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Stop spreading lies.

Western countries freedom of speech is way beyond what goes around in your country or Russia,

Your country is ranked 178 from 180 countries ! Two places above North Korea ! and you dare speak of freedom of speech ?

180North Korea13.9

You forgot to cite the key excerpt:

according to an index by Paris-based Reporters Without Borders (RSF).

In other words a completely subjective, politicized, biased assessment by a source which is anything but credible when it comes to Iran.

Your so-called fact itself is a propaganda statement by an organization working in the interests of western regimes!
You forgot to cite the key excerpt:

In other words a completely subjective, politicized, biased assessment by a source which is anything but credible when it comes to Iran.

Your so-called fact itself is a propaganda statement by an organization working in the interests of western regimes!

You are welcome to bring any other source you like , that points to Your country Iran and Russia , being on top when it comes to freedom of speech.

Other than the source " because i said so "

In both Iran and Russia , all free press was banned long ago and opposition members are thrown into jail . What freedom are you talking about ? what nonsense are you trying to sell the members here ?

Stop spreading stupidity.

Western countries freedom of speech is way beyond what goes around in your country or Russia,

Your country is ranked 178 from 180 countries ! Two places above North Korea ! and you dare speak of freedom of speech ?

180North Korea13.9

North Korea ? Do you know the press freedom in India, from which culture the imagery in your profile picture is ? Especially since 2014, the year the fascist BJP formed central government headed by Modi, press freedom and other freedoms have become curtailed extremely. Those in the media, especially news TV who champion the line of the Hindutvadi terrorists are called by the rational people as "Godi Media". "Godh" in Hindi means the lap so "Godi media" refers to those "journalists" who sit in the lap of Modi and co. The other journalists are routinely harassed by the central government's various arms and its 500 million supporters among the population. During the second wave of COVID in India last year, brave and ethical journalists in BJP-ruled states who published the real number of COVID deaths which were much higher then what the BJP governments were saying, they got arrested. Among the other cases is one of Siddique Kappan who is in jail for more than 1.5 years on charges of British colonial times rule called "Sedition" just because he went to the BJP-ruled state Uttar Pradesh to cover the story of the gangrape and murder by torture of a Dalit girl in late 2020 done by four upper caste Hindu males :
Siddique Kappan wrote about many of the things I write about: India’s majoritarian turn and discrimination against Muslims. That he is in jail, and I am not, reflects my privilege – as a Hindu and as a journalist writing in English.

Kappan has now been in jail for a year, facing charges that include sedition, conspiracy to incite violence, outraging religious feelings and sundry terrorism charges. If he could face such charges merely for trying to do his job, so could we all.

Kappan was picked up by the police in Uttar Pradesh while on his way to the site of an alleged gangrape and murder of a young Dalit woman in a village called Hathras, the kind of journey all reporters make in the course of their jobs. In December 2020, the Uttar Pradesh police told the Supreme Court that Kappan – a family man of modest means – was not a journalist but only “posed” as one. But Kappan very clearly was a journalist, with a decade’s worth of reporting under his belt.

In a 5,000-word chargesheet – the kind of voluminous submissions now common when cases stand on legal quicksand – filed in April 2021, less than six months after the submission to the Supreme Court, the Uttar Pradesh police acknowledged he was indeed a journalist.

Alice-in-Wonderland bizarreness​

There is no evidence of terrorism, charges of which allowed his detention without bail for this long, so the police have doubled down on the charge of incitement against Kappan, but in doing so, the argument they present against him wanders from the realm of legal possibility to an Alice-in-Wonderland bizarreness: off with his head, for no reason.

“In the writing, the Muslims have been portrayed as victims [who] were beaten up by police and were asked to go to Pakistan. It is evident from the writing that it has been done to incite Muslims,” says the chargesheet, filed in April, the contents of which were revealed in the Indian Express this week.

“These writings of Siddique Kappan, to a great extent, can be classified as communal,” says the chargesheet. “During riots, taking the name of a minority and talking about events related to them can incite sentiments. Responsible journalists do not do such communal reporting. Kappan only and only reports to incite Muslims, which is a hidden agenda of PFI [Popular Front of India]. Some stories were written to sympathise with Maoists and Communists.”

Nothing in these accusations is, remotely or otherwise, a crime. Writing on a subject is called a beat or an interest. The Popular Front of India is not a banned organisation. Sympathising with someone or an organisation – whether banned or not, and Communists are not proscribed – is not a crime.

The police accusations against Kappan, if accepted by the courts, will not just further push the boundaries of what is legally credible but will fundamentally undermine or rewrite India’s Constitution.

Article 19 (1) of the Constitution guarantees – with exceptions, of course – freedom of speech and expression. The freedom of the press is not specifically guaranteed, but that is because Babasaheb Ambedkar, chariman of the committee that drafted the constitution, believed no special mention of the press was needed since it was guaranteed to every Indian.

