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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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No advances there. Hearing the news, I think Ukraine will not go there before they get success in the East.

Pushing Russians out of Khesanh will push ~18000 Russian troops to the Eastern front.

For all intents and purposes, Khesanh is an easy target to take, even with 10k Russian troops there.

There are signs Ukrainian comms give out that units there have an order to pin down, and keep Russians worn out, not to push them out.

South is easy to retake, East is not.
Ahhh so no counter attack YET then
The only reasons the rubble is "bouncing back" is because of the massive interventions by the Russian central bank and the fact the EU hasn't yet imposed ban and sanctions on Russian gas&oil... for now. When these will be implemented,watch the show. Russian economy is already set to plunge by 10% this year.
Exactly, I’ve pointed this out many times as well.
The same Putin cheerleaders will ignore it. Maybe they should educate themselves instead and try to learn 🙄
LOL, u mad bro? :)

Their posts are no worse than the ridiculous propaganda tweets from both sides in this thread.

Well atleast they are sharing POVs of someone, he is a dumb moron engaging in dumb discussions. Half the page is usually filled with his crap. I dont have problem with anyside sharing their propaganda but he is just trolling.
The tragic thing is that many dirty commies committed unspeakable crimes against ordinary German soldiers and then German got tough on ordinary Greeks who were supposed to chill with the commie partisans.

Are you serious?

So what youre saying is that its OK for German soldiers, «ordinary» soldiers or whatever you mean by that, were hard on civillians because communist soldiers fought against and treated german SOLDIERS bad?
I dont care about india.

What i do care about is crushing any russian Influenza here in Europe

India ? I quoted a republished Reuters article. Reuters is a British, NATO-aligned "news" agency. :rolleyes:

The first... :lol:

The second, there was a vid some days ago about a little girl in a liberated city asking a Russian soldier if he has killed the bad people. He says no they don't kill but convince them to leave the bad ways. But Zelensky must be captured and tried.

The third, some of the proceeds might certainly be the cut of Zelensky boss.

Seriously who writes this trash, even more who believes it 🤷🏿‍♂️
The heroic 20th army pushed deep into enemy territory fighting dragons and other middle earth creatures…..see that’s just as believable

Right, as against the eternal truths propagated by NATO since its establishment including getting the daughter of the Kuwaiti ambassador to USA as a volunteer nurse in a hospital in Kuwait which she said Iraqi soldiers ransacked and went on to throw out the babies from the incubators. Also to mention Libyan and Syrian soldiers "have been killing civilians including women and children" and Gaddafi having given Viagra to Libyan soldiers to rape Libyan females. Must say, the disinfo teams in NATO have good imagination. :lol: Enough also to hide homelessless, hunger, money-continued health problems and so many other things. But yes America, spend your 700+ billion dollars on your imperialist military to invade societies where housing, water, education, healthcare etc are provided free by the system. :lol:

So equally as terrible

What's your problem with the Communists ?

The Russians will not do anything meaningful. Russia exports of fossils energy make up 2/3 of exports, half of Putin gov budget including budget for his army comes from selling fuels. why should they commit suicide? Why Putin will invent anything to save energy? If India, China stop buying fuels tomorrow Russia is bankrupt. Russians won’t have money to import anything. Russia will become a version of Srilanka.

Yet Russia is participant in that research. :) Also, Russia by itself and its allies or potential allies like China can fulfil its needs and of its allies whether in food production or in spacecraft. I don't know too deeply about this but other than consumer microprocessor and memory production currently I don't see much of Russia being dependent on the Western bloc. These things can be localized in collaboration with China if China stops being selfish by being ambiguous and not militarily supporting Russia in Ukraine. The socio-economic system in Russia can change to totally disconnect from the West and become progressive in consultation with the Communists. So you tell me in this situation what is the point of associating "bankruptcy" with Russia and what other imports will get stuck from the Western bloc ?

Can u please not degrade the whole thread to ur level of stupidity? If u have something useful to share then go on but do not flood the thread with ur low iq rants which only makes u look stupid.
Man these three guys jamahir, apollon and tai hai chen should be awarded with the most dumb ppl on pdf.

And your awards ? The Pride Of PDF ? The Best Of The Best Intellects That PDF Has To Offer ? You should write for the regular PDF writeup competition. :lol:
You must have gone out of your way to find that and post it here. It’s frigging Reddit- the platform where people believe Trump is the second coming of Jesus.

