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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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The Guardian is a brand with numerous authors contributing to it. The Guardian provides best coverage of the conflict in the link which I have shared here. Check it out and then decide. Do not dismiss a source based on journalistic articles.

Numerous members are trying to map the conflict through Twitter handles - this is a mistake. You need to check mapping sources to understand what is happening.

I trust the guardian as a valid source, it’s journalist integrity is second to one and I agree fully with everything you’ve said here in your rebuttal.
What I’m referring to is more to do with influence and opinion:

Ask yourself, where does the majority of content pivot ?

I have Ukranian family and from what I have have found out, the Ukranian military has taken a great pounding.
So what if Ukrainian losses are worse in every way? I ask that in the neutral context.

The Ukrainians are saying: We need to minimize the public perception of our losses while maximizing Russia's.

This does not mean Russia have zero data on how much Ukrainian losses inflicted by its forces. So it seems the more important questions is: Where are those data that should have been collected by the Russian Army at ground level? And please, do not insult everyone's intelligence by saying that the Russian Army is more humane than the US Army.

Leave the US for Pakistan, then you can have a credible argument.
That’s your argument? Is he not a citizen of US? Is he not allowed to criticize? all you got is leave, leave, leave.

Why you bunch of hypocrites fund media and NGOs in other countries and promote the idea that it’s ok to criticize the government, its policies and the state of the country?
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Fine, so the US made agreements and broke them. But this is about RUSSIA AND UKRAINE, not US. Can YOU find that written agreement between Russia and Ukraine where Russia promised not to attack if Ukraine give up 1700 nuclear warheads? Do you think the Ukrainians give a damn about US breaking past agreements? No, they do not.

Each nuclear warhead is one security assurance. Russia seduced/convinced Ukraine to give up 1700 security assurances. It was not a legally enforceable doc but Ukraine gave up anyway. But now, it is so important that Ukraine understand that the US had broken promises therefore Ukraine must self justify Russia's invasion? Is that the main point of your argument? :lol:

Your arrogance is off the charts.


Between you and Lindsey Graham.

No wonder people hate America.
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I have Ukranian family and from what I have have found out, the Ukranian military has taken a great pounding.
That is what scares me and that is the thrust of my original post. Old farts sitting on TV pointing at maps doesn’t hide the fact that the the people of Ukraine are in a very difficult position.

Forget anything I say about politics or military or or that nonsense. As a human it pains me to see what is happening and all that is offered are warm words and things that go boom.

Like a clip said “we will fight Russia there so we don’t have to fight Russia here”…
Russia blocks Twitter, Youtube and Facebook and will punish authors who write "fake news about the situation in Ukraine and the russian army" with 15 years in prison. :)
Putin getting humiliated by a guy who used to play piano with his d*ck,who transformed from a comedian to a real chief of state and commander,how amazing. :)

Story ain't over buddy.

Let's see.
I trust the guardian as a valid source, it’s journalist integrity is second to one and I agree fully with everything you’ve said here in your rebuttal.
It is good source but people should know how to use it. Let me explain to all here.

Mapping of conflict in real time in following link:

Standard coverage in following link:

I will check both links but I will concentrate on the mapping link in particular. This source is tracking Russian military advances in the mapping link.

Twitter handles merely show snapshots of events through time.
In his effort to minimize civilian casualties Putin has hobbled his military and sent them in with one hand tied behind their back. That's why this is taking so long, and is causing a lot of casualties among Russian troops. Putin admitted this himself in one of his speeches a day or two ago.

Here's another proof of this. Russian generals won't say this but his ally, Kadyrov, is practically begging Putin to let them finish the job, I'll post a lot of the article because RT is on/off all the time.

Chechen leader makes Ukraine plea to Putin

Ramzan Kadyrov claims his solution is the only one that will save the Russian state and its people

If Russian President Vladimir Putin wants to put a quick end to the country’s military operation in Ukraine, he should give Chechen troops the go-ahead to seize the Eastern European nation’s major cities, the leader of Chechnya has claimed.