If any of the accusations against Kappan is a crime, any, and every journalist – and indeed any Indian – could be arrested and accused of anything that the police deem to be illegal, regardless of what the law and Constitution say.

The attempt to rewrite what is a crime has been previously made by many police forces in India. Some of these have been accepted by district to Supreme courts, referencing extra-legal arguments that range from “jihadi mentality” to “collective conscience”.

Criminalising journalism​

The concerted efforts now underway to criminalise journalism itself are most apparent in Uttar Pradesh, where Kappan is incarcerated, and Kashmir, where the tide of state criminality against journalists is most apparent.

In Kashmir, the assault on journalism has grown exponentially over the two years since the region’s special constitutional status was removed and the state reduced to a union territory governed directly from New Delhi.

Kashmiri journalists have faced criminal cases, including under India’s draconian anti-terror law, for merely reporting stories. They have been slapped, detained – sometimes at gun point – threatened and police pressure brought to bear even on their families. Entire topics are off limits, and in one Kashmir district, journalists can no longer even call themselves journalists unless they are registered with local authorities.

As the saying goes, what happens in Kashmir today, happens in the rest of India tomorrow.

The police in Uttar Pradesh have not been as severe, but the Kashmir model of menacing journalists is evident. The Uttar Pradesh police have even gone beyond state boundaries to reach into the heart of India’s capital and register criminal cases against journalists there for little more than, well, journalism.

These cases are not filed because the police believe there is a case to be made out but because they are anxious to be accomplices to those who run the government, in this case India’s ruling Bharatiya Janata Party, notorious for its contemptuous approach to journalism and journalists.

As Prime Minister, Narendra Modi has never addressed a press conference, and the term “presstitute”, evolved by one of his ministers, reflects his party’s ill-concealed contempt for independent journalism, diametrically opposed to his declaration abroad that India is the “mother of democracy”.

The government’s modus operandi to cripple Indian democracy is apparent: get the police to file cases against anyone regarded as politically inconvenient – a journalist or anyone else – make some arrests on whim and political diktat and let the cases meander through the courts.

As Kappan’s case illustrates, innocence or guilt is immaterial: the message is that journalism is no refuge for free speech and that India’s laws and Constitution – far from being protective features – will be weaponised against those who do not fall in line.

Every journalist who writes on matters regarded as inimical to the interests of India’s ruling party would be well advised to look over their shoulder.

I know I do. The difference, as a Muslim colleague put it, is that a Hindu journalist may face a case. “I will face UAPA”, the anti-terror Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act, he said.

Samar Halarnkar is the editor of Article-14.com, a project that tracks misuse of the law and the hope it offers.

People ought to bookmark the quoted post and whenever a NATO apologist in this thread comes up with the usual fairy tales about "freedom" and "democracy", confront them with it.

Check this out :D :
Im not an atheist. I follow the philosophy of Aristoteles, absolute superiority of Europe. Democracy and Freedom.
But no democracy and freedom for non-Europeans to reject enslavement by Europe / NATO which can travel 10,000 kms to make imperialist war. :lol:
You are welcome to bring any other source you like , that points to Your country Iran and Russia , being on top when it comes to freedom of speech.

Other than the source " because i said so "

In both Iran and Russia , all free press was banned long ago and opposition members are thrown into jail . What freedom are you talking about ? what nonsense are you trying to sell the members here ?

What balderdash.

How can a ranking on press freedom be taken seriously when it puts Iran behind Saudi Arabia, the same regime that used one of its consulates to trap a prominent foreign-based journalist writing for a major US newspaper, and then has the man dismembered alive?

Turkey usually has superior numbers of incarcerated journalists than Iran. And under the zionist occupation regime in Palestine, every topic remotely connected to security matters (which in the local context can potentially be extended to just about anything) is subjected by law to military censorship. Yet Reporters Without Border will rank these two much more favorably than Iran, of course.

The very fact that a huge number of print media are being published in Iran, with around half of them politically aligned on or outright controlled by the reformist and moderate camps, whose aim is nothing short of Gorbachev-style "regime change" from within, means that RSF's assessment about the degree of press freedom practiced in the Islamic Republic is but an utter joke.

If there was no perceptible and significant difference between editorial lines of various Iranian media, I wonder why Google would apply indirect censorship by systematically promoting outlets known for their closeness to western-appeasing reformists? Anyone can try a Google search in Persian, limited to .ir websites, with keywords related to politics or society - and media such as "Shargh", "Hamshahri Online", "Etemade Melli" i.e. famous reformist and liberal ones will always be shown first. Whilst news sites loyal to the founding principles of the 1979 Revolution (especially its staunch anti-imperialist outlook) are methodically relegated far behind.

