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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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Does somebody have any thoughts as to what will be the aftermath of this shit show vis a vis Manpads and ATGMS, mean the west is pumping 1000s per day into Ukraine and a shit ton of those are bound to be captured lost, this is war in the end, which means will be unaccounted for. It's hard enough fighting the retards without guided weapons, Or am i overthinking this?
I doubt such an insurgent war would be as effective as the one in Afghanistan. The latter has lots of waste land where you can hide and strike. In Ukraine, it is a very fertile land and every inch is being cultivated. I was quite surprised to see it is largely covered by farm fields. Insurgent war would cause far more refugees since their fields are likely destroyed and it isn't safe for them to cultivate. But they have to eat.
Russia says it will not finish the operation until the current government surrenders or establishes military control over all of Ukraine. The assumptions that the Dinieper river is considered the natural boundary can only be Russian's -worst case- plan.

This is more or less what Macron reported not long ago :

" Russian President Vladimir Putin told French leader Emmanuel Macron on Thursday that Russia would achieve the goals of its military intervention in Ukraine whatever happens, the Kremlin said. "

Ya! "Smarties" How can there be smarties when you are here! Afterall you got education in China, officer in us armed Forces, pretty much nationality of every nation that gets mentioned and pretty much planned all the wars US got into, in the mean time you gathered intelligence, investigated homicide, probably launched missiles too!
How can anyone else be a smarty! Afterall you are here!
I come from serving for a relatively short time, but i can confirm you nothing humbles you like serving in difficult places!
I have seen you brag to civilians that they are not even worthy of debate because they haven't served!
For the record, pretty much all professional armies takes orders from civilians, execute them word to word. Use equipment invented, designed, build and manufactured by civilians. ( we all know how things turn up when low educated, gun welding chaps try their hands at invention and science in general).
And when they mess up things like making new system/ weapons/ doctrine they call upon civilians to assist ( clear up the mess) in form of consultants.
Now you are retired! You are a civilian. Don't have to be so arrogant.
Well said and frankly I don’t care if someone is a peon or the pope, everyone should show mutual respect and courtesy to each other especially respect our rules that applies to everyone including so called “title holders” myself included.

If you are unhappy with someone or disagree, don’t reply or hit the ignore button, I know I’ve done that many times in this thread this week.

Be nice, be kind, it costs nothing.
That is a big if, and as I said, even "if" they can do it, it is easily repairable. What is the point to put the power out for 4 days, and then turn back on.

Also the Northeast Power Grid failure is a complicated issue, it is not simply one thing that failed and bring down the entire grid, it is the combination of failure, software glitch, and human error, this is a once of a lift time occasion, and you are saying the Russian can replicate that in Ukraine every 4 days until the war end?? That's well, impossible
First of all, I found it interesting that 4 days don't seem to be much to you while you claimed 96 hours delay would cause issues for Russians down the road.

Second, what happened in US/Canada in 2003 was in peace time. Ukraine has a war in their hands.

Third, it is quite strange that you imagine Russian would just simply replicate that failure. But you may be excused if you have little hacking knowledge.
I doubt such an insurgent war would be as effective as the one in Afghanistan. The latter has lots of waste land where you can hide and strike. In Ukraine, it is a very fertile land and every inch is being cultivated. I was quite surprised to see it is largely covered by farm fields. Insurgent war would cause far more refugees since their fields are likely destroyed and it isn't safe for them to cultivate. But they have to eat.
I meant if they were smuggled out and beyond, i mean that is still in the realm of possibility. It did happen in Afghan war, as captured USSR weapons from 73 conflict made it into the hands of Mujahideen. The shitheads in the west never seem to learn their lessons.
TR takes care to remain equal to both countries. The Ukrainian ambassador's career as a diplomat will probably end, or he will be far from TR. Instead of convincing the Turkish public, he made everyone more pro-Russian with his sassiness. :D
Hahah, absolutely man. 👍
22 years ago Germany had the chance to switch to hydrogen economy, getting independent from all fossil fuels within 20 years. But at that time the same idiots were in gov as they are now and the opportunity was blocked cause of ideologie dumb thinking. Today the opportunity is here again, but the same hobos in gov do the same shit as back then.
What hydrogen economy? If that it is economical feasible, do you think only Germans can do that?

Gas prices in Europe smash previous day’s record​

European prices for natural gas spiked to nearly $2,280 per 1,000 cubic meters on Thursday for the first time in market history, as Russia’s military offensive in Ukraine continues.

Russia provides about 40% of the continent’s gas supplies, while Ukraine is a major transit country for Russian gas. With the conflict now in its eighth day, supply shortage concerns are pushing prices ever higher.

The April futures at the TTF hub in the Netherlands soared to around $2,279 per 1,000 cubic meters, or over €200 per megawatt-hour in household terms, hitting a record high, according to data from London’s ICE exchange.

The latest spike comes a day after prices surpassed the previous record, increasing from around $1,500 to $2,226 per 1,000 cubic meters on Wednesday.

The surge in prices follows a new round of sanctions imposed on Russia by the US and a number of its allies in response to Moscow's invasion of Ukraine. There are fears that Russia could cut off energy supplies to Europe in response.