Why even give it importance?
Nope, was just casually checking to find that story. It is reported by multiple outlets like Newsweek, NDTV and even Pakistani ones. Why should it not be posted here? :what:
Interesting if true.

Russian Tanks Surviving Hits from U.S.-made Javelin Missiles: Russian MoD​

Posted by Don Miller on Mar 3rd, 2022

Image about Russian Tanks Surviving Hits from U.S.-made Javelin Missiles: Russian MoD

Russian T-72 main battle tanks currently operating in Ukraine appear to be surviving hits from the U.S.-made Javelin anti -tank guided missile (ATGM) in service with the Ukrainian Army.
Javelins ATGM attack tanks from top down hitting at the least protected part of the tank.
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The Russian Ministry of Defense (MoD)’s spokesperson, Igor Konashenkov, during a briefing on March 2 said that a Russian tank crew led by Senior Lieutenant Starostin was attacked by the American Javelin ATGM, received a shell shock, but still was able to operate and destroyed two Ukrainian tanks.

Before being hit by the Javelin ATGM, the tank had shot and destroyed 8 BTR-80s (armored personnel carriers) and more than 100 nationalists (Ukrainian soldiers and other combatants).

The spokesperson was recounting the “heroism” of Russian tank crew shown during the “special military operation in Ukraine,” which Kyiv is calling an “invasion.”
In another battle, “the crew of one of the Russian tanks under the command of senior sergeant Nimchenko, destroyed 6 tanks and 3 BTR-80, as well as more than 90 nationalists (killed), within 40 minutes,” the spokesperson said.
Damaged Russian tank in Ukraine
Russian tanks sporting peculiar top canopy
Some Russian T-72 tanks in Ukraine have been seen sporting a square top canopy with twin layer of steel. The canopy looks like an add-on welding and has not been seen in any previous iterations of the T-72. A section of observers say that the canopy’s purpose is to deflect ATGMs such as the Javelin. Others say the tanks with the steel canopy have been seen in urban areas which could mean they are to protect against small arms fire coming from rooftops.
Ukraine social media replete with images of destroyed Russian tanks
While the Ukrainian Army has not announced the number of Russian tanks destroyed, social media is full of images showing burning Russian tanks. Besides Javelin ATGMs, the Ukrainians are using Bayraktar TB2 drones to destroy Russian tanks. Videos of Russian tanks in the cross-hairs of Bayraktar and then going boom as a missile from it hits the tanks are all too common on social media.
Just when you think that they couldn't get more retarded, the Russians come out with something new to give them a bigger Darwin award. As if the entire world hasn't seen Russian turrets flying high when hit by ATGMs.

Russian bots in here should get a grip allready, even if in one month time Russia manages to achieve some of its objectives, the emperor is still naked.
The US managed to win the conventional war in Iraq in 2 weeks!....2 weeks!....with a country situated thousands of kilometres away from its home base,...and that 20 years ago,!...while Russia struggles for the LAST 3 MONTHS against a neighbouring country with NO AIR FORCE, NO NAVY (and they still lost their admiral ship against them,the Moskva,lol),NO MODERN AIR DEFENCE NETWORK.
This is no superpower, this is just an old relic gasping for air.Invade Europe? They would be torn to shreddes by F16's,Gripes,EF Typhoons, Rafales,F18's,advanced AA systems and professional soldiers.

The bear is naked , toothless and clawless.
Nope, was just casually checking to find that story. It is reported by multiple outlets like Newsweek, NDTV and even Pakistani ones. Why should it not be posted here? :what:
Because it’s a load of nonsense - like who cares lol - I’m going to be honest here - until I see the planes on the tarmac it’s all just fluff.

I love that a Pakistani is supporting Ukraine. Makes me proud . But I know a lot of these stories are fluff.
Just when you think that they couldn't get more retarded, the Russians come out with something new to give them a bigger Darwin award. As if the entire world hasn't seen Russian turrets flying high when hit by ATGMs.

Russian bots in here should get a grip allready, even if in one month time Russia manages to achieve some of its objectives, the emperor is still naked.
The US managed to win the conventional war in Iraq in 2 weeks!....2 weeks!....with a country situated thousands of kilometres away from its home base,...and that 20 years ago,!...while Russia struggles for the LAST 3 MONTHS against a neighbouring country with NO AIR FORCE, NO NAVY (and they still lost their admiral ship against them,the Moskva,lol),NO MODERN AIR DEFENCE NETWORK.
This is no superpower, this is just an old relic gasping for air.Invade Europe? They would be torn to shreddes by F16's,Gripes,EF Typhoons, Rafales,F18's,advanced AA systems and professional soldiers.