Same applies to the contention that opposition members are "thrown in jail": what's this supposed to mean when candidates from multiple competing parties with different policy agendas are running at every single election held in Iran (municipal elections, parliamentary elections, presidential elections, and elections for the Assembly of Experts)? Perhaps Tel Aviv and its western allies ought to take a better look at their friends on the other side of the Persian Gulf, where hardly any election is organized at all, rather than spreading such a distorted image of the Iranian political system.

All of what I just explained about Iran is naturally true of Russia as well.
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Spotted 2 days ago

If you're unwilling to hold a discussion without throwing around ad hominems, I see no point in responding. For the one who resorts to such means, has already lost the debate. But let's address these talking points one more time, seeing how they're lifted out of the official doxa outlined by NATO regime mouthpieces.

First of all the person you're referring to has a name, Viktor Yushchenko to be precise. For someone who pretends to superior knowledge of history your narrative is revealing some gaps, but anyway.

Secondly, supposed Russian poisoning of Yushchenko in September 2004 represents a claim by western regimes and their minions - but certainly not a proven hard fact. When examined closely, the story appears to be as full of holes as a piece of Swiss cheese. Basically like every such allegation issued by NATO and the zionists against those who refuse to submit to their imperial yoke.

As an example in July 2019, Ukraine's deputy Prosecutor-General and chief Military Prosecutor, Anatoly Matios, in a courageous move contradicted Prosecutor-General Yuri Lutsenko by declaring that investigators under his watch hadn't found the slightest evidence for poisoning.

Other Ukrainian officials observed that Yushchenko would refuse to submit to a second blood test. If the results of the initial one hadn't been doctored, what did he have to fear?

Thirdly, only two months after this affair Yushchenko started calling for protests against the announced result of the presidential election, alleging "fraud" to his detriment - a classical pretext invoked in "color revolutions". The ensuing mobilization then came to be known as the so-called "Orange revolution", a textbook "color revolution" read an inauthentic, non-spontaneous event planned, instigated and staged by NATO intelligence services, organizations controlled by Washington such as the NED (National Endowment for Democracy) as well as messianist bankster oligarchs like George Soros.

More information can be found here:


And from the horse's mouth as well:


These engineered uprisings require triggers, usually constructed in a typically Hollywoodesque manner so as to dupe a public already conditioned by and responsive to the brainwashing techniques deployed by the American commercial feature film industry. And Yushchenko's supposed poisoning at the hands of "evil Russia" was the first such trigger in the build up to the fake "Orange revolution".

Of course, this represents an illegal intervention in the domestic affairs of a sovereign nation, aimed at determining its head of state from outside.

As for the story about democratically elected Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych reneging on earlier promises of improved ties with the EU:

1) Ukraine and the EU proceeded to draft an Association Agreement in March 2012 under Yanukovych's presidency.

2) The EU however was unduly interfering in Ukraine's domestic judicial process and formulating conditions for the bilateral treaty to be finalized, namely that independent Ukrainian courts revoke their decisions to detain certain politicians believed to have broken the law. Hence why the negotiations stalled.

3) Where's the evidence that President Yanukovych was acting on instructions from Moscow? Not every politician in Ukraine is a hysterical russophobe and a willing NATO puppet.

4) Violating election promises is a specialty of those holding office in western so-called "democracies". Cases are so plentiful and prominent I can't be bothered to expand upon them. But as someone with a solid knowledge of European history, I hope various examples will come to your mind spontaneously.

What about the fact that Ukraine had been violating the Minsk agreements for years, and targeting its Russian-speaking citizens of all people?

Are you incriminating the Russian Federation for acts committed by the Russian empire in the 19th century and then by the Soviet Union? Each of which is again subject to discussion. But fact is that the current Russian state cannot be held accountable for policies conducted by preceding regimes.

When it comes to genocide in Ukraine, let's not get into which elements within the USSR conceived and made every effort to have it pushed through (hint: it didn't come from Stalin).

As for population displacements and "ethnic cleansing", perhaps you ought to include how nationalist Ukrainian collaborators of Germany (the same WW2 nationalists who're largely revered under the current Ukrainian regime) not only massacred and expelled Russian-speakers and Jewish Ukrainians but also local Polish minorities in western Ukraine.

My proposed solution: man up and shake off US overlordship as soon as possible. Otherwise it further instability in Europe and Ukraine is probable.

I'd recommend listening again to US diplomat Victoria Nuland to understand how much Washington cares about its European "partners":

As explained before, annexation is not worse than deliberate undermining of a nation's social fabric, turning communities against each other, splitting up a unified state into several unstable, antagonistic, weak entities condemned to be at each others' throats for ages - a policy pursued by US neocons and lib-hawks alike, along with their zionist masters. At least the regions of Ukraine which will be integrated into Russia will benefit from lasting stability.


