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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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Please may I recommend readers give this excellent guide by bellingcat a read:

I did, and the bias of this perspective to me is obvious.
They still haven't included the Old videos that were being portrayed as UAF victories or propaganda.

Most of which you can already find on this thread.
so, this article isn't debunking, it's just another mouthpiece.
Why should we take the world financial institutions from the West?
The humanist pat of West gave refuge to millions of Muslims despite the presence of their financial institutes, although they didn't need to do this favour to Muslims in any way.
Even the rich Muslim countries were not ready to do this favour to their fellow Muslims.

You will be regarded as an unthankful nation if you still deny this blessing of the humanist West, which they bestowed upon you in name of humanity.
Ghazawe-e-Badr was actually fought in cause of Economic Warfare. There goes the institution argument. The anglo-saxons took 45 trillions dollars from my lands. Do you know what happens when a person does not return the money it owes to another person in White Man's Law?
P.S. Hint: Loss of freedom.
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Ground realities:

Any media outlet remotely reporting something that might seem favorable to Russia results in direct / indirect ban (like e.g. asking cable operators to remove the channels etc)

The state funded BBC is however still available in Russia, I just read it.

I dont mind, them banning Russian media.


Next time if anyone from UK/US gives me a lecture about "freedom of speech", I am gonna give them piece of my mind.

West has no legs to stand on when it comes to freedom of speech, human rights violations and war crimes.

UN admits refugees have faced racism at Ukraine borders
Filippo Grandi, the organisation’s High Commissioner for Refugees, acknowledged this in a statement on Tuesday afternoon.
The United Nations has admitted that some non-European refugees have faced discrimination while trying to flee to safety at Ukraine borders after their experiences were dismissed as lies and “Russian disinformation” by online commentators.

Filippo Grandi, the organisation’s High Commissioner for Refugees, acknowledged their plight during a press conference on Tuesday afternoon.

“You have seen reports in the media that there are different treatments – with Ukrainians and non-Ukrainians. Now our observations, and we possibly cannot observe every single post yet – but our observations is that these are not state policies – but there are instances which it has happened,” he said.

“There has been a different treatment (...). There should be absolutely no discrimination between Ukrainians and non-Ukrainians, Europeans and non-Europeans. Everyone is fleeing from the same risks.”

The UN plans to intervene to try to ensure that everybody receives equal treatment, Mr Grandi added.
Prior to this, Christine Pirovolakis, Senior External Relations Officer at the UK branch of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), told The Independent: “UNHCR is aware of reports of individuals facing challenges entering Poland from Ukraine and is following up on them.

“We advocate for access to safety for all, regardless their legal status, nationality and race as well as access to asylum for those who want to seek asylum.”

This comes after a number of Black, south Asian and Mediterranean refugees shared accounts of being blocked at borders while trying to make crossings while white Ukranians have been prioritised.

Black people living in the region told The Independentthat they have been denied assistance during the worsening crisis with some taking to social media in recent days to share their experiences.

Organisations, government officials and public figures around the world have condemned the discriminatory treatment including the Mayor of London Sadiq Khan, the African Union and American entertainer Beyoncé.

The BeyGood charity, which Beyoncé launched in 2013, tweeted on Monday: “We are saddened by the news of African and other international students being denied at the border as they attempt to leave Ukraine. We are hopeful that the various embassies could swiftly rectify the situation to help those in need of support.”

During a visit to Slovakia on Tuesday, the EU Home Affairs Commissioner Ylva Johansson said the European Union must prepare for “millions” more refugees fleeing Russia’s invasion of Ukraine after around 500,000 have passed into the bloc.

Ms Johansson said she hoped the European Council would activate the temporary protection directive on Thursday giving protection to those fleeing, and added they were looking at deploying more people to help the EU country’s bordering Ukraine.

Just imagine walking 12 hours with a suitecase trolley in your hand.

This is beyond outrageous!

Those Ukranian border guards who tried to stop them and tortured them should be brought to The Hague for war crimes!
Image Dump for FOG operating in Ukraine:








Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov: “The United States has dominated Europe, as Napoleon and Hitler did at the time.”

“The United States will not allow Europe to have strategic autonomy.”

“The hysteria of the West will pass. They will surpass it. We are always ready for dialogue.”

Yeah ! this is the Lavrov we know. Keep calm man, as like this.
I did, and the bias of this perspective to me is obvious.
They still haven't included the Old videos that were being portrayed as UAF victories or propaganda.

Most of which you can already find on this thread.
so, this article isn't debunking, it's just another mouthpiece.
Fair enough, but it's a starting point.
You can discuss implications of the Russian - Ukrainian war. I have done so as well. For perspective, I provided an update of how a new set-of-sanctions imposed on Russia have started to affect traders in Pakistan and China respectively. I did get some responses but I did not expand much in this regard to keep the thread in line.

You can discuss role of NATO as well. I have done so as well.

My point is that cursory references to what happened in Palestine, Syria, Lebanon, Yemen, Iraq, Afghanistan, Kashmir are fine but WE shall stay on topic.

I am just weary of branch-offs in other directions.

Mods had to remove many off-topic posts in this thread unfortunately.
And that's what it was... a cursory reference to remind that everyone that the west has double standards. There was no long drawn out post with lots of references videos or link. I don't see why you had an issue with it.

Anyways let's move on.
You seem to be a religious fanatic. I need not indulge in any discussion with you.
Everybody has to believe in a value system and choose a side at some point in life. I chose Deen-e-Islam. You believe whatever you want. I am a fanatic in your eyes, and your are a collaborator in my eyes.
As the saying goes,

منم ادنیٰ ثناء خانِ محمد، غلامِ از غلامانِ محمد۔ ﷺ۔
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