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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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Apollon, Akritas

I condemn of course but can you post here pages upon pages of Russian war crimes in the same manner that Zelensky regime war crimes can be posted ?

It was you who brought in the ICC in context of Ukraine and I replied about its supposed investigation for Bucha and I told you that this entity is suspect because it is just a NATO front.
But you do not answer me, how the war crimes investigation will be done.
You started it by bringing me a video from Russian state television (which I can not watch).
And I answered you what is the way, and you disagree, the UN and ICC protocols.
So tell me your suggested procedural way.

The Bucha massacre is still under invstigation, there is a Independent International Commission of Inquiry on Ukraine is a United Nations commission of inquiry established by the United Nations Human Rights Council, members and task force are from all the world.

You are funny. It was you, who asked why Russia aviation doesn’t carpet bombing Kiew.

Did he mention such a thing? You fill in the puzzle piece I was missing.

Up to 80 fighters from Poland killed by Russian troops: Defense ministry

AFP, Moscow
Published: 25 June ,2022: 02:40 PM GST
Updated: 25 June ,2022: 03:02 PM GST

Russia said on Saturday its troops have killed “up to 80” Polish fighters in “precision strikes” in eastern Ukraine.

“Up to 80 Polish mercenaries, 20 armored combat vehicles and eight Grad multiple rocket launchers were destroyed in precision strikes on the Megatex zinc factory in Konstantinovka” in the Donetsk region, the Russian defense ministry said in a statement, which could not be independently verified.

The region, claimed by Russia, has been the theatre of combat since Moscow began its offensive in Ukraine in late February.

The Russian ministry did not state when the strikes took place. In its statement, the ministry added that “more than 300 Ukrainian troops and foreign mercenaries as well as 35 heavy weapons were destroyed in the space of a day in Mykolaiv,” a Black Sea city in southern Ukraine.

Russia describes as “mercenaries” foreign volunteers fighting with Ukrainian forces.

And I have replied to you earlier.

1. Have you seen multiple Poseidon tests visually or otherwise ?

2. Even if not a tsunami then certainly radiation carried onto European land and wind.

Apollon, Akritas

I condemn of course but can you post here pages upon pages of Russian war crimes in the same manner that Zelensky regime war crimes can be posted ?

As I said, the Kuala Lumpur War Crimes Commission must be reopened.

It was you who brought in the ICC in context of Ukraine and I replied about its supposed investigation for Bucha and I told you that this entity is suspect because it is just a NATO front.

Dude let it explain to me in a way that even you understand it. To generate a tsunami energies are needed in the magnitude pf millions of nuclear bombs. I dont need to see the poseidon test to know it does not have the power to achieve that. Its called physics.

Some here completly overestimate nuclear weapons.

MOSCOW, June 25 (Reuters) - Russia will supply Belarus with Iskander-M missile systems within a few months, Russian President Vladimir Putin told a televised meeting with Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko on Saturday.

At the meeting, held in St Petersburg, Lukashenko told Putin that Belarus was concerned by the "aggressive", "confrontational" and "repulsive" policies of its neighbours Lithuania and Poland.

He asked Putin to help Belarus mount a "symmetrical response" to what he said were nuclear-armed flights by the U.S.-led NATO alliance near Belarus's borders.

"Minsk must be ready for anything, even the use of serious weaponry to defend our fatherland from Brest to Vladivostok," he said, putting Belarus and its close ally Russia under one umbrella.

In particular, he asked for help to make Belarus's military aircraft nuclear-capable.

Putin said he saw no need at present for a symmetrical response, but that Belarus's Russian-built Su-25 jets could if necessary be upgraded in Russian factories.

He did, however, promise to supply the Iskander-M, a mobile guided missile system codenamed "SS-26 Stone" by NATO, which replaced the Soviet "Scud". Its two guided missiles have a range of up to 500 km (300 miles) and can carry conventional or nuclear warheads.

Tensions between Russia and the West have soared since Moscow sent troops into Ukraine four months ago, alleging among other things that NATO planned to admit Ukraine and use it as a platform to threaten Russia.
Russia war crimes Ukraine
Not that it matters. You will just deny it.

Ah, Bucha again. And Sumy city was mentioned. Let me tell you that during the early days of the war there were almost 1300 Indian students stuck in Sumy which is close to the Russian border. They were extremely disappointed that the Indian government wasn't doing anything about their evacuation and they didn't trust the government of the NATO poster boy of humanitarianism, Zelensky, so they decided to walk to Russia and also it was Humanitarianism Poster Boy Zelensky who refused to allow Russia to create a humanitarian corridor for the students' evacuation :
Sumy, located near the Russian border and around 350 km east of Ukrainian capital Kyiv, has seen heavy fighting since the invasion. Today, at least nine people, including two children, died in an air strike in the city.

The students have been waiting for evacuation for days. On Saturday, unable to cope any longer with the bitter cold, depleting food and water supplies, the students shared videos saying they have decided to begin the risky journey to the Russian border 50 km away.

But they were dissuaded by the government, which contacted them and asked that they "avoid unnecessary risks".

A plan to evacuate them yesterday fell through as Ukraine rejected a Russian plan for a humanitarian corridor to Russia and Belarus.