I'd say you try to deal with it. Isn't this the Pakistan Defence Forum? And for all I know the German regime wields no power on here. So the authoritarian stifling of voices of truth and the imposition of a regime-sponsored, exclusive narrative made of spin and endless twisting of facts won't apply. Here views challenging western regime propaganda can be and are indeed expressed.

Yet nobody cares

Check this out :D :

But no democracy and freedom for non-Europeans to reject enslavement by Europe / NATO which can travel 10,000 kms to make imperialist war. :lol:

As i said i dont care about others as long they not affect us in a negative way.
What balderdash.

How can a ranking on press freedom be taken seriously when it puts Iran behind Saudi Arabia, the same regime which used one of its consulates to trap a prominent foreign-based journalist working for a major US newspaper, and then has the man dismembered alive?

Turkey usually has a larger number of incarcerated journalists than Iran. And under the zionist occupation regime in Palestine, every subject remotely connected to security matters (which in the local context can potentially be extended to just about anything) is subject to military censorship by law. Yet Reporters Without Border will rank these two countries much more favorably than Iran, of course.

The very fact that a huge number of print media are being published in Iran, with around half of them politically aligned on or outright controlled by the reformist and moderate camps, whose aim is nothing short of Gorbachev-style "regime change" from within, means that RSF's assessment about the degree of press freedom practiced by the Islamic Republic is but an utter joke.

If there was no perceptible and significant difference between editorial lines of various Iranian media, I wonder why Google would practice indirect censorship by systematically promoting outlets known for their closeness to western-appeasing reformists? Anyone can try to a Google search in Persian, restricted to .ir websites, on some political or social topic - media such as "Shargh", "Hamshahri Online" and so on i.e. famous reformist and liberal ones will always be shown first. Whilst news sites loyal to the original principles of the 1979 Revolution (especially its staunch anti-imperialist outlook) are methodically relegated far behind.

Same applies to the contention that opposition members are "thrown in jail": what's this supposed to mean when candidates from multiple competing parties with different policy agendas are running at every single election held by Iran (municipal elections, parliamentary elections, presidential elections, and elections for the Assembly of Experts)? Perhaps Tel Aviv and its western allies ought to take a better look at their friends on the other side of the Persian Gulf, where hardly any election is organized at all, rather than spreading such a distorted image of the Iranian political system.

All of what I just explained about Iran is naturally true of Russia as well.

You are welcome to bring any other source you like , that points to Your country Iran and Russia , being on top when it comes to freedom of speech.

Other than the source " because i said so "

First of all the person you're referring to is named Viktor Yushchenko. Since you pretend to a better knowledge of history, perhaps you'd want to fill these gaps in the narrative, but anyway.
Suprised you heard of him hence i kept it more general.
Secondly, supposed Russian poisoning of Yushchenko in September 2004 represents a claim by western regimes and their minions - certainly not a proven hard fact. When examined closely, the story appears to be as dotted with holes as a piece of Swiss cheese. Basically like every such allegation issued by NATO and the zionists against those who refuse to submit to their imperial yoke.
Ah yes. The standard:
Western claims are nato/zionist lies while russian/handpicked claims are the truth.

If you subjectively pick and choose what claims to reject or believe then we are basically discussing two different “realities”
As an example in July 2019, Ukraine's deputy Prosecutor-General and chief Military Prosecutor, Anatoly Matios, in a courageous move contradicted Prosecutor-General Yuri Lutsenko by declaring that investigators under his watch hadn't found the slightest evidence for poisoning.

Other Ukrainian officials observed that Yushchenko would refuse to submit to a second blood test. If the results of the initial one hadn't been doctored, what did he have to fear?
Russian/zionist claims. See i can play that game too?

Thirdly, only two months after this affair Yushchenko started calling for protests against the announced result of the presidential election, alleging "fraud" to his detriment - a classical pretext invoked in "color revolutions". The ensuing mobilization came to be known as the "Orange revolution", a textbook "color revolution" read an inauthentic, non-spontaneous event planned, instigated and staged by NATO intelligence services, organizations controlled by Washington such as the NED (National Endowment for Democracy) as well as messianist banker oligarchs like George Soros.

More information can be found here:


And from the horse's mouth as well:

And the hundred thousands protesters were all cia agents? Fact is both america and russia meddle in other countries public opinion. Again russia is well known to fund many disruptive political parties in the EU
These engineered uprisings require triggers, usually mounted in a typically Hollywoodesque manner so as to dupe a public already conditioned by and responsive to the brainwashing techniques deployed by the American commercial film industry. And Yushchenko's supposed poisoning at the hands of "evil Russia" was the first such trigger in the build up to the fake "Orange revolution".

