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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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Ukraine doesnt have good air defense and Air Force.

Their power is more on ground troops that I think will be concentrated on certain strategic regions.

This troops are also enought to make insurgency operation supported by weapon supply from US and Nato and will be operated in region where anti Russian population are majority

Doesnt have good air defence?

If Ukraine located in South East Asia, they would be one of the country with Strongest Air Defence Network in the region.

They have bunch of S-300V1, TOR, BUK, Strela, Tunguska, and many others.

They also have 69 unit 4-4.5th Gen combat aircraft (Sukhoi-27 & MIG-29) to have a good fight.

But as you can see, Russian sucessfully obliterate their chain of command.
If this continue, Russian would successfully turn Ukraine Armed Forces (UAF) become bunch of guerilla fighters in matter of week
Do you think Ukraine stood a chance against Russia with a better air force?

I never said Ukraine is a match for Russia. If anything, I have seen Americans downplay the might of the Russian Army, not me. And you guys boasted about how NATO can stop a Russian invasion. It seems that they peed all over NATO and warnings by the US, France, the UK and Germany with this move.

Nevertheless, what Russia has achieved with its missiles in Ukraine can also be done by Iran. And except for maybe Israel (due to the large military aid it receives from different nations), Iran does have the upper hand in missile production in the region.

With a better airforce like f16s with bvr the air battles would have taken place in Russia..

It is actually the opposite Iran could achieve some form of success against Israel due to poor stragetic depth and tiny numbers but the other players in the region would devastate Iran... The missile is not the main thing here but rather russian airforce and conventional superiority..
What lost military? They are killing Ukrainians in hundreds and basically destroying nearly all military infrastructure and assets of Ukraine and you think they are losing their military capabilities? Do you live in reality?

And Russia is far from a Chinese puppet state. Iran alone can sign over $10 billion worth of arms purchases from Russia. Russia has tried to play nice with the West so far. If it really wants to turn against the West, they can earn a lot of money from armed sales and transferring technology to the Middle East alone. I'm sure other parts of the world are interested in Russian arms and expertise as well.

Not that easy though. Russian access to the world's financial market is now being restricted. Big ticket purchases like that usually needs bank guarantees. Problem is, no banks want to be guarantor for any transactions that involve Russia. Other than China and perhaps to some extent Iran, not that many countries that are close to Russia have the capability to pay for big ticket purchases in cash or in raw materials.
What lost military? They are killing Ukrainians in hundreds and basically destroying nearly all military infrastructure and assets of Ukraine and you think they are losing their military capabilities? Do you live in reality?

And Russia is far from a Chinese puppet state. Iran alone can sign over $10 billion worth of arms purchases from Russia if Russia doesn't fear the Western sanctions anymore. Russia has tried to play nice with the West so far. If it really wants to turn against the West, they can earn a lot of money from armed sales and transferring technology to the Middle East alone. I'm sure other parts of the world are interested in Russian arms and expertise as well.
We have bought a couple of things from them from time to time.

US rn.
I could make a fortune selling all the lithium in your salt.

What lost military capabilities? Ukrainian "soldiers" are standing down all over the place so they don't get turned into red mist by Russia.
Russia lost a lot of hardware and is still losing hardware.

But I don't ever expect you to admit it, considering you're the type to push your propaganda, like you always do.

And no, Ukrainians aren't standing down just yet. You and I both know what you said is false.

But again, you won't admit it.
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