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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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Its really sad pathetic, and almost comical how western media tries to spin a mass surrender as some glorious victory

Sooo glorious that the ukies and the US are begging for a cease fire.

Beaten to a pulp.

I really cant tell whos more pathetic at this point. The western shitstream medias desperate propaganda?

Or the simple minded gullible idiots consuming that propaganda no questions asked? Hard to tell

The city that puossolini wanted most is destroyed. The steelplant is destroyed. The industry destroyed. Thats the fact. Swallow it. :)
The Sun ? Why not "The White House" ? :lol:

In other news the 1700 Azov Nazis and other Ukrainian soldiers in Azovstal factory who surrendered to the Russians have been humanely treated including being presented in front of Red Cross representatives.

I am unable to understand how Ukraine becoming part of EU does not automatically translate into it being part of NATO unofficially. Secondly, when Russia started the operation it wanted demilitarization and deNazification of Ukraine. How would these be fulfilled in the Italian proposal ?

@RoadAmerica, weren't you talking about "Russian lying propaganda" ? Zelensky is saying that "He wants Ukrainian heroes back" and how he negotiated the "evacuation" of these 1700 people and his lies are being amplified by NATO media. :lol:

Nice report. I like this man and have watched another report of his on this thread.

You are right, I checked again and saw that it carried "surrendered" though it has the rest of what I said. :)

What Russia wants is irrelevant. 6 weeks ago Russia wanted all of Ukraine. Russia can get a ceasefire and them **** off. Its a facesaving way for them to bug out. The sanctions will stay of course

Do you guys think this plan is still workable or is too late now??
@Apollon @Hassan Al-Somal @Vergennes @jamahir.
Please pardon my ignorance, but was it the plan before? I am a bit late to follow This Russian-Ukrainian military conflict (generally I didn't follow the political development in Europe prior to this war).

Its too late, even more so that Russia has also lost Kharkiv. I say we continue this war. Its simply better
What Russia wants is irrelevant. 6 weeks ago Russia wanted all of Ukraine.

I don't think Russia wanted Ukraine, it just wanted the Ukrainian government to agree to some reasonable demands including deNazification of the country. Why does Zelensky refuse to do that ? He calls the surrendered Azov Nazis in Azovstal as heroes and NATO doesn't protest. :lol:

Russia can get a ceasefire and them **** off. Its a facesaving way for them to bug out.

Let's see.

The sanctions will stay of course

In this post, this post and this post I have written why those NATO sanctions will not work except for in a limited immediate sense.
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I don't think Russia wanted Ukraine, it just wanted the Ukrainian government to agree to some reasonable demands including deNazification of the country. Why does Zelensky refuse to do that ? He calls the surrendered Azov Nazis in Azovstal as heroes and NATO doesn't protest. :lol:

Let's see.

In this post, this post and this post I have written why those NATO sanctions will not work except for in a limited immediate sense.

You still dont get it. Russia is enemy of Europe. For that all economic, cultural and travel is cut. There is no going back from that as long putin is president. Even complete withdraw from russia wont change that.
You still dont get it. Russia is enemy of Europe. For that all economic, cultural and travel is cut. There is no going back from that as long putin is president. Even complete withdraw from russia wont change that.

So you perhaps want NATO stooges like Garry Kasparov or Alexei Navalny to be the president but that's not going to happen. If not Putin then the Communists. So Europe should make peace with Russia and disconnect from USA. Why do you want to fight USA's wars ?
Just when you think that they couldn't get more retarded, the Russians come out with something new to give them a bigger Darwin award. As if the entire world hasn't seen Russian turrets flying high when hit by ATGMs.

Russian bots in here should get a grip allready, even if in one month time Russia manages to achieve some of its objectives, the emperor is still naked.
The US managed to win the conventional war in Iraq in 2 weeks!....2 weeks!....with a country situated thousands of kilometres away from its home base,...and that 20 years ago,!...while Russia struggles for the LAST 3 MONTHS against a neighbouring country with NO AIR FORCE, NO NAVY (and they still lost their admiral ship against them,the Moskva,lol),NO MODERN AIR DEFENCE NETWORK.
This is no superpower, this is just an old relic gasping for air.Invade Europe? They would be torn to shreddes by F16's,Gripes,EF Typhoons, Rafales,F18's,advanced AA systems and professional soldiers.

The bear is naked , toothless and clawless.
Yes Russia is losing as they drag a few thousand soldiers in handcuffs from Azovstal steel plant.
Anyone have an update on the Kherson front? Im hearing/seeing unconfirmed reports of the UAF conducting successful counter attacks against the Russians? Anyone can confirm or deny this?

@jhungary @RescueRanger @LeGenD
No movement on Kherson.

The center of gravity now is in the East, it's logical to divert all available resource to defeat the Russian in the East First.

There are local counter attack however, mostly to push the Russian into their defensive position and away from Mykolaiv

Would imagine now since Kharkiv is out of Russian control, more resource should be diverted back to Kherson.

Russians foaming at the mouth...Look at that wild pig trying to scare people with his breakdown,lol
He even remembered that Finns are evil, because "hurr durr, they fought with the fascists!".....Does he remember that his decrepid, evil motherland attacked Finland first, without cause, in 1939, in the Winter War?

Russians foaming at the mouth...Look at that wild pig trying to scare people with his breakdown,lol
He even remembered that Finns are evil, because "hurr durr, they fought with the fascists!".....Does he remember that his decrepid, evil motherland attacked Finland first, without cause, in 1939, in the Winter War?
He is so angry. He will beat the neighbors’ dogs, and steal them washing machine. After that he will accuse them of fascism.
Yes Russia is losing as they drag a few thousand soldiers in handcuffs from Azovstal steel plant.
It doesn't matter if they'll win or not,.A powerful military would have ended the conventional war with Ukraine in 2 weeks . No matter what happens from now on,Russia lost allready
Youre missing the point.

Russia can afford to send millions of soldiers to the battlefield if it has to fight a existential threat. On the other hand Russia dosent have to send thousands of soldiers in order to create problems for Finland. They only have to fire a few weapons in order to crush the Finnish economy.

The question remain why on earth does Finland want to risk everything they have built in order to gain so little? Its not like Russia is amassing massive Army right outside Finnish border as we speak.

Russia is avdancing in Ukraine, every week they control more terroritory. Thats a fact. Not all wars are like German Panzerfaust blitzwar or First Gulf War. Some wars are fought over decadades and decades. Heck some even lasts for centuries.

If Russia attacks Finland immidiately before it is acceded into NATO, very likely USA wont directly involve itself in the conflict, just like in Ukraine.
And start a war with the EU which, BTW, just like the UNSC has the right to summon NATO... Oh, BTW, France has more nukes than it pretends and is the only country with stealth SLBMs... In other terms, you only know your under attack when MIRVs are released about 20s before they go boom
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