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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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True, but how do you conduct house to
house combat with tanks? Usually its the job of APC and IFV. Tanks dont even have the elevation and depression needed to make them effective tools in house to house battles.

You can have all the armour you want, for cities you need dismounted infantry going in and out of buildings. Trained for the job.

Or you can stand well back and flatten every building with firepower. There won't be much of a city left.

This will hit Russian war chest if the Western countries decide to implement it.
Two sides to a story:

German Nazis were nationalists too and small in numbers.

Look I support Ukrainians like I supported occupied Afghans, Iraqis, Syrians, Kashmiris and Palestinians.

It is a principled stance but I don't support bloody Nazis.

I was just providing information. I’m not a fanboy nor do I support Azov. As a Pakistani, it’s not my fight. But I always hold sympathies for nations defending against aggressors or invaders.
Two sides to a story:

German Nazis were nationalists too and small in numbers.

Look I support Ukrainians like I supported occupied Afghans, Iraqis, Syrians, Kashmiris and Palestinians.

It is a principled stance but I don't support bloody Nazis.

Muslims who support Nazis should be ashamed of themselves. They thould repent and ask Allah for forgiveness. Nazism is Haram and utter Jahiliah, tribalism and animalism.
Not really.

All Russia needs to do is clean the place of Nazis and call it a day.

Falling that cut the country into a good part i-e Novorussia and a bad part Ukraine. De-industrialise the bad part and let the Orcs kill each other.

Ukraine are fighting for their country and their freedom. The Russian soldiers don't know what they are fighting for. This makes Ukraine stronger.
Two sides to a story:

German Nazis were nationalists too and small in numbers.

Look I support Ukrainians like I supported occupied Afghans, Iraqis, Syrians, Kashmiris and Palestinians.

It is a principled stance but I don't support bloody Nazis.
When grannies are sent to front line.....you know this war is over. From what I recall when I saw pics of old men and women being mobilized by Armenia in NK.......I knew that war was over. Same in Afghanistan, when women were being mobilized against the Taliban......well I knew that war was over. A rough rule of thumb.
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