The bear is naked , toothless and clawless.

"Muh nucklear wapens".
"Muh nucklear wapens".
Don't forget hypersonic #neverseenbefore# missiles, planet killing torpedoes and suicide dolphins

In the real world, they've switched to manufacturing cars without air bags, meh,no technology for that complicated contraption
Because it’s a load of nonsense - like who cares lol - I’m going to be honest here - until I see the planes on the tarmac it’s all just fluff.

I love that a Pakistani is supporting Ukraine. Makes me proud . But I know a lot of these stories are fluff.
The story quotes the Ukrainian wife as source. But yea, the official reports may be released after the war is over :undecided:
Just when you think that they couldn't get more retarded, the Russians come out with something new to give them a bigger Darwin award. As if the entire world hasn't seen Russian turrets flying high when hit by ATGMs.

Russian bots in here should get a grip allready, even if in one month time Russia manages to achieve some of its objectives, the emperor is still naked.
The US managed to win the conventional war in Iraq in 2 weeks!....2 weeks!....with a country situated thousands of kilometres away from its home base,...and that 20 years ago,!...while Russia struggles for the LAST 3 MONTHS against a neighbouring country with NO AIR FORCE, NO NAVY (and they still lost their admiral ship against them,the Moskva,lol),NO MODERN AIR DEFENCE NETWORK.
This is no superpower, this is just an old relic gasping for air.Invade Europe? They would be torn to shreddes by F16's,Gripes,EF Typhoons, Rafales,F18's,advanced AA systems and professional soldiers.

The bear is naked , toothless and clawless.
USA is a rich country (the richest country) protected by two oceans, they had no security problems in Iraq war, it was just a show of empire dominance, to threat else countries and what could happen if you dont obbey the master, it was a show of force.

Russia is protecting their border with the cheapest part of their military, they have security problems, it's not a show, it's just a way of stop Kiev genocide to Russian people in East Ukraine, and stop the future deployment of NATO in Ukraine, using the cheapest means that Russia have (low skilled young soldiers, cheap expired weapons, and so on).

Russia conventional war higher capabilities is reserved for a higher threats to state security.
And Russia nuclear war capabilities is just the doomsday.
Are you serious?

So what youre saying is that its OK for German soldiers, «ordinary» soldiers or whatever you mean by that, were hard on civillians because communist soldiers fought against and treated german SOLDIERS bad?

What I meant was - There is village "A" and this village was declared safe by German authority.
The civilians were told/explained the "NOW-rules" and if they do as they were told everything is fine.

Let's assume the majority of the village inhabitants are the common folks, ordinary people, who are even NEUTRAL, not pro/against Germans in a special way. Except a few but which can't be directly detected by Germans or the other villagers. So you have 90 neutral, 5 pro German and 5 anti German villagers in that location.

Now partisans are coming in the night and murdering in a bestial way they 5 pro German Greeks and 10 soldiers.
Now you - as a neutral person can have a bad day because of a very strict and compliant officer.
Back in the day it was ok to shoot 10 civilians for 1 murdered soldier.

And that's nothing compared what a much bigger %tage of Soviet soldiers did, even in their "liberated" areas.
Even Tito himself whined to Stalin about the animal behaviour from Soviets to Yugoslav women.

MOST German brutality was methodical.
I know some Poles (not Jewish) who told me that their great and grandparents knew what they could do with Germans and what not.
With Soviets it was a completely different thing.
They were raping and looting in unimaginable scale and shooting people without clear reason.
You have prove for that? Nope. Just russian words. What counts is that even heavy artillery reaches front in huge numbers.

Russian space program is in shambles and breaking down since years. Remember the rocket with Z Satellite they launched in april?

Did not reach orbit and reenters atmopshere.

I dont care about india.

What i do care about is crushing any russian Influenza here in Europe
I don't any evident other than what I saw in the twitter, I am not in the conflict zone. There are a lot of tweep from certain accounts about the destruction of building that contain weapons from the west to Ukraine and military training centers. Off course many of the weapon would make to the frontline as Russian some constrain on resources to follow up their satellite findings.
The tragic thing is that many dirty commies committed unspeakable crimes against ordinary German soldiers and then German got tough on ordinary Greeks who were supposed to chill with the commie partisans.
The communists would execute German POWs in brutal ways and then the ordinary people would suffer the reprisals. This is how KKE "fought for the people". Most of the time they were too busy killing their compatriots.
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