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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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Suprised you heard of him hence i kept it more general.

Ah yes. The standard:
Western claims are nato/zionist lies while russian/handpicked claims are the truth.

If you subjectively pick and choose what claims to reject or believe then we are basically discussing two different “realities”

Russian/zionist claims. See i can play that game too?

And the hundred thousands protesters were all cia agents? Fact is both america and russia meddle in other countries public opinion. Again russia is well known to fund many disruptive political parties in the EU

Interventions like russia poisoning and blackmailing…

Ah now the domestic judicial process is moral and must be upheld, but when the same “domestic judicial process” sentenced Yanukovich for being a traitor…then its suddenly zionist garbage.

Oh the fake genocide. With most casualties because of the seperatists or simply collateral damage due to misconduct from both sides.

I see you skipped the russian invasion bit. So much for ukraines oh so sacred independance then right?

Oh same can apply for america then. Why are you still sore then..its a pure new administration.
Or maybe they should rename themselves.

Besides with the current war of agression, and flattening chechnia. Putin showed he differs little from his predecessors.

I am sure you have your conspiracy theories

Holodomor was before ww2

Seems eastblock much prefers being a “weak entity” seperate state tied to eu then being “stable” under the boot of a neo sovjet regime…

Which we also see now with ukranians fighting like lions.

heavens forbid that they can choose.
Back, back to being a russian colony!
You really should stop talking to him. That guy know shit about Ukrainian politics, not once did he bring up the fact that The Pro-Russian guy Yanukovych was not elected in majority on the 2nd round, You need 51% of vote to be President of Ukraine, he got 48.6, and his party failed at Rada too only getting 30% of the seat. The sole reason why he is in power is because he agreed on a Power Sharing deal with Yulia Tymoshenko in exchange for his Presidency, he agree to sign the EU ascension agreement.

He didn't, the deal fall apart, and Tymoshenko said no more deal and dissolved the parliament. Then Maiden happened. The fact that he is still alive in Russia is the very fact that he fled (stopped being the president when he fled) BEFORE maidan, seeing the first thing the Maidan protestor surround is his Presidential Palace. If Maidan happened first, he would have been skin alive by the angry protester..

But you will hear nothing on this from him. And portray him as "Democratically" elected President that got overthrown. Well, how is he "Democratically" elected when he only have 48.6% of the vote when you need 51?? Lol, everyone in Ukraine knows that. And that's why these people are fighting....

Russia is using food and gas as pressure.

The timing of invasion (huge logistical issues and shortages just after covid) is really beneficial for them. But “what comes after” is a lot more bleak.

I just wish europe was more diplomatic/quiet on strategy before suddenly ripping up all russian gas contracts at a convenient time.
The way they are phoning in all their moves (supposedly to push putin to “do the right thing” clearly not working) is just very contra-productive.
LOL, is there a more militarist, war mongering, weapons-adoring entity than NATO ?

Cool music and nicely set to the firing rocketry. Can you please post the full song ? @Soldier35

Done. :tup:
NATO is a mighty defense pact. If Ukraine was in the Nato do you think Putin would launch invasion? That’s on Germany and France fault. They refused to give Ok. They bear historic tragedy for this war. However the most tragic mistake did Ukraine. They gave up nuclear weapons in exchange to worthless security assurance of the West and Russia.
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NATO said it does not guarantee that nuclear weapons will not be deployed in Finland and Sweden.

NATO Assistant Secretary-General Kami Grann noted that "every country is free in the nuclear field to accept or not accept weapons."

NATO does not guarantee Russia that it will not deploy nuclear weapons in Finland and Sweden if it joins NATO. This was announced, Tuesday, in an interview of the Swiss television company RTS, with the Assistant Secretary-General of the Alliance

Russia always losing a significant number of soldiers in any war it fights. That's how it does It just keeps throwing bodies at a problem until the problem goes away. Look through Russia's war history. Russia/Soviets lost 15% of their entire population, including civilians, in WW2, I don't think them losing 30,000 soldiers in 2022 is going to matter...

Russian TOS in the direction of Nikolaev. Solntsepek

The losses of the Armed Forces of Ukraine can reach hundreds of thousand soldiers.

The Ukrainian army is rapidly retreating under the attack of the Russian Allied forces. The former deputy head of the US command in Europe, Lieutenant General Stephen Tweety, said that the losses of the Ukrainian armed forces could simultaneously reach hundreds of thousands of fighters.

Russia always losing a significant number of soldiers in any war it fights. That's how it does It just keeps throwing bodies at a problem until the problem goes away. Look through Russia's war history. Russia/Soviets lost 15% of their entire population, including civilians, in WW2, I don't think them losing 30,000 soldiers in 2022 is going to matter...

It’s the equipment losses that will set them back decades. And they won’t have modern Western tech to replace those losses.
Russia always losing a significant number of soldiers in any war it fights. That's how it does It just keeps throwing bodies at a problem until the problem goes away. Look through Russia's war history. Russia/Soviets lost 15% of their entire population, including civilians, in WW2, I don't think them losing 30,000 soldiers in 2022 is going to matter...

Their thinking is just like in our part of the world lives have little value, as long as the objective is complete, though I myself do not like that philosophy.
The west is going under before everyone's eyes. It's a decaying, decadent, defeated, out of steam and increasingly irrelevant handful of totalitatian, warmongering regimes. Nobody's going to shed a tear when they're confined to the trash can of history, the sooner the better.

Already, westerners per se are a quickly vanishing breed. Courtesy of their own globalist elites, who've relentlessly been promoting mass immigration and inter-ethnic mixing for decades. Result: 25% of "Germans" are of foreign descent. 26% in Sweden - where population growth is driven to 98,8% by people with foreign backgrounds. Nice perspectives on the horizon for the "west". :lol:

Excellent point. Add to that the US is rapidly becoming a hispanic country..... "white" people are expected to become minorities in the US, Canada , and New zealand by 2050.... thats less then 30 years.. Probably quicker since all the undocumented immigration is not even accounted for in the demographic numbers...

I find it hysterical when brainwashed racists like this dude are too dumb to realize who their real enemy is. And are actively cheering on the same zio-liberal order that literally erased their country and people off the face of the earth.
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