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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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Putin is like a rat caught in a trap. There is no escape. There is a story. Putin was bitten by a rat when he was young.
He hunted a rat thru the floors. When the rat was cornered it sprung him into the face. One lesson he learned from the encounter: never push anyone or animal into a corner.
Maybe he really is dying, so he couldn't care less.

I can't think of anyone that think logically would think a full blown invasion is an answer to their problem.
They have very small tactical nukes. They have neutron bombs too. They haven't used them but they have the option too. FOr those who are boasting how powerful Ukraine is , get real.
I mean they were the primary manufacturing base for the Soviet Union but let’s gloss over that. Steam turbines, jet engines, large surface ships all produced in Ukraine.
Have you seen how many Ukrainian troops have surrendered? Over 8000 so far. In Liman, Severodonetsk, and other places, Ukrainian troops are running on civilian cars.

View attachment 850790

But yours is a lame one. Who talks about dildo in a public forum? You don't degrade the forum by discussing stuff like that.
So other then mariopol no cauldron. Good we agree.

And running so much the russians advance 0,5km a day? Less?
Just like to reply back to u thanks

No mention of Ukrainian losses. No mention of the damage done to Western Europe by Russian oil, gas, grain and fertilizer sanctions. No mention of power blackouts European NATO countries will suffer this Winter should Russia extend oil and gas sanctions. No mention of German industry grinding to a halt should Russia turn off the gas. No more Mercedes and BMW. But apart from that an excellent analysis. Except it probably isn't true only Russia to suffer in this crisis alone ? We all will be hit by it one way or another
Huh, they won’t go cold plenty of countries will sell LNG.
Benz and BMW are built in other counties too ya know. Actually their newest factories are in the US
US can produce more fertilizer as can many other countries.
I mean we can continue to do this if you’d like, what’s the next topic?
Utter dribble.

Russia was free of neocons. (Not free from putin and oligarchs stealing billions btw) And could trade. However chose to invade a sovereign nation which russia vowed would respect its security. 🤪

US government has a policy that the nations in the Western hemisphere can't have a foreign policy that can threaten America's designs in this hemisphere. A clear example we can cite is the Cuban missile crisis where US was threatening to trigger a nuclear conflict if those nuclear weapons weren't removed from Cuba. Keep in mind Cuba is a sovereign country.

Russia has similar policy where it doesn't want NATO at its borders, meaning nations that border them shouldn't threaten the security of Russia. So when Zelensky puppet decided to be Victoria Nuland's poodle and called for NATO membership, and when Biden refused to rule out Ukraine's membership in NATO, and when the NAZIS in Ukraine declared a genocidal war on Russian-speaking communities in the Donbas region, Russia was given no choice but to act. Bottom line what is good for the goose is good for the gander!

So other then mariopol no cauldron. Good we agree.

And running so much the russians advance 0,5km a day? Less?

The whole reason why you saw those Ukrainian forces in civilian cars is because they were escaping the cauldron that was about to be placed on them.

Luhansk People's Republic is almost liberated and the rest of Donbass is about to fall. They'll then go for the South of Ukraine. Unlike the West, Russia doesn't have a deadline to meet. They would gradually take town after town while crippling Western supplies to Ukraine. They already control 20% of Ukraine and brought the rest of Ukraine to its knees.
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Extending beyond Kherson may be a problem if the Russians blow up all the bridges across the Dnjpro River

On other hand, Ukraine can blow up the bridge, and have a panicking Russian force easily routed
Always interesting to see how propaganda is being used, I think majority of the public have clocked on how brainwashing and fake news works
The one thing I have most problem with is that people justify this war by "The West Push Russia to invade", well, that still make you a willing participant isn't it? Then what's the point??

I mean, it's like I said "Hey, see that house? Nobody has been collecting paper for over a month, maybe you should break in and burglarize it" Then you did it and get caught by the police, would you be able to talk it out by saying "I was pushed to burglarize that place"?
US government has a policy that the nations in the Western hemisphere can't have a foreign policy that can threaten America's designs in this hemisphere. A clear example we can cite is the Cuban missile crisis where US was threatening to trigger a nuclear conflict if those nuclear weapons weren't removed from Cuba. Keep in mind Cuba is a sovereign country.

Russia has similar policy where it doesn't want NATO at its borders, meaning nations that border them shouldn't threaten the security of Russia. So when Zelensky puppet decided to be Victoria Nuland's poodle and called for NATO membership, and when Biden refused to rule out Ukraine's membership in NATO, and when the NAZIS in Ukraine declared a genocidal war on Russian-speaking communities in the Donbas region, Russia was given no choice but to act. Bottom line what is good for the goose is good for the gander!

The whole reason why you saw those Ukrainian forces in civilian cars is because they were escaping the cauldron that was about to be placed on them.

Luhansk People's Republic is almost liberated and the rest of Donbass is about to fall. They'll then go for the South of Ukraine. Unlike the West, Russia doesn't have a deadline to meet. They would gradually take town after town while crippling Western supplies to Ukraine. They already control 20% of Ukraine when they brought the rest of Ukraine to its knees.
Nations bordering russia hardly threathen its security. Especially in the form of a defensive alliance (with multiple nato countries already bordering russia). Instead its russia threathening those poor countries existance….

As a somali i dont expect you to read much on (eastern) european history. But please do as it will help you understand current events better.
Maybe he really is dying, so he couldn't care less.

I can't think of anyone that think logically would think a full blown invasion is an answer to their problem.
If US/Nato push him in a corner, very likely he will nuke Kiev or some part of Europe.
Good analysis
About why Germany gas reserves run low. Very easy to understand. Unbelievable, but Germany biggest gas storage tanks belong to Gazprom aka Putin. He planned this war long hand. He emptied the tanks to close 0. Yes zero. Then he started the war. The Germans were naive. Germany even approved northstream 2 in opposition to the US. They are caught by surprise. The gas prices escalated. Putin smiled.
Putin plays a game of a gangster.

I don't think they were naive, I think it was clear for the start that Austria, and Germany were the most red infiltrated countries in the EU — both being a core of EU.

Macron's second tour meant that second leg of EU was also lame. He was completely mentally dominated by reds. Pussolini handled him as a pet poodle.

And the UK was out of EU as such.

Russians attacked because they thought they will never get such a rare chance again.

The US should look after their Washington politburo (Feinstein, Bushes, Libelman, Kissy) too. The amount of obvious infiltration is mind boggling, there are literally naturalised US citizens who are CPC members working as congress staffers.
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