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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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Youre missing the point.

Russia can afford to send millions of soldiers to the battlefield if it has to fight a existential threat. On the other hand Russia dosent have to send thousands of soldiers in order to create problems for Finland. They only have to fire a few weapons in order to crush the Finnish economy.

The question remain why on earth does Finland want to risk everything they have built in order to gain so little? Its not like Russia is amassing massive Army right outside Finnish border as we speak.

Russia is avdancing in Ukraine, every week they control more terroritory. Thats a fact. Not all wars are like German Panzerfaust blitzwar or First Gulf War. Some wars are fought over decadades and decades. Heck some even lasts for centuries.

If Russia attacks Finland immidiately before it is acceded into NATO, very likely USA wont directly involve itself in the conflict, just like in Ukraine.
And start a war with the EU which, BTW, just like the UNSC has the right to summon NATO... Oh, BTW, France has more nukes than it pretends and is the only country with stealth SLBMs... In other terms, you only know your under attack when MIRVs are released about 20s before they go boom
So you perhaps want NATO stooges like Garry Kasparov or Alexei Navalny to be the president but that's not going to happen. If not Putin then the Communists. So Europe should make peace with Russia and disconnect from USA. Why do you want to fight USA's wars ?

As i said you dont get it. This is not US war, this is our war. Putin is a facist who dreams about an eurasian empire. Its better to slaughter them in Ukraine then here.

We will have peace when we have crippled them beyond repair.
The Sun ? Why not "The White House" ? :lol:

In other news the 1700 Azov Nazis and other Ukrainian soldiers in Azovstal factory who surrendered to the Russians have been humanely treated including being presented in front of Red Cross representatives.

I am unable to understand how Ukraine becoming part of EU does not automatically translate into it being part of NATO unofficially. Secondly, when Russia started the operation it wanted demilitarization and deNazification of Ukraine. How would these be fulfilled in the Italian proposal ?

@RoadAmerica, weren't you talking about "Russian lying propaganda" ? Zelensky is saying that "He wants Ukrainian heroes back" and how he negotiated the "evacuation" of these 1700 people and his lies are being amplified by NATO media. :lol:

Nice report. I like this man and have watched another report of his on this thread.

You are right, I checked again and saw that it carried "surrendered" though it has the rest of what I said. :)
Both sides lie, that’s why I’m here. Sometimes I just like to point out the hypocrites
Well how do you define cheap? Oil was 60-80$ last year, now they are selling to the Chinese and Indians at 80$ when world prices are 100$. We will continue to prop up Russia. This is one thing unifying Indians and Chinese, the right for freedom from western hegemony. A quarter of humanity is easily siding Russia, the rest are just Western lackeys, Vietnam is also siding with Russia
Here is the real deal...

When oil refiners talk about crude, they generally ask two questions. First: How easy is it to break up the hydrocarbons to produce, say, gasoline or jet fuel? (In oil speak: How light is it?) Second: How much sulfur is in the oil? If there isn’t much, it’s called sweet crude.​
“Higher sulfur content, more sour crudes actually are cheaper to purchase,” said Hugh Daigle, associate professor of petroleum engineering at the University of Texas at Austin.​
That’s because they take longer to process and need specialized refining equipment. This cheap, lower-quality crude comes from Canada, Venezuela and Russia, among other spots. Back in the late 1990s and early 2000s, it was the product U.S. refiners were buying.​

See the highlighted? Back when China was buying oil from Venezuela, Chavez even offered to pay for the shipping cost. It was a great deal for China. But after Chinese tankers were loaded, they sailed to Texas and offloaded the high sulfur Venezuelan crude to US refiners. China bought from Venezuela at a discount, including the shipping cost subsidized by Venezuela, then sold the Venezuelan crude to America for cheap. Then the Chinese tankers sailed somewhere else and picked up more oil to transport. Loser: Venezuela.
Ilja Medwedew, while his father Dmitri Medwedew threatens the US, EU and other with nuclear holocaust, lives in the US, has a US passport. He has a gas station and supermarket chain.
Real comedy.

Ilja Medwedew, der Sohn von Dmitri Medwedew, nimmt im Rahmen des New Wave Song Contest 2018 an einer White Party teil. Während sein Vater, der Vize-Chef des russischen Sicherheitsrates, Europa mit Atomwaffen droht, lebt der Sprössling in den USA, dem verhassten Feind Russlands. Er besitzt die US-Staatsbürgerschaft und betreibt mit seinen 27 Jahren eine Tankstellen- und Supermarktkette.

© Vyacheslav Prokofyev / Picture Alliance
Sohn von Dmitri Medwedew

The Ukrainian garrison at Avdeevka has been blockaded in the town, unable to exit or even conduct artillery strikes. As soon as they attempt to take firing positions, counter-battery fire forces them back.

Abkhaz also remarked on the wisdom of the Allied military command, which resists emotions and the impulse to achieve showy results through the blood of the Allied soldiers. Rather than wasting personnel for medical victories, operations are planned carefully and with regard to preserving soldiers’ lives.

[GB: This corresponds to the Russian tactics in Donbass, where artillery, missile strikes, and air strikes are used to comprehensively rout the Ukrainian resistance before any forward advance by armoured groups or infantry is attempted.]

I would venture to predict that the fall of Avdeevka is not far away.


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And start a war with the EU which, BTW, just like the UNSC has the right to summon NATO... Oh, BTW, France has more nukes than it pretends and is the only country with stealth SLBMs... In other terms, you only know your under attack when MIRVs are released about 20s before they go boom

Youre saying France will nuke Russia if Russia attackes Finland? What makes you believe the French are dumb?

If you wanna play the nuke game there is really one nation that has enough of them to destroy Russia, and that is The USA. Russia would of course retaliate and destroy USA too.
In fact Russia has enough nukes to totally destroy France and UK, which are the only nuclear powers in Europe. But neither of them have enoug nukes to destroy Russia completley.
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