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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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The nostalgics of the 14th Waffen SS in the Ukraine are a reality that cannot be named in the Western fantasy world.

And in the Western mental kindergarten it is also impossible to point out the obvious and evident: the most influential ethno-nationalist at the beginning of the last century was German and nowadays the most influential ethno-nationalist-fascism is Biblical-Israeli ethno-nationalist-fascism.

What kind of imbecile bombs a bloody nuclear power plant?
A lot of military activity including AH64 attack heli over the UK, near Cambridge.
What kind of imbecile bombs a bloody nuclear power plant?

The Russians are being precise I think but what kind of imbecile fights against the Russians from within the power plant's area ? The Ukranian soldiers have done other such things like installing artillery in the grounds of schools and in front of apartment complexes and when the Russians responded the NATO-aligned media shouted "Look at the evil Ruskies bombing schools and residences !"
I don't see Germans being arrested for protesting like in Russia . I don't see news site in Germany closed like they do in Russia , where the public is fed what Putin wants to feed them.

Seems you like to talk about " Nazis " a lot , seems like a Putin trend. ( sure he invaded Ukraine to fight Nazis , what bs )

But your avatar is that of a Nazi war criminal , which tells what you are all about :

Albert Kesselring (30 November 1885 – 16 July 1960) was a German Generalfeldmarschall of the Luftwaffe during World War II who was subsequently convicted of war crimes.
Albert Kesselring was a good man, as most Germans back then.
Aks any NEUTRAL historian, even Jewish historians about him.
They will tell you the allies measure with double standards back then regarding German "war criminals".
I'm not the one who is telling the Israelis are war criminals on a large scale because the story behind all the things happen there since Israels creation are very complex, I suppose you would do the same before calling somebody war criminal instead of repeating the fixed view on some things.
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