, Texas and Florida too.

Also, my English is better than you thought, probably better than you, I just don't proof read and I speak 3 different languages, I mean if you want a convo, I can give you my whatapps and you can hear how "shit" is my English.

I simply just gave up on Grammar Nazi a long time ago.
so you are ordered to circumvent something and you pass on the order to your subordinates to circumcise it?

in all my born days I never came across a US officer such as yourself who would not know circumventing from circumcision!
so you are ordered to circumvent something and you pass on the order to your subordinates to circumcise it?

in all my born days I never came across a US officer such as youeself who would not know circumventing from circumcision!
Probably the same reason why you type "youeself" instead of "yourself"

I use my phone to post, sometime it got autocorrected to something else, and sometime I caught it, sometime I don't, I don't see the big point of it.

But if you want to blow it up, again, as I said, I can give you my whatsapp and we can discuss it further IN ENGLISH.

As for whether I know what "Circumcision" mean, well, I had one, so, what do you think?

Dude, maybe next time you spell check your own post before call out people who don't spell check theirs..........This would make your argument more valid...

This is the reason I don't bother to proof read my post anymore, people who criticize someone else's grammar or spelling usually themselves have shit grammar or spelling to begin with. Then what's the point exactly...

I saw what you did there...you corrected your typo. Maybe you should do it earlier before you post to make your post more legit...Me? As I said I wouldn't be bothered...
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So even western media agrees on these:
1) Donbas in Russian control
2) Mariupol in Russian control
3) Kherson in Russian control
4) Chernobyl and Zaporzhzhia (at least power plants) in Russian control
5) Kiev almost surrounded

All in the course of 10 days. But the official agenda is Ukraine is winning? Any of the NATO apologists care to explain?
I keep analyzing this situation but what does Russia have to gain from all this? Ok, they will defeat Ukraine at a heavy cost, but it will turn the people there permanently anti-Russian. They can install a puppet, but that person will be overthrown eventually. Also, they might get sucked into a never ending guerilla war which will drain their resources.

Meanwhile Russia's economy is getting cut off from the West and living standards will eventually drop.

No doubt, the West will also be hurt as well, but most likely not as badly as Russia.

It's just becoming more clear that Putin has made a huge miscalculation. Did he start smoking his own propaganda so much that he no longer understood some of the realities he was facing?
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