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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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The Ukrainian ambassador, who could not gather the support he wanted from the Turkish public, is getting aggressive.

"The meeting of the TÜRSAB President with us in the morning and later with Russia and Belarus is an indication of a two-faced policy. Placing the equal sign between aggressive Russia and self-defense Ukraine is complicity. We urge Ukraine travel agencies not to work with @tursaborgtr."
Word is that Russian troops (100 vehicles in total) have assaulted Enerhodar Town. This is massive force for a town.
Attacking power plants to disrupt the power supply seems to be a naive thought. Wouldn't it be easier to attack the power grid? It is usually very vulnerable due to the years spent on improving efficiency. One overloaded grid may cause cascading failures.

How do you attack the power grid? Are you planning on blowing up every exchange station, every power pole and every inch of cable?? Even if you can do that, it will be repair pretty soon.

In a traditional power plant, you bomb the plant continously so they stop generating electricity, on average, Egyptian Power plant was bomb ed 3 times during Yom Kippur War and North Vietnam power plant were on average bombed 5 times during the entire 10 years of war, some plant were bombed up to 20 times.

You CAN'T do that on an active Nuclear Power Plant tho, that is the point.

Ukraine is as far as Putin's political ambitions may go. Even that is a big win if he succeeds.

Agree with you about China's role in Russian economy. As I've said earlier, it is just a life support.
He can't get the whole Ukraine either, I am pretty sure even if he defeated the entire Ukrainian ground force, he have to leave it to his puppet regime to be in charge, and seeing how the Ukrainian fight, I don't think they are going to support a Pro-Russian government or Russian occupation, which will turn Ukraine into insurgency this is going to be bad for Russia.

And that is a big if they can do that.
The Ukrainian ambassador, who could not gather the support he wanted from the Turkish public, is getting aggressive.

"The meeting of the TÜRSAB President with us in the morning and later with Russia and Belarus is an indication of a two-faced policy. Placing the equal sign between aggressive Russia and self-defense Ukraine is complicity. We urge Ukraine travel agencies not to work with @tursaborgtr."
Stay out of this brothers, this is not a quagmire your nation needs to get involved in. Please!
How do you attack the power grid? Are you planning on blowing up every exchange station, every power pole and every inch of cable?? Even if you can do that, it will be repair pretty soon.

In a traditional power plant, you bomb the plant continously so they stop generating electricity, on average, Egyptian Power plant was bomb ed 3 times during Yom Kippur War and North Vietnam power plant were on average bombed 5 times during the entire 10 years of war, some plant were bombed up to 20 times.

You CAN'T do that on an active Nuclear Power Plant tho, that is the point.
I understand the nuclear power plant part. That is why I explore the grid option. The goal is NOT to stop power transmission but to overload it, which, if works as planned, would cause cascading failures. This happened in US and Canada in 2003 and lasted for 4 days.
Does somebody have any thoughts as to what will be the aftermath of this shit show vis a vis Manpads and ATGMS, mean the west is pumping 1000s per day into Ukraine and a shit ton of those are bound to be captured lost, this is war in the end, which means will be unaccounted for. It's hard enough fighting the retards without guided weapons, Or am i overthinking this? @RescueRanger your thoughts?
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I see some "Smarties" trying to score some "Brownie" points here, see what I did there?

I did NOT say EU is at war with Russia. If it does, it's WW3.

I said EU is "EFFECTIVELY" at war with Russia, kind of like US is "EFFECTIVELY" at war with Germany in 1940 when they announced "Lend-Lease" policy to help UK. You are not at war, but once you had done that, you are no longer "neutral" in a party. Which in political term is described as "Hostile" as much as US declare RT and CGTN "AGENT OF A FOREIGN POWER" Were US officially at war with China or Russia then?.

