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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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Anyone has the big picture of what’s going on. It’s mostly noise on this thread.

Russia sees the people of ukraine as its own. Anything that gets destroyed it must repair itself.

And despite western propagand… anybody with a shred of credibility will tell you Russia is really holding back to avoid civilin casualties.

This will not be the case for poland. Possibly a bigger nazi/racist country then ukraine. RUSSIA WILL ABSOLUTLY POUND EVERY SINGLE POLISH AREA OF RESISTANCE INTO THE GROUND. They will get carpet bombed into the stone ages. Their cities will all look like berlin may 1945.

I agree that the firepower Russia has wouldve leveled city by now. If they want, they can send Tu 160/ Tu 95 like B52s are used by the Western Nato forces.

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Jis bhook se yeh humien pichhle das pandra saal se daratay thay aaj woh inhi ko lapat gaya. Enjoy 😉
And - what is so special about the Russian ego - that their need for a buffer is more important the freedom of many countries in Europe that they are looking to invade and occupy?

The sheer Russian arrogance is shocking at times .............

ok, you just pulled that one big time. lol
Check footage and images of Kharkov, Mariupol and areas around Kyiv - lot of shelling and scenes of death and destruction in these locations. The gloves are off in these locations.

Do you think Russian army is on picnic? Putin wants results. The longer this war drags, the worse it will get for him.

With all due respect

As far as civilians are concerned..

Do you want me to post images of schools being used as military posts?

There are also images and videos of atrocities on ethnic Russian population crucificied burned and what not by azov.
China can take Taiwan today but they don't wanna miscalculate against the US forces spread around Guam, Okinawa, Japan and South Korea even tho they could even yard them off but still they are risk averse and don't wanna miscalculate meaning they are uncertain or wanna wait out until a certain timeline but Taiwan is not coming peacefully as there Airforce is being upgraded as we speak and intend to fight for democracy since they are staunch supporters

China can "Invade" today but as I said unless the Chinese Navy can stop resource and resupply come in from other country, a win is uncertain.

Taiwan is an Island, by that the Chinese Combat Power cannot brought to bear and only limited by the ability of Chinese Navy Sealift Capability, and at this point, It's extremely small, Navy Type 075 is the biggest ship that can land troop in Taiwan, and the Chinese only have 2 of those and they weren't fully operational, and then there are smaller landing dock which can support around 20,000-30,000 troop at any wave, if you put Airborne element on top of that, you probably get around 50,000, Taiwan Western seaboard were defended by at least 200,000 troop and tank. You feed that 50,000 troop in it will just going to get slaughtered...

Also, you can't "Yard" them off like you said because those US Force is in someone else country, you *MAY* have a chance against US Far East Fleet (3rd and 7th) but if you pull Japan, South Korea in, chances are Chinese Navy is going to lose. And you cannot attack US forces in Japan and South Korea without attacking Japan and South Korea

And as long as resource and ammunition and supply keep flow into Taiwan, they will keep fighting, which mean it's by no way certain China will win a war, even without US help. With US help, that's a no contest.
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What's 65,000 in front of a reserve of 600b
I hope you know that the Russian Central Bank is sanctioned and most of this money is out of reach? The chief of Russian Central Bank declared this himself :laugh:
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