Soon after, Prime Minister Narendra Modi held discussions with Russian President Vladimir Putin and Ukraine's President Volodymyr Zelensky on ways to begin the stalled evacuation process of the Indian students from Sumy.

You are funny. It was you, who asked why Russia aviation doesn’t carpet bombing Kiew. If Putin has 100 bombers to spare then he would certainly do it, but he has only 17 something Tu bombers. He cannot risk losing a nuclear triad.

As for other means including weapons of mass destruction it’s not a question of If but When he does it. Putin never rules out nuclear weapons.
Ukraine must prepare for that scenario what they are going to do if hundreds thousands Ukraine die at an instant.
Would they bring the war to Russia?

Sure, Putin / Russia doesn't rule out nuclear weapons but there must be some red line for Russia.

Would they quickly build nuclear bombs and retaliate?

How quickly ?

But you do not answer me, how the war crimes investigation will be done.

As I said, the Kuala Lumpur War Crimes Commission must be reopened.

You started it by bringing me a video from Russian state television (which I can not watch).

You cannot watch ? But I have transcribed that vid for you.

The Bucha massacre is still under invstigation, there is a Independent International Commission of Inquiry on Ukraine is a United Nations commission of inquiry established by the United Nations Human Rights Council, members and task force are from all the world.

Still under investigation ? But according to this Wikipedia page linked by @MeFishToo in this post that same UNO body and other NATO-aligned bodies have already decided that Russia is to blame.

Dude let it explain to me in a way that even you understand it. To generate a tsunami energies are needed in the magnitude pf millions of nuclear bombs. I dont need to see the poseidon test to know it does not have the power to achieve that. Its called physics.

Some here completly overestimate nuclear weapons.

Point# 2 then. Makes European coast and maybe interior unliveable as well.
Ah, Bucha again. And Sumy city was mentioned. Let me tell you that during the early days of the war there were almost 1300 Indian students stuck in Sumy which is close to the Russian border. They were extremely disappointed that the Indian government wasn't doing anything about their evacuation and they didn't trust the government of the NATO poster boy of humanitarianism, Zelensky, so they decided to walk to Russia and also it was Humanitarianism Poster Boy Zelensky who refused to allow Russia to create a humanitarian corridor for the students' evacuation :

Sure, Putin / Russia doesn't rule out nuclear weapons but there must be some red line for Russia.

How quickly ?


You cannot watch ? But I have transcribed that vid for you.

Still under investigation ? But according to this Wikipedia page linked by @MeFishToo in this post that same UNO body and other NATO-aligned bodies have already decided that Russia is to blame.

Point# 2 then. Makes European coast and maybe interior unliveable as well.

Is french polynesia or nevada unliveable? Last time i checked Las Vegas does fine and right near it dozens of nukes were tested.

Hiroshima does great.

And btw if Europe coast and interior would be unlieveable, we would destroy russia as well. You know what nukes are gold at? Meltng russian cities to glass.
Is french polynesia or nevada unliveable? Last time i checked Las Vegas does fine and right near it dozens of nukes were tested.

Hiroshima does great.

And btw if Europe coast and interior would be unlieveable, we would destroy russia as well. You know what nukes are gold at? Meltng russian cities to glass.

I can post at least one picture from Iraq but I am sleepy so will log-off and reply tomorrow.
Ah, Bucha again. And Sumy city was mentioned. Let me tell you that during the early days of the war there were almost 1300 Indian students stuck in Sumy which is close to the Russian border. They were extremely disappointed that the Indian government wasn't doing anything about their evacuation and they didn't trust the government of the NATO poster boy of humanitarianism, Zelensky, so they decided to walk to Russia and also it was Humanitarianism Poster Boy Zelensky who refused to allow Russia to create a humanitarian corridor for the students' evacuation :
So you basically just ignored the russian war crimes you were asking for, and then blamed Ukraine for a situation Russia was responsible for.
Ah, Bucha again. And Sumy city was mentioned. Let me tell you that during the early days of the war there were almost 1300 Indian students stuck in Sumy which is close to the Russian border. They were extremely disappointed that the Indian government wasn't doing anything about their evacuation and they didn't trust the government of the NATO poster boy of humanitarianism, Zelensky, so they decided to walk to Russia and also it was Humanitarianism Poster Boy Zelensky who refused to allow Russia to create a humanitarian corridor for the students' evacuation :

Sure, Putin / Russia doesn't rule out nuclear weapons but there must be some red line for Russia.

How quickly ?


You cannot watch ? But I have transcribed that vid for you.

Still under investigation ? But according to this Wikipedia page linked by @MeFishToo in this post that same UNO body and other NATO-aligned bodies have already decided that Russia is to blame.

Point# 2 then. Makes European coast and maybe interior unliveable as well.
You are hilarious.

Everything on russia/soviet misconduct and you simply claim its “fake news”
Yet your russian propaganda channels are supposedly showing the “truth” about natos 76 years of terror?

but why all eastern european countries run towards Nato?? Hmmm?
And despite USA’s flaws, atleast south korea is better off then your communist paradise north korea.
Same for all the european nations across the iron curtain.

Wonder with what type of artillery they took them out.

Always good if the orcs lose some serious weapons. Ukranian villages/cities can have some relief.
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