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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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Problem is compounded by the muddy season this time of year. With snow, sleet, rain fall. And then all of it melting.

One of the problems Germans encountered other than deciding between relieving themselves or freezing to death in WW2.

It's difficult to drive a normal car on mid or gravel. It's an impossible nightmare to drive heavy vehicles in such conditions. Especially wheeled. Tracked are not exempt though.
Ukrainian infrastructure was much better in current times with a network of a large number of paved roads and bridges connecting different locations.

Ukrainians blew up bridges and removed numerous road signs to confuse Russian forces as they continued to advance in different directions. Shelling activities ruined some of the roads as well.

Soviet infrastructure was very poor back in the 1940s. German logistics were composed of lorries and horse-drawn wagons in large part and Soviet dirt roads would become impassable for them after prolonged rains. German engineers really struggled to improve logistics situation across USSR.
Consider the US military is the most preeminent in the world, looks like our 'IQ dumbs' are smarter than the rest. You better petition the Pakistani Air Force to stop training with US because the USAF is filled with 'IQ dumbs' like myself
Well considering the US military performance in Afghanistan, it seems obvious.
Then why not attack Turkey? Or any other NATO member near to Russia? Did you even researched on which NATO member hosts nuclear weapons in their countries.
Seriously i have to spoon feed u common sense? Turkey is an old NATO member and does not sit next door to moscow like Ukraine. Why the US had problems with missiles in ciba and not in other places? Try harder.
Then you better find a five yr old because you are not doing a good job.
I guess its evident, i dont need to, and no one can win an argument froma kid or someone dumb.
This thread is full of propaganda lol...
Russian jet down.
Russian armored vehicle set on fire
Russain Abandon tanks.
Russian commander killed.

Whre the hell are ukranians in this war lol

Lots of lies ... It feels russian are playing winter olympics there and not waging war and suffering losses only ... We all know West is master deception and lies.
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This thread if full of propaganda lol...
Russian jet down.
Russian armored vehicle set on fire
Russain Abandon tanks.
Russian commander killed.

Whre the hell are ukranians in this war lol

Lots of lies ... It feels russian are playing winter olympics there and not waging war and suffering losses only ... Ukranians are new master of deception and lies

Let me help you:

If West sanctions us too, thinking we're with Russia. Then we should buy oil and gas from Iran
from Iran? :rofl:
for them it is now Russia who is the 'great Satan' not NATO. don't believe it? ask the former President Ahmadinejad.

they will sell it it NATO before Pakistan.

The Russian defence ministry said its units had opened humanitarian corridors near Mariupol and Volnovakha, a much smaller city 40 m miles (65km) to the north. But the Mariupol city council said Russia was not observing the ceasefire and asked residents to return to shelters and await further information on evacuation.

This is why I insist to not trust tweets blindly. Try to double-check information for more clarity about the situation of any location.

This is why I caution against overreliance on tweets to understand what is happening. Some are very clear about what is happening on the ground but others are mere propaganda.
No brother i'm not saying what they're doing is 'odd' rather they are at odds i.e. meaning variance of conflict. I'm wondering how that will bode with Serbian citizens accusing their government of treachery.

Oh, I see. The Serbian government is democratically elected. And it reflects the will of the people. The will of the Serbian people is for Serbia to be a great power and avenge all historical injustices & destroy:

Turkey, Germany, America, The Vatican, Albania, Bosnia, Croatia. (in that order).

And at every election the Serbian government promises to do all this. But, the government also has to feed its people and provide jobs, export goods to Germany, Bosnia, Croatia, Turkey. So these desires at some point clash with reality and its the government's job to deal with reality and the citizens job to live in fantasy. A bit like the Armenians.

So to serbs every government is treacherous and a sellout. But they know the opposition is the same, because, well, they need to deal with reality. So its just some letting off steam. Protesting is a free form of entertainment and good way to lose some calories and get some exercise.
Well considering the US military performance in Afghanistan, it seems obvious.
Still a lot better than your Pakistan.

Seriously i have to spoon feed u common sense? Turkey is an old NATO member and does not sit next door to moscow like Ukraine. Why the US had problems with missiles in ciba and not in other places? Try harder.
Was geolocation specified in your criticism? You made a blanket assertion that the mere option of NATO nukes in Ukraine justified Russia invasion. Yeah...Am not even trying. :lol:


Definite list of Russian Air Force losses over #Ukraine in the past 26 hours:

- 1x Su-30SM multirole aircraft (pictured)
- 2 Su-34 strike aircraft
- 2 Su-25 close air support aircraft
- 2 Mi-24/35 attack helicopters
- 2 Mi-8 transport helicopter
- 1 Orlan-10 UAV pic.twitter.com/I2JIj19BUD

— Oryx (@oryxspioenkop) March 5, 2022

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