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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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Russians keep pushing Popasna, Severodonetsk

Ukrainians keep holding, and withdrawing from where they can't suppress enemy artillery.

Kharkiv region, more regrouping. Ukrainians decided to take remaining villages slowly, preserving soldiers.

Sumy - crossborder shelling, crossborder skirmish. Attempted infiltration by Russian specops suspected. Russian specops platoon retreated behind the border.

It's a double edged sword taking Russian funds to pay Ukraine for reconstruction -- because what about the rest that was unnecessarily destroyed due to Western interference? This could set a precedence as the video mentioned violating private property rights, just because someone is close to someone and you take there assets. As for the Marshall Plan, good luck with inflation and all and we could be headed into a recession type situation down the road.
If you seen fee maps going around, Russians have more units north of Severodonetsk, but in fact the net amount of forces is bigger south to it. There are fever units, but more troops.

Forces in Izyum are ones who were pushed there from Kiyv, or after 1st, or even 2nd RnR.

Russian forces attacking from Popasna, are much more fresh, since they didn't fight much besides Marioupol, or skirmishes during first hours of the war, and they largely preserved their artillery, or even got extra from reserves.

As I said, it's still 6-7 freaking field armies. The fight will last until autumn as both sides got depleted, and heavy weapons are still nowhere in sight besides puny 100 m777
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Training and familisation is a problem.

Patriot is a very complicated system, more or less like how AGEIS system work, it would take an average Ukrainian weeks, if not months of training to be able to use it.

Few weeks, they better get started learning then, we don't know how long this war will be, can't assume its going to be over before Ukrainians start learning.
Another issue is export control, US does not want to lose sensitive information on their system, which is most tech supplied are stripped of essential tech, you can't really strip the essential system on a Patriot....
Hence why I suggested they put in locations that's far from Russian controlled territory and protect more vital assets like in Western Ukraine like Odessa and Lviv and other locations. Why else Russians keep lobbing cruise missiles there. Or maybe China can provide their SAM system just like they delivered to Serbia. But I kid on that one.

True, maybe even help build their Neptune missiles besides their artillery. focus on breaking that blockade as well as making a land attack version of the Neptune. Should help increase the range. Also don't know if Poland or other countries can build SAMs like the S-300 besides radar and missiles to replace those fired or destroyed.

About logistic, Russia still can't hit anywhere in Ukraine at any time, Logistic is not really an issue here, but I think Ukrainian would need to focus on Civilian-Military effort on Logistic. Maybe they will do it in their 4th round of TDF intake. Giving the first round is trained to Defend, second round is trained as replacement of loss combat power, 3rd round is train on counter offensive, probably 4 th round are trained to supplies and logistic? I don't know.

About logistic, Russia still can't hit anywhere in Ukraine at any time, Logistic is not really an issue here, but I think Ukrainian would need to focus on Civilian-Military effort on Logistic. Maybe they will do it in their 4th round of TDF intake. Giving the first round is trained to Defend, second round is trained as replacement of loss combat power, 3rd round is train on counter offensive, probably 4 th round are trained to supplies and logistic? I don't know.
I was more referring to having trucks and vans than more about people that can drive them. The Ukrainian troops need constantly supplies for defending as well as launching counter offensive.
If you seen fee maps going around, Russians have more units north of Severodonetsk, but in fact the net amount of forces is bigger south to it. There are fever units, but more troops.

Forces in Izyum are ones who were pushed there from Kiyv, or after 1st, or even 2nd RnR.

Russian forces attacking from Popasna, are much more fresh, since they didn't fight much besides Marioupol, or skirmishes during first hours of the war, and they largely preserved their artillery, or even got extra from reserves.

As I said, it's still 6-7 freaking field armies. The fight will last until autumn as both sides got depleted, and heavy weapons are still nowhere in sight besides puny 100 m777

The new $40B package will last Ukrainian forces until the end of the year. The Ukrainians are getting a lot of fresh weaponry, and likely more advanced with MLRS coming.
It's more like should. It would help drastically.

Those systems will be a nightmare for the Russians. That’s a lot of accurate firepower at significant range that the Russians will struggle to counter due to their mobility.
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