Of course, this represents an illegal intervention in the domestic affairs of a sovereign nation, aimed at determining its head of state from outside.
Interventions like russia poisoning and blackmailing…
As for the story about democratically elected Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych reneging on earlier promises of improved ties with the EU:

1) Under Yanukovych's presidency, Ukraine and the EU did proceed to draft an Association Agreement in March 2012.

2) The EU however was unduly interfering in Ukraine's domestic judicial process and formulating conditions for the bilateral treaty to be finalized, namely that independent Ukrainian courts revoke their decision to detain certain politicians believed to have broken the law. Hence why the negotiations stalled.
Ah now the domestic judicial process is moral and must be upheld, but when the same “domestic judicial process” sentenced Yanukovich for being a traitor…then its suddenly zionist garbage.
4) Breaching election promises is a specialty of those holding office in western liberal "democracies". Cases are so plentiful and prominent I can't be bothered to expand upon them. But as someone familiar with recent European history, I hope various examples will spontaneously come to your mind.

What about the fact that Ukraine had been violating the Minsk agreements for years, and targeting its Russian-speaking citizens of all people?
Oh the fake genocide. With most casualties because of the seperatists or simply collateral damage due to misconduct from both sides.

I see you skipped the russian invasion bit. So much for ukraines oh so sacred independance then right?
Are you incriminating the Russian Federation for acts committed by the Russian empire in the 19th century and then by the Soviet Union? Each of which is again subject to discussion. But fact is that the current Russian state cannot be held accountable for policies conducted by preceding regimes.
Oh same can apply for america then. Why are you still sore then..its a pure new administration.
Or maybe they should rename themselves.

Besides with the current war of agression, and flattening chechnia. Putin showed he differs little from his predecessors.
When it comes to genocide in Ukraine, let's not get into which elements within the USSR conceived and made every effort to have it pushed through (hint: it didn't come from Stalin).
I am sure you have your conspiracy theories
As for population displacements and "ethnic cleansing", perhaps you ought to include how nationalist Ukrainian collaborators of Germany (the same WW2 nationalists who're largely revered under the current Ukrainian regime) not only massacred and expelled Russian-speakers and Jewish Ukrainians but also local Polish minorities in western Ukraine.
Holodomor was before ww2
My proposed solution: man up and shake off US overlordship as soon as possible. Otherwise further instability in Europe and Ukraine can be expected.

I'd recommend listening again to US diplomat Victoria Nuland to understand how much Washington cares about its European "partners":

As explained before, annexation is not worse than deliberate undermining of a nation's social fabric, turning communities against each other, splitting up a unified state into several unstable, antagonistic, weak entities condemned to be at each others' throats for ages - a policy pursued by US neocons and lib-hawks alike, along with their zionist masters. At least the regions of Ukraine which will be integrated into Russia will benefit from lasting stability.
Seems eastblock much prefers being a “weak entity” seperate state tied to eu then being “stable” under the boot of a neo sovjet regime…

Which we also see now with ukranians fighting like lions.

heavens forbid that they can choose.
Back, back to being a russian colony!
How many Cruise/Ballistic missiles have both Russia and Ukraine launched at one another since the start of the war?

OSINT suggest low 3000 from Russia, and around 2-300 from Ukraine.
@jhungary so we quietly came to a point where Ukrainians are starting to openly pointing out to sabotage of weapon shipment plan by somebody with good relations with US medias leaking details of defence talk left, right, and centre, trying to spin the "compromise" line

What do you think?
First of all, it's borderline insane, or I would say at least naive, to underestimate Russian offensive intelligence capability. They may not be as complimented and completed as NATO intelligence capability, but you are still talking about FSB, the successor agency of KGB, there are still certain reach, I mean, FSB is not exactly completely incompetent.

On the other hand, after that stunt (Not sure if you remember, there was an incident when Zelenskyy was talking over internet directly to the US Congress and some Congressman stream the entire conversation online) I am not at all surprise if any one of those Congressman babbling their mouth off and ignore OPSEC once again and intentional or unintentionally leak those weapon package out in the media and getting targeted. I mean, that's what those Congressman good at, that's bragging what they are doing to make them look good.

If you want my 2 cents on it? It can be anything. I will not say the Ukrainian line of communication were not compromised, but at the same time, after seeing some basic OPSEC violated by our Congressman? I also am not surprise if these people shot their mouth off.
That's what I am talking about, Russia goal is to liberate the ENTIRE Donbas as they claim, so, on a operational level and strategic level, they would have to have enough resource to do that (Ie you need to be able to maintain operational gain in the area in order to suppliment your strategic goal, which is to capture the entire Donbas.)