Either learn to read or learn some basic politic before you go all CAPS and claims other people were wrong.
Ya! "Smarties" How can there be smarties when you are here! Afterall you got education in China, officer in us armed Forces, pretty much nationality of every nation that gets mentioned and pretty much planned all the wars US got into, in the mean time you gathered intelligence, investigated homicide, probably launched missiles too!
How can anyone else be a smarty! Afterall you are here!
I come from serving for a relatively short time, but i can confirm to you nothing humbles you like serving in difficult places!
I have seen you brag to civilians that they are not even worthy of debate because they haven't served!
For the record, pretty much all professional armies takes orders from civilians, execute them word to word. Use equipment invented, designed, build and manufactured by civilians. ( we all know how things turn up when low educated, gun welding chaps try their hands at invention and science in general).
And when they mess up things like making new system/ weapons/ doctrine they call upon civilians to assist ( clear up the mess) in form of consultants.
Now you are retired! You are a civilian. Don't have to be so arrogant.
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Europe is looking for alternative to Russian gas supply in Africa. This will pave way for some African countries to grow and prosper.

22 years ago Germany had the chance to switch to hydrogen economy, getting independent from all fossil fuels within 20 years. But at that time the same idiots were in gov as they are now and the opportunity was blocked cause of ideologie dumb thinking. Today the opportunity is here again, but the same hobos in gov do the same shit as back then.
Pakistan refuses to vote Against Russia at UNGA, despite pressure from many Western countries.

View attachment 820202

Yellow does not mean those countries support the operation. It could have been solved by other means. However they have no other options and many of them are under threat by the other camp or they are traditional allies that need each other and taking sides at that stage would mean they can be left alone to be eaten by the other side which as we all know from previous conflicts knows no rules.
This condition however can change as the operations continue and civilian casualties mount. For example if the artillery starts leveling down Kiev next week or after high caliber artillery attacks start in major cities leveling them down many of those yellow will turn green in the next Un poll . Ukr cities are densely populated and civilians are armed by their govt as cannon fodder and possibly they are blocked from leaving. Yes there are groups with far right tendencies or similar but this does not mean indiscriminate bombing to a densely populated area. Also Usa bombing cities is not an excuse for Russia to imitate the same as two wrongs do not make one true. It will turn to be the future norm leveling down populated cities and nobody wants to support that idea in a future scenario against themselves and this will carry more weight than keeping alignment which is fragile as we all know while giving the voting decision in the next Un poll. The sanctions imposed by western countries also provoke Russia to do the operations faster and in a more destructive manner to finish it asap. Some sanctions need to be postphoned and there should be open doors that if agreement is reached between parties some sanctions will be lifted from Russia. Otherwise Russia would have too little choice left other than breaking the siege and enter Kiev to achieve objectives by force. The parties will need several weeks to negotiate after a ceasefire in my opinion.

Possible Ukr compromises.
-very strict IAEA control for no nukes.
-azov battalion and similar will be disbanded and wont be recreated
-signing guarantee document for no future nato appliance will be made
-donetsk luhansk regions recognized as fully autonomous in pre 2014 borders.
-Crimea recognized as Russian land

Russian compromises
-Baltic neutral states will possibly soon join nato. As this turned something like as proving their independence from Russia to their public. It will be hard to convince them otherwise after the conflict.
-Many of the sanctions wont be lifted . They will need to find alternative trade routes and rebuild economy and form new security pacts as nato will continue to expand its western borders

It seems both sides can claim that other side lost to gain points in next elections.
I understand the nuclear power plant part. That is why I explore the grid option. The goal is NOT to stop power transmission but to overload it, which, if works as planned, would cause cascading failures. This happened in US and Canada in 2003 and lasted for 4 days.
That is a big if, and as I said, even "if" they can do it, it is easily repairable. What is the point to put the power out for 4 days, and then turn back on.

Also the Northeast Power Grid failure is a complicated issue, it is not simply one thing that failed and bring down the entire grid, it is the combination of failure, software glitch, and human error, this is a once of a lift time occasion, and you are saying the Russian can replicate that in Ukraine every 4 days until the war end?? That's well, impossible
Stay out of this brothers, this is not a quagmire your nation needs to get involved in. Please!
TR takes care to remain equal to both countries. The Ukrainian ambassador's career as a diplomat will probably end, or he will be far from TR. Instead of convincing the Turkish public, he made everyone more pro-Russian with his sassiness. :D
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