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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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Mariupol will become the battle of all battles
The Russians are being precise I think but what kind of imbecile fights against the Russians from within the power plant's area ? The Ukranian soldiers have done other such things like installing artillery in the grounds of schools and in front of apartment complexes and when the Russians responded the NATO-aligned media shouted "Look at the evil Ruskies bombing schools and residences !"

As usual you sad loser you on here to see people suffer and die. I bet if I was to dug hard enough I probably discover Ukraine has insulted india for your cheering the war for Russia. On the nuclear power station, what imbecile army would let it fall in to enemies hands that provides power to its peoples most of the country. And also your imbecile Indian army shot down there own Air Force helicopter down in day time and your here giving us a running a commentary on Ukrainian tactics. unbelievable bot
Bro why do you have that piece of shits pic as your Dp. I feel like puking every time I see it.

Good question.. It is for trolling him.. As his a walking joke and a wanted man
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Good question.. It is for trolling him.. As his a walking joke and a wanted man
He is irrelevant now. That’s worse that being wanted.

He ran away like a coward.
Ukrainians will soon run low on ammunition for large scale combat. NATO and allies are only resupplying certain weapons, but neglecting artillery and small arms.

Russian drone in action, they should have ordered Chinese systems. Their military needs to pump out more drones, especially surveillance ones. These surveillance drones would be used for directing artillery.

Greek in Mariupol: “The fascist Ukrainians would kill me, they won't let us leave the city”

The TV channels here have "connection" problems when greeks from there try to talk about Ukrainians or neo-nazis killing them in Mariupol. I saw this on Facebook the other day and saved it:


It says: "On SKAI,connection problems stopped the interview. On OPEN,the line went down when a woman was saying the Azov nazis are killing us. On ALPHA,the connection was lost again when a Greek from Donbass accused the the nazis. Goebells had worthy students."
A humanitarian Corrider for Kiev or Green buses as they are called in Syria has been just agreed between Russia and Ukraine in Belarus.

To allow the civilian population of Kiev to leave and aids to be delivered.
Ukrainians will soon run low on ammunition for large scale combat. NATO and allies are only resupplying certain weapons, but neglecting artillery and small arms.

Russian drone in action, they should have ordered Chinese systems. Their military needs to pump out more drones, especially surveillance ones. These surveillance drones would be used for directing artillery.
LOL, nah.

The Russians are resupplying the Ukrainians just fine, no need for NATO to send ammo to them.
The TV channels here have "connection" problems when greeks from there try to talk about Ukrainians or neo-nazis killing them in Mariupol. I saw this on Facebook the other day and saved it:

View attachment 820727

It says: "On SKAI,connection problems stopped the interview. On OPEN,the line went down when a woman was saying the Azov nazis are killing us. On ALPHA,the connection was lost again when a Greek from Donbass accused the the nazis. Goebells had worthy students."

Woow.. The Greek government is full blown obeying NATO in case they get angered.. their sovereignty has truly been limited to some extent

A humanitarian Corrider for Kiev or Green buses as they are called in Syria has been just agreed between Russia and Ukraine in Belarus.

To allow the civilian population of Kiev to leave and aids to be delivered.

Green buses were for fighters from pockets and after SAA exhaustion fighting of years where the regime failed to clear them and in order to save manpower they had to transfer them it was genius move but this is not the same here as the Ukrainian armed forces or militias don't want to be bussed out as this is just the beginning of the war itself and we are not 9 years into this conflict just 9 days
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Wish Ukrainians read your Indian nasty behaviour to there suffering. Thousands trapped Indians students in Ukraine will thank you for there misery
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