You don't do it by attacking each and every settlement in Donbas, you do it by overwhelm the Ukrainian, taken off their defence line. and encircle their troop so they lost the fight, and then you occupied the city where the Ukrainian left behind. I have studied war extensively and I have studied soviet doctrine, I know how Russian work (again, look at my sitrep post I predicted more than 70% of the event before it happened), and not a single one in modern history (which is within the last 5 to 600 years) that an army have to take every inch of the soil literally to complete their conquests. On the other hand, you don't really need to know Soviet Doctrine to know you simply cannot use 60 or so BTG to attack EVERY city in Donbas one by one. That is no way a force strong enough to do that.

You only have limited amount of attacker available for you to achieve your object, and right now, the Russian is throwing these manpower away from taking ground instead of in a grinding fight with your enemy. Sure, Russia can grind down Ukrainian in Sieverodonetsk in 3 or 4 weeks, then what? You have to go do it again and again with city after city, Lysychansk, Kramatorsk, Sloviansk, Adviika, Bakhmut, Seversk, Toresk, just to name a few, until everyone of those 2000 cities, village big and small is captured? You would probably be doing so in the next 100 years if you are doing it that way, and that is given if you have unlimited amount of manpower.

And what about Dniper river? It did not run thru or close to Donbas, that is the river that split Ukraine in Half.

And Russia is no where close to being taken Odessa, in fact, Russia is no where close to taking Mykolaiv. And the way Russia fighting, they are probably going to run out of man before they can get close to Mykolaiv, that is if Kherson itself is not taken back by Ukrainian, they are counter attacking to only 10 km away from Kherson...
You have perfectly described the reality on the grounds, the Russian offensive is too slow and the global strategy is really strange.

I don't get that chain of command problem you tried to explain, can't be the answer of all the Russian strategy

Can you suggest the Russian strategy behind :

1- Russia not bombing all the rails roads, roads in the Poland vicinity to stop arms supplies?

2- Russia not bombing to ash the civil/military airports under Ukrainian sovereignty.

3- Russia not bombing all the well known Ukrainian military assets, they are bombing 1-2 every week or so

4- Russia stopping using Belarusian soil to attack Ukraine

5- Not using multiple fronts to break Ukrainian resistance.

6- Not a single big operation behind the enemy lines, they have air superiority, they can do it easily, you should know the damage of operations behind enemy lines.

7- Scarce use of fighters, when Ukrainian air defense is depleted.

For me, looks like Russians strategy is not finishing this war quickly, looks weird, but can't find any other option.

You are welcome to bring any other source you like , that points to Your country Iran and Russia , being on top when it comes to freedom of speech.

Other than the source " because i said so "

The only institutions doing this kind of statistics, surveys, .... Are west/Zio affiliated

As simple as that ...

And most Think tanks, NGO, Medias,.... relying, spreading,..... those survey are West/Zio financed.

As simple as that .....
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You have perfectly described the reality on the grounds, the Russian offensive is too slow and the global strategy is really strange.

I don't get that chain of command problem you tried to explain, can't be the answer of all the Russian strategy

Can you suggest the Russian strategy behind :

1- Russia not bombing all the rails roads, roads in the Poland vicinity to stop arms supplies?

They can't bomb road that far from near Poland. Even if the Russian bomber take off in Belarus, there are still around 500km of hostile ground to cover and lacking of stealth fighter, that's too dangerous to cross into Ukraine and bomb target that far west in Ukraine, you would have to run into a lot of SAM and fighter interception. Had Russia achieve complete Air Superiority, that would be another question. But seeing they just have their Su-35 and their general shot down in a Su-25. It is safe to conclude Russian Air superiority is far from being achieve.

Missile do not have enough CEP to hit railway or road (I don't think any country on earth can be that accurate enough to be able to hit a road)

2- Russia not bombing to ash the civil/military airports under Ukrainian sovereignty.

Same thing with Railway, you can only bomb what you can, in this war, a lot of destruction were done on Artillery, not Air Power. Which mean unless you are within range of that artillery circle (25km) anything beyond that is untouched.

RuAF is not USAF, what the US will do is to neuter your airforce first, either on the ground or on the air, and then push SEAD mission to take out your SAM, then you have Air Superiority and then it is where the B-52 come in. Russia, or one reason or the other, had not done that as explain before, they even have fighter jet and bomber being down by Ukrainian air defence recently.

3- Russia not bombing all the well known Ukrainian military assets, they are bombing 1-2 every week or so

Again, the only way to reach anything outside artillery range is missile, and Russia don't really have that many missile to begin with. Once they are expanded, it's gone. Unless RuAF start challenging Ukrainian Air Superiority, you are not going to see anything being touch outside that 25 km artillery range.

