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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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Its actually sickening you keep reposting this russian propaganda about ukrainian forces using civilians as shields. They are defending their country and citizens, while Russia is using that lame excuse to flatten everything moving forward, because all advantage they have left is artillery power.
It's not propaganda, Mariupol defenders use civilians as human shield. In war time, u think civilian wants to be trapped in bunkers? Most of them would of fled already, and its up to Ukranian military to evacuate civilians from urban areas in the first place. It's telling that we keep hearing civilians trapped again and again in major defensive positions.
I hope you are aware that Russians deploying whatever garbages are in their reserves (like t62s) mean they have suffered such staggering losses that they have to deploy those antiquities,meaning their more modern hardwares were decimated. :rolleyes:

Nah, according to these reports, your beloved Ukrops are suffering heavy casualties

With respect to the T-62s, if they're available in the Russian inventory and you have a war going on, they aught to be used. Especially, now that Russians are about to seize the whole Dombas region.
The day the war started in Ukraine , wheat prices jumped by 50% .

Pretending this does not effect Somalia is a blunt lie. Somalia could barely feed it's people as it is. Without western aid Somalians would starve. Gratitude would be the more normal response .

If a someone countryman where in danger of hunger , because off this stupid and unnecessary war , one would expect this person , to wish and pray for this war to be over as soon as possible.

Not to throw oil on the flames , and indulge himself in war propaganda reports.

Doing fine you say :

Thousands of Somalis at Risk of Starving to Death, Aid Groups Say


Somalis who fled drought-stricken areas walk next to a cluster of makeshift shelters at a camp for the displaced on the outskirts of Mogadishu, Somalia, June 4, 2022. Almost a million where displaced because of the drought.


So ur cheerleading for Ukraine is not going well so u talk ofsomalia? Shows u r a lowlife rat, a gutter cockroach. Soon u zionists and hindus will taste the same as ukraine.

Be careful your propaganda is banned in EU. Do you want me do an experiment? I can send your posts to the german authorities and through EU laws you get punished. I got a guy on Facebook with this already.

They lost their flagship and i assume their counter instruments simply dont work.

Didn't u scumbags claim to be champions of freedom of speech? Why u dont like free speech anymore? U r the scumbag who proudly talks about killing women and children, maybe we should report that to german authorities.
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Nah, according to these reports, your beloved Ukrops are suffering heavy casualties

With respect to the T-62s, if they're available in the Russian inventory and you have a war going on, they aught to be used. Especially, now that Russians are about to seize the whole Dombas region.

Who gives a shit about what the russians announce,of course no evidence provided as always. They strike civilian areas then claim they struck a gathering of Ukrainian troops and killed 2 trillion of them lmao.

Your beloved Russians have only made marginal gains in the donbass despite outnumbering the Ukrainians on every terms especially on artillery.
Who gives a shit about what the russians announce,of course no evidence provided as always. They strike civilian areas then claim they struck a gathering of Ukrainian troops and killed 2 trillion of them lmao.

Your beloved Russians have only made marginal gains in the donbass despite outnumbering the Ukrainians on every terms especially on artillery.
I remember western propaganda machines have reported russian is running out of ammo,now turns out the truth is Ukrainian is running out of weapons despite NATO sending all weapons they could send? Your propaganda bullshit is remarkble. No wonder you can hide behind of your propaganda machine,their face is as thick as a wall.
Russian lost major ammo dumps this week, they predictably pushed infantry forward, anticipating them soon running out of fire support.

Izyum direction sees as much fighting now as Severo.
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