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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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Can you elaborate ?

As if you are one day in Havana and next day in London, having tea and arranging for world peace. :rolleyes:

Dogs are those whose owner is NATO and who are rampaging through Libya and Syria for the last 11 years. Kadyrov is helping Syria and Russia counter them at least in Syria. This I told you yesterday. Now tell me who are the dogs.
Kadyrov is killing his own people. You’re right, he’s not a dog but a pig.
Well that would be interesting. Regardless, i hope the civillians in the affected areas are evacuated before any major urban combat takes place.
Well Putin will try to prevent civilians leaving because many can be guerilla fighters and hide in neighboring countries and attack back in Ukraine again.
War starts and Pakistan PM is in Russia.
Not a chance Pakistan can be kept silent. This is Allah. Isolation.

War is never good but I hope the war in Europe will take pressure of Muslim world. Everyone was feasting on us

The Anglo-Zionists are not finished with Muslims yet. It’s just a lull before the next storm. There are still plenty of juicy Muslims that the Anglo-Zionists would love to kill.
So guys finally it's happening.
Russia is invading Ukraine not just the eastern part but all of it.

Yep.. and how many of The Usual Suspects here orgasming over this said it wouldn't be a full invasion?

Or an invasion at all for that matter, because US and other Western intelligence was wrong.
Well Putin will try to prevent civilians leaving because many can be guerilla fighters and hide in neighboring countries and attack back in Ukraine again.
He’s abducted, tortured, and killed so many chechens that his life line is literally in the hands of Putin and the Russian state. Without them, Kadyrov would be lynched in a matter of days.
He still has supporters within Chechnya, mostly because he's the one with the money. So long as he guarantees them financial support, he'll continue to have those supporters.
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