A better question should be why RuAF did not challenge Ukrainian Air Defence, they have the number, and presumably the skill to do so, but they didn't do so, I don't believe Ukrainian Air Defence is that good that Russia cannot penetrate. That would be the better question to ask, because without that, unless you have unlimited amount of missile supplies, You can only support within your artillery range.

4- Russia stopping using Belarusian soil to attack Ukraine

It's quite clear on the first month of war Russia cannot support a war from Belarus front logistically. They tried by taking the road and taking Hostomol Airport, but that log train is just too long and too prone to get ambushed. That is why they withdraw from that axis to begin with.

5- Not using multiple fronts to break Ukrainian resistance.
That IMO is the only thing Russia did right. With that amount of troop (roughly 100,000) and without Air Superiority, you can't supply "Multiple" front. It will take away your supporting asset and you lose concentration. 100,000 troop may seems a lot but considering Ukraine have at least 8 Brigade with unknown TDF Brigade in the area, (that's 50,000 +) 100,000 is the minimum you need in order to pull off an offensive. Traditionally you need 3 attacker to overwhelm 1 defender.

Even when Russia sort of try to go in with multiple axis, the Izyum and Popasna axis have not moved any at all in the last month. As I said, instead of going after Sieverodonetsk, if I am the Russian, I will try to break out from these two city, because that is the only way I can encircle the Ukrainian troop and force them to fight a set piece which I know I can win.

Now instead of a set piece, I have in my hand a urban city fight, which just a grinding battle. For what? A city in Luhansk? After that, I would have to fight another city, then another, then another...............

6- Not a single big operation behind the enemy lines, they have air superiority, they can do it easily, you should know the damage of operations behind enemy lines.

That's the problem, they don't.

Set aside whether or not these Russian aircraft were actually being shotdown (even tho A lot of them comes with video evidence) that show Ukrainian Air Activities is quite active.

There are 3 different level of Air Superiorities.

1.) Dominant Air Superiority - Your enemy fly, your enemy dies, you can intercept every single sorties your enemy launches
2.) Complete Air Superiority - Your enemy have capability to fly, but not the capability to challenge you.
3.) Partial Air Superiority - You have achieve a localise air exclusion zone, you can challenge every air traffic in that zone

At this point, what Russia have is either 3 or is still contesting air superiority. The Sky is free for Ukrainian to fly on, and they did challenge Russian Air Force in just about every corner in Ukraine. Again, that is just from the activities level, I am not talking about actually shooting down Russian Aircraft.

And without either 1 or 2 (most likely 1 to minimize lost) you really cannot hit anything outside that Artillery range

7- Scarce use of fighters, when Ukrainian air defense is depleted.

Well, I don't think Ukrainian Air Defence is depleted. First of all, Russia did not flew enough sorties to make it happen, You degrade your enemy air power by flying into their area and challenge them, say what you will, but Russia did not use much of its air force since the war, and for a country like Ukraine, Russia would probably have to up their air activities 10 times or more to be able to deplete Ukrainian Air Superiority.

EDIT:: Let me give you a comparsion. DoD Estimated that Russia few 320 sorties between Feb 24-March 20, that's almost a month, 320 sorties. US Air Force flew 100,000+ sorties from Jan 17 to February 23. in the first gulf war to completely decimate Iraqi Air Defence.

What Russia is doing now is like waiting on Ukrainian Air Defence to rust or somehow exploded by themselves. I mean, the only way you can degrade their air capability is by go in there and kill them, and Russia didn't exactly go in there, let alone killing them. Missile barrage is ineffective to taking out Ukrainian Air Defence. Missile does not have enough payload to "level" an airfield, and you need precise intel to strike localised air defence. But then as I explained before no country in the world can have that amount of CEP on launching a cruise missile and hitting a say S-300 air defence system....That is just too small of a target to be hit by cruise missile.

For me, looks like Russians strategy is not finishing this war quickly, looks weird, but can't find any other option.
Now this war is 2-D, without Air Power, you will not be able to break Ukraine behind your line. That is why the progress is slow, because you can move quick without air cover.

So the question is, why RuAF did not get in there and finish the job. Pretty sure Russia Air Force have enough unit to patrol Ukraine 24/7 and impose a no fly zone, that, by all account, both Russian and Ukrainian, did not happen.
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They can't bomb road that far from near Poland. Even if the Russian bomber take off in Belarus, there are still around 500km of hostile ground to cover and lacking of stealth fighter, that's too dangerous to cross into Ukraine and bomb target that far west in Ukraine, you would have to run into a lot of SAM and fighter interception. Had Russia achieve complete Air Superiority, that would be another question. But seeing they just have their Su-35 and their general shot down in a Su-25. It is safe to conclude Russian Air superiority is far from being achieve.