I meant if they were smuggled out and beyond, i mean that is still in the realm of possibility. It did happen in Afghan war, as captured USSR weapons from 73 conflict made it into the hands of Mujahideen. The shitheads in the west never seem to learn their lessons.
Weapon wise, yes. Refugees are a different story.

I think (correct me if wrong) that Russians started to make a big issue of "no NATO along our borders" around 2014.
While previous NATO countries bordering Russia happened BEFORE 2014 (in 2004 as this tweet says).

It doesn't matter whether there was ever a formal promise from NATO of not expanding into Ukraine. It could very well be a one-sided demand by Russia, just like one-sided demand by USA about Cuba. Or it could be a promise made in private meetings that never was scribed into black and white.

So anyone saying that, "oh why Russia says we won't accept NATO expansion along our border, when they already have a couple of NATO countries bordering them", needs to understand this timeline.

Lets put that out in large font:

2004 -vs- 2014

NATO bordering Russia -vs- No more please or we'll do sth about it like you reacted to Cuba.



The Russian Foreign Ministry has made another statement about Ukraine: militants, NATO, provocations​

THURSDAY, 27 FEBRUARY 2014, 18:35

Russia's Foreign Ministry calls on the West, and in particular NATO, to "refrain from provocative statements and respect Ukraine's non-aligned status."

This is stated in a statement by the Russian Foreign Ministry on the situation in Ukraine, the text of which is posted on its website.

In it, Moscow states that the agreement on resolving the crisis in Ukraine, signed on February 21, this year. and certified by the foreign ministers of Germany, Poland and France, is still not being implemented.

"The militants have not yet surrendered their weapons, have not vacated administrative buildings, and are announcing their intention to" restore order "in all regions of Ukraine. There are threats of physical violence, as stated in today's statement by President Viktor Yanukovych," it said.

"The agreement on joint investigation of acts of violence has been forgotten, as well as the obligation to create a government of national unity. Instead, as stated on the Maidan, a" government of winners "is being created, which includes representatives of national extremists," Moscow said.

According to the statement, the forgotten agreements on constitutional reform, "which according to the February 21 Agreement must precede the presidential election. We are convinced that only such a constitutional framework that ensures the interests of all responsible political forces and all regions of Ukraine long-term ".

The Foreign Ministry called on the West to realize its responsibility for the implementation of this Agreement.

"We call on those foreign partners who initially encouraged opposition protests, initiated and supported the February 21 Agreement, to fully realize their responsibility for its implementation," the statement said.

The Kremlin has expressed readiness to cooperate with Western countries on Ukraine.

At the same time in the statement reproaches sounded.
"We emphasize that the calls of Western countries to Russia for cooperation on issues related to the situation in Ukraine have become more frequent. We proposed this long ago, long before the crisis entered a hot phase, but then colleagues were ready to do so," they said. in the Russian Foreign Ministry.

"However, we are ready to cooperate - with a clear understanding that it will be honest, based on the ability not only to negotiate, but also to implement agreements that must take into account the interests of all Ukrainian people and all partners of Ukraine," the Russian Foreign Ministry said. .

Fulfillment of obligations under the February 21 Agreement would be an important step in this direction, it said.

When NATO begins to consider the situation in Ukraine, it sends the wrong signal. And the NATO Secretary General even said it was appropriate to say that "Ukraine's membership in NATO is not the most urgent priority of the Ukrainian leadership." "They are trying to solve for the Ukrainian people again," the Foreign Ministry said in a statement.

Russian diplomats did not hold back and said: "We strongly advise everyone to refrain from provocative statements and respect the non-aligned status of Ukraine, enshrined in its law" On the foundations of domestic and foreign policy. "

We will remind, on February 21 the Commissioner for Human Rights in the Russian Federation Vladimir Lukin, being at negotiations in Kiev on February 21 , refused to sign the Agreement on an exit from crisis to which the Russian Foreign Ministry appeals in the statement.

He said he did not understand who the "characters" were.

Ukrainian Pravda

I think it could be these clauses in 21-Feb-2014's agreement that Russia may be referring to when it says no-NATO:

"Withdrawal of heavy weapons by both sides.",
or "The government and the opposition will refrain from the use of force",
and "Withdrawal of foreign armed formations, military equipment, mercenaries."

i.e. if Ukraine joins NATO that will violate this clause in essence. By tilting the balance between pro & anti Russian Ukrainians.
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I think (correct me if wrong) that Russians started to make a big issue of "no NATO along our borders" around 2014.
While previous NATO countries bordering Russia happened BEFORE 2014 (in 2004 as this tweet says).

It doesn't matter whether there was ever a formal promise from NATO of not expanding into Ukraine. It could very well be a one-sided demand by Russia, just like one-sided demand by USA about Cuba. Or it could be a promise made in private meetings that never was scribed into black and white.

So anyone saying that, "oh why Russia says we won't accept NATO expansion along our border, when they already have a couple of NATO countries bordering them", needs to understand this timeline.

Lets put that out in large font:

2004 -vs- 2014

NATO bordering Russia -vs- No more please or we'll do sth about it like you reacted to Cuba.


In 2004 there were only 3 very tiny states namely; Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania bordering Russia that NATO added..Slovakia, Romania, Bulgaria and Albania are not bordering Russia..
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