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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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He is playing the long game....!!
NASA announced that sanctions against Russia will not affect cooperation in space between the USA and Russia.

Roskosmos, on the other hand, announced that it has ended all cooperation with the USA and Germany, including the International Space Station. This is exactly what Rogozin said: "Now let them fly into space on their own broomsticks."

EU is NOT at war with Russia. All the major countries have categorically stated that.
I see some "Smarties" trying to score some "Brownie" points here, see what I did there?

I did NOT say EU is at war with Russia. If it does, it's WW3.

I said EU is "EFFECTIVELY" at war with Russia, kind of like US is "EFFECTIVELY" at war with Germany in 1940 when they announced "Lend-Lease" policy to help UK. You are not at war, but once you had done that, you are no longer "neutral" in a party. Which in political term is described as "Hostile" as much as US declare RT and CGTN "AGENT OF A FOREIGN POWER" Were US officially at war with China or Russia then?.

Either learn to read or learn some basic politic before you go all CAPS and claims other people were wrong.
Current situation in Mariopol and the Sea of Azov: Fighting in Vinogradnoye, shelling of civilians in Sartan and a humanitarian catastrophe in Mariupol

Vynohradne: Population 1,419

Sartana: Population 10, 177.

Please excuse my poor cartography skills: Red is Russian Controlled territory, the white line is the movement of troops reinforcing Vynohradne and Mariupol. Capture of Mariupol will finally give Russia the land corridor it needs in the sea of Azov.

I hope the Pakistan army not using the same tires.
Hahaha, I think people in the GHQ will be making some calls. :lol:
A serious lack of reliable facts related to current situation. If we watch BBC then its allover for Putin, if one scroll through other social media platforms then videos of destroyed tanks are shown. tweets these days provide much more knowledge than the news.
Europeans and US are sending in the arms but will they be enough to stop Russians. A long war will be very dangerous for the people of Ukraine. Russians will only lose their soldiers but Ukrainian civilian population has to pay the price. Question is is it worth it?
These Azov element are Nefarious elements. The areas they hold are Russian majority hence they are destroying the villages themselves before the Russians even reach there... What a wicked game.. The Azov are simply nuts..

DNR. Natalya and her children were evacuated from Volnovakha. Natalia says: -Nationalists began shelling the village even before the approaches of the DPR units. Their task was to destroy as many houses as possible, as they understand that they cannot hold the city.

Bro the map doesn't even show Mariupol but rather Poltava and Kharkiv which is central Ukraine while Mariupol is south:rofl:

Do you even know Ukraine my mann?
I'm sorry for that oversight, the map is the one being shared in a whatsapp group I am in. I have posted a corrected map, and whilst I don't KNOW Ukraine. Not MANY of us here do, we are mere spectators on the internet. :-)
A serious lack of reliable facts related to current situation. If we watch BBC then its allover for Putin, if one scroll through other social media platforms then videos of destroyed tanks are shown. tweets these days provide much more knowledge than the news.
Europeans and US are sending in the arms but will they be enough to stop Russians. A long war will be very dangerous for the people of Ukraine. Russians will only lose their soldiers but Ukrainian civilian population has to pay the price. Question is is it worth it?

Propaganda and misinformation are essential ingredients of modern wars. No escape.
This is what happens when you give people with historic grievance guns!

The Ukrofascists are probably the most craziest element in this conflict.. This guys are ISIS-tier...

They are dedicated to a fault and would pillage and kill anything against their view point or standing in their path
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The Ukrofascists are probably the most craziest element in this conflict.. This guys are ISIS-tier
Yes, 100% agreed, this will snowball in the coming weeks and months, like it or not, this is already a protracted war and will have long lasting consequences that will prove to be a destabilizing factor in the region.
Propaganda and misinformation are essential ingredients of modern wars. No escape.
Exactly both side looks like each other, uses almost same equipment. If you look at the tweets of material lost or looted a red mark will determine if its Russian or not? Propaganda has always played a vital role in wars , nothing new here.But i at least expected one neutral source of information but ALAS their isn't one.
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