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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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Keep telling yourself that, clown. Non-Westerners outnumber Westerners hugely and this will only increase in the future. As will the rise of ancient civilizations and traditional powers in non-Western lands such as the Chinese, Pakistanis/Indians/South Asia as a whole, Arabs, Iranians, Africans, Latin America etc.

500 years of dominance, of which 200 of them are truly global, does not amount to all of world history. Just a tiny bit. With the demographics at play and the emerging multipolar world, repeats of Iraq, colonialism (direct or indirect) etc. is becoming a distant thing of the past. You can bookmark this post and read it again at your deathbed when the Western decline has further cemented itself.

Good luck at trying to stop the rise of China and the entire non-Western world.:enjoy:

Numbers dont matter. We are 70% of world economy.

And last 500 years? West dominates world since thousands of years. Hellenic world crushed Persia and build largest empire ever seen.

Roman Empire was worlds most dominant empire as well.

We always win, since thousands of years. We look best, are smartest, have best culture and are the benchmark of what humans should be like.

And btw multipolar means always constant war, chaos and instability.
Numbers dont matter. We are 70% of world economy.

And last 500 years? West dominates world since thousands of years. Hellenic world crushed Persia and build largest empire ever seen.

Roman Empire was worlds most dominant empire as well.

We always win, since thousands of years. We look best, are smartest, have best culture and are the benchmark of what humans should be like.

And btw multipolar means always constant war, chaos and instability.


How about less than 50%?

99.99% of Western Europe were mere savages with no civilization until not long ago. The only exceptions are the Hellenic and Roman ones who are newcomers compared to the older Asian/Egyptian ones.

Greeks never build any large empires other than the very SHORT-LIVED "Alexander the Great" one. Which is nowhere close to being the largest empire, lol.

Most dominant, no such thing. If anything that is probably the US empire of today.

Rest of your post is delusion.

As for wars, you should know about that, as you are masters of slaughtering each other historically speaking.

Take a look at the map of wars in the past 4000 years.


Good luck, you will need it.
Numbers dont matter. We are 70% of world economy.

And last 500 years? West dominates world since thousands of years. Hellenic world crushed Persia and build largest empire ever seen.

Roman Empire was worlds most dominant empire as well.

We always win, since thousands of years. We look best, are smartest, have best culture and are the benchmark of what humans should be like.

And btw multipolar means always constant war, chaos and instability.

Greeks beat Iran 1 time in their history and collapsed and were slaves upto the 19th century.

now stfu and enjoy this picture before your inevitable ban


one of the only wars where the Iranian Shahanshah and the roman emperor personally brought the full weight of their armies for an all out battle.

Not a single roman made it out alive. valerian was used as a footstool to mount shapurs horse.

while philip the arab (on his knees) was put in as the new emperor after he suffieciently licked clean shapurs boots to his satisfaction.

How about less than 50%?

99.99% of Western Europe were mere savages with no civilization until not long ago. The only exceptions are the Hellenic and Roman ones who are newcomers compared to the older Asian/Egyptian ones.

Greeks never build any large empires other than the very SHORT-LIVED "Alexander the Great" one. Which is nowhere close to being the largest empire, lol.

Most dominant, no such thing. If anything that is probably the US empire of today.

Rest of your post is delusion.

As for wars, you should know about that, as you are masters of slaughtering each other historically speaking.

Take a look at the map of wars in the past 4000 years.

View attachment 856745

Good luck, you will need it.

Must hurt you so bad to know worlds oldest stone buildings are in... Europe. Worlds oldest astronomy ..in europe ( skydisc of nebra).

Greece is older than anything in Asia and also older than Egypt. Oldest civilisation here is 5600 bc . 2000 years before Egypt.
According to the UN less than 5.000 confirmed civilians have died in Ukraine in the past 4 months. That is peanuts compared to Western/US-led wars of the past. So the continuous propaganda in Western-controlled media of Russia deliberately trying to target civilians, is mostly bogus. For starters, no civilian deaths and wars are oxymorons. Such a thing does not exist. If Russia wanted they could have carpet bombed all of Ukraine by now and leaving very little left standing.

However what is even more hypocritical in this regard is the complete and utter silence during the Ukrainian onslaught on Donbass between 2014-2022 where a great number of local civilians (in the 1.000's) died at the hands of the Western-sponsored Ukrainian army. This angle of the story was hardly ever told in the West but now we are supposed to believe that Russian soldiers were raping infants in Bucha etc. Not buying that.

Anyway I don't condone civilian killings in Ukraine or even the war (humans are humans after all) what I strongly object to is the disgusting Western hypocrisy. That is why nobody outside of the very same West is strongly condemning Russia or following suit in terms of sanctions etc.

Because people have realized that the West does not care about justice, democracy etc. as they like to preach. Only when it suits their own interests. When the opposite is the case, everything becomes legal.

There is a limit to how naive/stupid people can be and we have seen this playbook too many times by now already for people to swallow it again.

This Freudian slip illustrates this hypocrisy very well.

Bush killed 1 million Iraqis

looks like until his death he will be hunted by it and inshallah punished after he dies

US bombs Iraq for freedom and democracy

and yet when Russia does it in Ukraine its evil and bad

Russia is exposing Western hypocrisy
Greeks beat Iran 1 time in their history and collapsed and were slaves upto the 19th century.

now stfu and enjoy this picture before your inevitable ban

View attachment 856746

one of the only wars where the Iranian Shahanshah and the roman emperor personally brought the full weight of their armies for an all out battle.

Not a single roman made it out alive. valerian was used as a footstool to mount shapurs horse.

while philip the arab (on his knees) was put in as the new emperor after he suffieciently licked clean shapurs boots to his satisfaction.

Quite wrong. Greece first smashed all attempts of persians to enter europe. Alexander then erased persians from earth.

Thats why its today an arabic country

How about less than 50%?

99.99% of Western Europe were mere savages with no civilization until not long ago. The only exceptions are the Hellenic and Roman ones who are newcomers compared to the older Asian/Egyptian ones.

Greeks never build any large empires other than the very SHORT-LIVED "Alexander the Great" one. Which is nowhere close to being the largest empire, lol.

Most dominant, no such thing. If anything that is probably the US empire of today.

Rest of your post is delusion.

As for wars, you should know about that, as you are masters of slaughtering each other historically speaking.

Take a look at the map of wars in the past 4000 years.

View attachment 856745

Good luck, you will need it.
This is not a map of wars over the last 4000 years. Its a screendump of a mapped timeline of battles with western/eurocentric overrepresentation in the dataset.
Here is another

edit: its not even battles. Its based on a wikipedia database including post WW2 incidents like demonstrations turning violent and riots, hence so many yellow dots in the USA.
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Richard Black has been used by RT for years, commenting on US and NATO affairs. Anyone being used by RT is not someone I would trust analysing the situation in Ukraine.
And "it has electrolytes". Your reply is pure retardation and not an argument at all. It's not even about trusting someone or not, but using your brain. Checking facts and arguments, doing own research.

But i know, this is the normal mental state here in the west: Idiocracy.

Ab auf die Ignoreliste ...
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And "it has electrolytes". Your reply is pure retardation and not an argument at all. But i know, this is the normal mental state here in the west.

Ab auf die Ignoreliste ...

Bist du aus Sucksen?
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