In a statement on Friday, Ramzan Kadyrov asked for Chechen soldiers to be given the green light to capture towns across the former Soviet republic.

“Give an order to our fighters to seize Kharkov, Kiev, and all the other cities quickly, accurately, and efficiently,” he insisted.

“Comrade President, Comrade Supreme Commander, I have said more than once that I am your infantryman, I am ready to give my life for you,” Kadyrov insisted. “But I cannot watch how our fighters are dying. I beg you turn a blind eye to everything and let them finish in a day or two what is happening there.”

According to Kadyrov, “only this will save our state and people.”

“I ask you to give our fighters the opportunity to prove themselves to the fullest, to give them the opportunity to use all their possible and impossible force in order to finish this once and for all,” he pleaded.

In response to Kadyrov’s request, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said Putin was considering all options when it came to Russia’s military campaign in Ukraine.

“It is not my competence to comment on questions of military art. The Commander-in-Chief receives information, including about such proposals. And it is up to him to decide how to conduct the special operation,” he said.

Kadyrov had previously declared that Chechnya was willing to send volunteers from the region to the most dangerous combat zones of Ukraine to fight shoulder to shoulder with the Russian Army. According to the head of the republic, there are currently 12,000 Chechen troops in the Eastern European country.

So what if Ukrainian losses are worse in every way? I ask that in the neutral context.

The Ukrainians are saying: We need to minimize the public perception of our losses while maximizing Russia's.

This does not mean Russia have zero data on how much Ukrainian losses inflicted by its forces. So it seems the more important questions is: Where are those data that should have been collected by the Russian Army at ground level? And please, do not insult everyone's intelligence by saying that the Russian Army is more humane than the US Army.

Leave the US for Pakistan, then you can have a credible argument.

Isnt his arguments valid though.
Youre skipping incovenient truths and answering them with unrelated one liners meant to attack the man and not adress the ball.You are not the only american on this forum to do this.

To me its seems there is a section of americans who simply, excuse me, have superiority complexes. Not content with being a lone superpower, they want nothing less than total submission of the entire world. God forbid if you dont agree with them, for then you are not freedom loving, you are a terrorist, a tyrant, undemocratic and well you know all those tropes. Everyone knows that superiority complexes deep down is a inferiority complex. Maybe its all boils down to america orginially being a land of people who never made it in their home nation, be it extreme religious sectcs, destitute proverty, hunger or someone who was a outcast.

I am NOT saying this is a bad thing. Because its a good thing that people can come to a foreign nation and get a second chance to improve their lives. When people rise from a disadvantaged position they may do one of two things: be humble or be arrogant and vengeful.

American citizens are on average becoming relatively poorer than rest of the world. Wages has stopped growing since two-three decades ago, except for the richest 5%. Infrastructure is declining and there is huge crime and drug problem, extreme incarceration rates, not only compared to europe but even some developing nations.

Why not stop waging war and regime changes when you instead could spend some of that money on the welfare of the average american?

For all its faults America is still a great nation i to this day choose to admire. But i think America after second world war lost its soul, something which became even more appearant after the end of cold war.

The elephant curve:
@LeGenD perhaps can we consider making a repository thread for sources for members to use please- that would be fantastic.

Thank you.
Putin getting humiliated by a guy who used to play piano with his d*ck,who transformed from a comedian to a real chief of state and commander,how amazing. :)

He is mentally unstable and apparently on drugs.

If anything, this is a serious cause for concern. Ruling a country is very serious business, especially in a divided country like Ukraine and in a very dangerous neighborhood.

Lets pray for the safety of Ukranians!
Trees at 7 seconds mark, from a video game.
Leave the US for Pakistan, then you can have a credible argument.
Will you say this to every Latino, African or Asian who points out skeletons in your own closet?

By this logic why did your fathers only couple generations removed decide to come to America?? And forcefully and by deceit take over Native American lands?? Shouldn't you also go back to your European homeland and then have a credible argument with me??
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