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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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I can’t keep up to date with this conflict at all.

Guess for now i’ll forget it until I hear “Kiev has fallen” or “Russia retreats Ukraine under agreement” headlines.
Ah, ok. Sounds strange to me. I refere to the german word "Dienst" or "Wehrdienst". As an example: The police officers are also on duty (Dienst) if they are in the police station or driving around with the police car ect. Same is my understanding for army. If you are in the barracks, you are on duty (Dienst), like the police sitting in the police station.
That's why I ask you what do you mean "On Duty"

In the US, on duty is on duty, you pick up a weapon and guard a post, or you are in a warzone and you are out in operation. Just because you are in Barrack that does not mean they are on duty. There are down time even when you are in your barrack in war.

What you are referring to is what we called "On Uncle Sam dime" which mean the under the time the government pay you, you are working for Uncle Sam (US Government) that usually, you do the job you are paid to do, if you are a mechanic, you fix car for the army, and if you are a cook, you go work in a kitchen. This is like a job when you clock in and clock out
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As far as I am concerned, the respect for Russian general staff is still there.

Our conclusions here are mostly based on whatever is available v on western media.

Equipment losses are in built in any war. Couple of tanks here, couple of aircraft there, c everyday, is always expected.

We have hardly seen any pics of Ukrainian dead, or their destroyed equipment. They say they are winning this. And every then, they are panicking.

Is not simple, it's not russia against Ukraine only. It's Russia against the whole NATO, look at the amount and quality of equipment and firepower being given to Ukrainians....
Russia is following WW2 tactics encirclement and then destroy. Most of video and pics actually supply columns ppl believe war is like playstation actually it's not

State of the art Russian reinforcements on their way to battle. Note invasion markings :D
Again it's all fake
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I am just thinking. Logic would say Russia wins the war and takes the whole country. But what I am seeing is that Russia sends tanks they get destroyed. They send helicopters they get destroyed. Russia cant send 5,000 tanks on one target, they down seem to have the logistics for it. If they keep sending small forces and those faces keep getting hit hard, they will eventually runout of tanks or will just conclude its not with it.

Once they establish complete air supremacy, it will be another matter. But as you said earlier, even complete air supremacy will not allow CAS to operate freely. Is that right thinking?
That is because of one single major problem the Russia is suffering - Logistic.

As I said in my review on Day 7 (which is probably lost in the torrent of post here) The Russia fail spectacularly in term of Logistic support. It's quite evidence that when they try to jam a convoy 40 miles long with literally everything they need for war in it in a double wide column. No other nation on earth will do this. Because you need different things on different time to sustain a war effort, not everything have the same shelve life, you will need ammo, food, gas and water in priority, everything else can be brought in by truck.

That is what happened in the north, troops are going no where and were even started to get counter attacked by the Ukrainian, bear in mind Ukrainian do not have the capability to launch a country wide counter offensive as most of their troop are static and pinned by the attack and siege from Russia. Which mean what they can do is to hamper the advance effort, which is exactly what they did.

The progress from the South is better, but that is only because they have shorter resupply route and they have more ability to support their effort (Sea and Land) but as the southern arm run north, unless Russia change their tactics, they will run into the same problem as supply lines stretched.

That is the reason why they cannot send in a massive strike to overwhelm Ukrainian defence. Because if they move in large dove, then the mass of them will be stuck because they would not have enough supply to do it, that's why they went in piecemeal, because that is what their supply line can support.

As for Air Superiority, Russia would always going to be on upper hand, but analyst predict a complete air superiority on the Russian side (as in if anything flying Ukrainian flag will get shot down) that did not happen. Which mean Russian CAS is hampered by MANPAD and SAM or even Ukrainian fighter, not only that, if the Russian cannot provide global air superiority, they will not be able to contest local air superiority, which mean the role could be reverse, Ukraine could provide CAS to their own troop either with fighter or drone and target the Russian.

Is there a place on earth where you havent been or worked?
I worked in Military Intelligence. There are something called "Joint Intelligence Service"

Also, I did not say I worked "FOR" or worked "AT" DIA and NSA, I said I work "WITH" these people, as in inside the same room, side by side. A Standard TOC would have representation on every alphabet agency, CIA, FBI, NSA, DIA and so on.

Although I almost work "FOR" CIA, I was extended an invitation to join the farm (CIA training), I had my TC/SCI clearence (Still do actually) but was wounded and discharged before I get to the farm.
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Russia is following WW2 tactics encirclement and then destroy. Most of video and pics actually supply columns ppl believe war is like playstation actually it's not

Again it's all fake

More Elite Russian Vehicles on the way to the front. They'll be joining up with Russian Elite forces waiting just outside Ukraine while the cannon fodder/conscripts go in and mop up the Ukrainians.
Sweet deal for Poland.

"FT reports that the US is working with the Polish government to supply MiG-29s to Ukraine in exchange for US F-16s"

"The deal would involve Ukraine receiving Russian-made warplanes from Poland, which would then be given American F-16s by the US to refill its stocks. It comes amid fears Russia will increase air strikes given the slow progress of parts of its ground campaign."

The White House said it was negotiating with Poland and consulting other Nato allies but that there were “a number of challenging practical questions, including how the planes could actually be transferred from Poland to Ukraine”.

Zelensky had expressed appreciation for the stingers, but said they were insufficient because they were not able to fly high enough to take out some Russian aircraft.

Zelensky opened the call with US lawmakers with a 20-minute plea for more American support. At one point during his emotional presentation, he paused to ask one of the American lawmakers to mute themselves. “Senator Rick Scott, please mute your mic,” said the Ukrainian leader, who was dressed in his customary T-shirt, according to one person on the call.

China is planning to take over the business of Western firms that have left Russia. Looking to have a big export surplus.
It's harder than you thought, because to do that, China will have to have parallel production line.

Bear in mind US sanction can directly and indirectly affect Chinese business. Directly is for those Chinese company that also have contract in the US, it can still be affected by US (remember how US accuse Huawei for circumventing US sanction and trade with Iran?) and indirectly even if that Chinese company did not have any US contract.

Say for example, Oppo, a Chinese phone company, want to take over Russia after Samsung and Apple left. Yes, they can, because Oppo did not operate in the US, however, Oppo phones uses US technology (Wifi Adapter, CPU, GPU and so on) US Company are not allow to have business with Russia, so if any Oppo phone have any US Technology on it, they will need to rip that off that phone and replace it with Chinese own component.

The problem is, now you have 2 phones, one specifically for Russia without any US or EU technology, and the other is for rest of the world, but you would still have to invest in another production line just for the phone destine for Russia, question is, would Oppo do that?

China may be able to take over Russia market on simple stuff (like Furniture, Primary product and so on) but complex manufacturing would most definitely impacted by the sanction.
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