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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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I hope you know that the Russian Central Bank is sanctioned and most of this money is out of reach? The chief of Russian Central Bank declared this himself :laugh:

I hope you know that the west is still buying natural resources from Russia.
22 years ago Germany had the chance to switch to hydrogen economy, getting independent from all fossil fuels within 20 years. But at that time the same idiots were in gov as they are now and the opportunity was blocked cause of ideologie dumb thinking. Today the opportunity is here again, but the same hobos in gov do the same shit as back then.
I think Germany's biggest mistake was to shutdown running nuclear power plants, Germany needs a strong leader in these desperate times.
Since China-Taiwan was pulled in, here is D-Day in terms of naval resources...


It is estimated that the invasion of Taiwan will be greater than D-Day. So can we put aside the argument that China can invade Taiwan 'today' or variations of 'today'? If you think yrs from now, then it is a different issue. But stop using the word 'today' as in within the next yr or even the next couple yrs.
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Ukrainian soldiers holding the ak12 captured on russian soldiers

I hope you know that the west is still buying natural resources from Russia.

Not that much, and those money belong to Gazprom, not Russia.

It's like when US Government ask Microsoft to pay for a war. Microsoft probably will say "Screw You"
I hope you know that the Russian Central Bank is sanctioned and most of this money is out of reach? The chief of Russian Central Bank declared this himself :laugh:
they didnt take all russian banks out of SWIFT so that means sanctioned banks can go to the not yet sanctioned banks to transfer money like nothing happened these sanctions are a media show tbh
I hope you know that the west is still buying natural resources from Russia.
...yes, specifically in the energy sector. Continued Russian actions in Ukraine will eventually force EU and US to look for alternate sources of energy. That will put Russia in real trouble.
Not that much, and those money belong to Gazprom, not Russia.

It's like when US Government ask Microsoft to pay for a war. Microsoft probably will say "Screw You"

I'm not gonna start pretending that they're suddenly out of money and resources.
It's not the end of the world yet.
China can "Invade" today but as I said unless the Chinese Navy can stop resource and resupply come in from other country, a win is uncertain.

Taiwan is an Island, by that the Chinese Combat Power cannot brought to bear and only limited by the ability of Chinese Navy Sealift Capability, and at this point, It's extremely small, Navy Type 075 is the biggest ship that can land troop in Taiwan, and the Chinese only have 2 of those and they weren't fully operational, and then there are smaller landing dock which can support around 20,000-30,000 troop at any wave, if you put Airborne element on top of that, you probably get around 50,000, Taiwan Western seaboard were defended by at least 200,000 troop and tank. You feed that 50,000 troop in it will just going to get slaughtered...

And as long as resource and ammunition and supply keep flow into Taiwan, they will keep fighting, which mean it's by no way certain China will win a war, even without US help. With US help, that's a no contest.

If China can secure air superiority they could starve the Island including blocking all ships coming in without Navy superiorty but just air superiorty but I understand you will need bigger fleets that can carry more logistics and soldiers and ideally it would be better to land on 10 axes points at the same time each around 40.000 X 10 meaning even from the east and north including south and west
they didnt take all russian banks out of SWIFT so that means sanctioned banks can go to the not yet sanctioned banks to transfer money like nothing happened these sanctions are a media show tbh
Yes, they are all stupid. The guys who run the system do not know anything. Random people on the internet know it all :cheers:
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