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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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Two Western officials told the FT that although four Russian vessels had planned to traverse the Dardanelles and Bosphorus straits, the vessels did not make the journey over the weekend.

One senior Western diplomat told the publication: “What happens if Russia decides to violate the terms of Montreux, as it has done in the past?
Both sides seems to exaggerate with their maps but this map seems geninue

I expected Russia to be more organised, after all they claim to be a military super power, eventually Russia will be successful but the damage will be great.
Turn's out they aren't. Forces aren't networked it seems; or lack some level of synchronization even if the network exists.

Unfortunately Zelensky is biggest supporter of that AZOB which has been deeply penetrated by Neo-Nazis.

All the world should make sure regardless of the outcome of this conflict that those Nazis are brought to justice who are firing on civilians and not letting them leave.

Anti Nazi Ukranian forces must be strengthened.
Unfortunately Zelensky is biggest supporter of that AZOB which has been deeply penetrated by Neo-Nazis.

All the world should make sure regardless of the outcome of this conflict that those Nazis are brought to justice who are firing on civilians and not letting them leave.

Anti Nazi Ukranian forces must be strengthened.

Labelling Ukrainians as nazis just because some dudes have shown neo nazis tendencies.... meanwhile the real nazis are the Russians who are leveling populated areas just like they did in Syria,Chechnya etc. The real nazis (who don't even hide it) are those wagner mercenaries of which russia works with... among others...
Labelling Ukrainians as nazis just because some dudes have shown neo nazis tendencies.... meanwhile the real nazis are the Russians who are leveling populated areas just like they did in Syria,Chechnya etc. The real nazis (who don't even hide it) are those wagner mercenaries of which russia works with... among others...

No, not labelling Ukranians as nazis.

Just stating a fact that Azov is heavily penetrated by Neo-Nazis.

Ukranians in general are normal people just like others.

NATO must adjust after Russia's invasion of Ukraine - Romania​

No, not labelling Ukranians as nazis.

Just stating a fact that Azov is heavily penetrated by Neo-Nazis.

Ukranians in general are normal people just like others.
Azov are Neo Nazi's anyone who disputes that is fooling themselves.

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