Missile do not have enough CEP to hit railway or road (I don't think any country on earth can be that accurate enough to be able to hit a road)

Same thing with Railway, you can only bomb what you can, in this war, a lot of destruction were done on Artillery, not Air Power. Which mean unless you are within range of that artillery circle (25km) anything beyond that is untouched.

RuAF is not USAF, what the US will do is to neuter your airforce first, either on the ground or on the air, and then push SEAD mission to take out your SAM, then you have Air Superiority and then it is where the B-52 come in. Russia, or one reason or the other, had not done that as explain before, they even have fighter jet and bomber being down by Ukrainian air defence recently.

Again, the only way to reach anything outside artillery range is missile, and Russia don't really have that many missile to begin with. Once they are expanded, it's gone. Unless RuAF start challenging Ukrainian Air Superiority, you are not going to see anything being touch outside that 25 km artillery range.

A better question should be why RuAF did not challenge Ukrainian Air Defence, they have the number, and presumably the skill to do so, but they didn't do so, I don't believe Ukrainian Air Defence is that good that Russia cannot penetrate. That would be the better question to ask, because without that, unless you have unlimited amount of missile supplies, You can only support within your artillery range.

It's quite clear on the first month of war Russia cannot support a war from Belarus front logistically. They tried by taking the road and taking Hostomol Airport, but that log train is just too long and too prone to get ambushed. That is why they withdraw from that axis to begin with.

That IMO is the only thing Russia did right. With that amount of troop (roughly 100,000) and without Air Superiority, you can't supply "Multiple" front. It will take away your supporting asset and you lose concentration. 100,000 troop may seems a lot but considering Ukraine have at least 8 Brigade with unknown TDF Brigade in the area, (that's 50,000 +) 100,000 is the minimum you need in order to pull off an offensive. Traditionally you need 3 attacker to overwhelm 1 defender.

Even when Russia sort of try to go in with multiple axis, the Izyum and Popasna axis have not moved any at all in the last month. As I said, instead of going after Sieverodonetsk, if I am the Russian, I will try to break out from these two city, because that is the only way I can encircle the Ukrainian troop and force them to fight a set piece which I know I can win.

Now instead of a set piece, I have in my hand a urban city fight, which just a grinding battle. For what? A city in Luhansk? After that, I would have to fight another city, then another, then another...............

That's the problem, they don't.

Set aside whether or not these Russian aircraft were actually being shotdown (even tho A lot of them comes with video evidence) that show Ukrainian Air Activities is quite active.

There are 3 different level of Air Superiorities.

1.) Dominant Air Superiority - Your enemy fly, your enemy dies, you can intercept every single sorties your enemy launches
2.) Complete Air Superiority - Your enemy have capability to fly, but not the capability to challenge you.
3.) Partial Air Superiority - You have achieve a localise air exclusion zone, you can challenge every air traffic in that zone

At this point, what Russia have is either 3 or is still contesting air superiority. The Sky is free for Ukrainian to fly on, and they did challenge Russian Air Force in just about every corner in Ukraine. Again, that is just from the activities level, I am not talking about actually shooting down Russian Aircraft.

And without either 1 or 2 (most likely 1 to minimize lost) you really cannot hit anything outside that Artillery range

Well, I don't think Ukrainian Air Defence is depleted. First of all, Russia did not flew enough sorties to make it happen, You degrade your enemy air power by flying into their area and challenge them, say what you will, but Russia did not use much of its air force since the war, and for a country like Ukraine, Russia would probably have to up their air activities 10 times or more to be able to deplete Ukrainian Air Superiority.

EDIT:: Let me give you a comparsion. DoD Estimated that Russia few 320 sorties between Feb 24-March 20, that's almost a month, 320 sorties. US Air Force flew 100,000+ sorties from Jan 17 to February 23. in the first gulf war to completely decimate Iraqi Air Defence.

What Russia is doing now is like waiting on Ukrainian Air Defence to rust or somehow exploded by themselves. I mean, the only way you can degrade their air capability is by go in there and kill them, and Russia didn't exactly go in there, let alone killing them. Missile barrage is ineffective to taking out Ukrainian Air Defence. Missile does not have enough payload to "level" an airfield, and you need precise intel to strike localised air defence. But then as I explained before no country in the world can have that amount of CEP on launching a cruise missile and hitting a say S-300 air defence system....That is just too small of a target to be hit by cruise missile.

Now this war are 2-D, without Air Power, you will not be able to break Ukraine behind your line. That is why the progress is slow, because you can move quick without air cover.

So the question is, why RuAF did not get in there and finish the job. Pretty sure Russia Air Force have enough unit to patrol Ukraine 24/7 and impose a no fly zone, that, by all account, both Russian and Ukrainian, did not happen.
Thanks for the detailed and insightful reply 👍

Looks like this war is still going for 2-3 years ....🤕
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