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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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What I don't understand is, why China is not covertly supporting Russia like west supporting Ukraine??

This is the war where China can stop west from aggressing into Indo Pacific specially in Taiwan, US will create similar situation for China after destroying Russian military capabilities, it's right time to test modern weapons built by China in real war.

If China wants to do that it's not the right time. They should only do it if and when European and American troops get involved.
Meanwhile I am waiting for the FIREWORK at Moscow May 9, 2022 V-day celebration as promised by Ukraine to lite up.
Watch his live interview with Wali over Canadian TV instead and you will get wiser.

This type of edited BS transcript by another is mean for American readers as crisis management.

Surely you are more mature than that by now.
Here is the interview, Wali nowhere to be seen in the video.
Haha, well, most countries US spents "US aid" were destroyed by US before or had "regime change" by US before or were economical pressured by US before (e.g. sanctions) so that they were unable to develop themself their needs. Whereas "US aid" is also (and in the sum the most) military aid to e.g. Israel ect. or Proxy fighting groups ect.

Technological the US is on the decline. The technological advantage, coming from the theft of german patents and researches after ww2, only holded on to the 70s, then slows down even the US still theft technologies from other countries. Today the US is only second, third or lower in most technologies.

And what art? Pedophil Disney channel? Woke bullshit? Sick Hollywood films? Lol!

And what sience? Most "siencific succsess" in US is made by foreign scientists working there.

What US is good in is destroy smaller countries, do regime changes and pressure the "friends" in "the West" to support with sanctions for to destroy other countries economic. And that all for to delay its own crash, suck other countries life out to delay. But even that is on the decline cause the perverted world dollar system, what let the US survived till now by making hughe dept, is on the decline.

Disagreed with you on this, dear.

Americans continue to innovate and produce top-of-the-line technologies. This is lengthy debate and offtopic so I will keep this short.

Just look at works of Elon Musk. His companies have produced revolutionary technologies. Impact is global, and even Germans are impressed.

SpaceX starlink cyber system have a major role in making it possible for Ukranians to subvert impact of Russian cyber warfare capabilities and efforts (more than Russian in fact). Russians are in total disbelief and Pentagon is studying starlink cyber system as well. This network alone have made it possible for Ukranians to fight Russia on even playing field.

Russia was well-equipped to swallow Ukraine otherwise.

Russian defeat in Ukraine is/would be absolutely stunning development. This war will haunt Russia in the years to come.

USA is a nation of immigrants as a whole. It is pointless to discuss background of American scientists. They are diverse and mixed.

American economic system and model is different from traditional economics. They conceptualized Bretton Woods system after the Great Depression of the 1930s. They conceptualized Petro-Dollar system after the energy crisis of the 1970s. They will conceptualize another system if the current system fails. Some of the most brilliant economic minds work there.

USA is here to stay and people should come to terms with this reality. It is a big country with talented people.

Modern Global Order favors existence of nation-states. The Age of Empires is gone as you can see in Ukraine.

Question is where Germany sees itself in the near future.
If China wants to do that it's not the right time. They should only do it if and when European and American troops get involved.
China has been quite forthcoming with their stance and has shown no ambiguity about it.

China is more concerned like Russia about the biolabs in Ukraine which will affects the entire world. The conflict will be settled one way or another. It is good as the whole world understands the hegemony, double standard and hypocrisy of the West Power.

How can the US and EU freeze the the national bank reserve and assets of a sovereign nation?

What UN law permitted them to do so?

Why is the US and NATO trying to bait China into the Ukrainian war which has nothing to do with them?

Since the US and NATO starts all this shit, kindly clean it up themselves.

China is not obliged to HELP EU, the USA or NATO. It is entirely up to Russia now.

Antony Blinkens has just invited a Poor Ukraine President Zalensky to attend the next Rich and Powerful G7 nations meeting.

Purpose: To use HIM.
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Chechens are just as Russian as anyone born in Moscow. Russia does not document race the way Canada and the US documents race such as White and Black. In Russia if you speak Russian you can identify as ethnic Russian.
Lol, no you cant. They have two words for Russian in russia. one means a "russian" citizen from russia, the other means ethnic russian.
If China wants to do that it's not the right time. They should only do it if and when European and American troops get involved.

Western society is decadent and gene pool is weak and getting weaker. Americans literally piss their pants when they hear they are going to war. American troops will not fight.

Lol, no you cant. They have two words for Russian in russia. one means a "russian" citizen from russia, the other means ethnic russian.

If you speak Russian fluently and permanently reside in Russia you are ethnic Russian. In Russia no one bats an eye about your skin color.
I hope Germany restores the German empire. They have the aspiration but currently not sufficient population to do so.

Germany under greenhorns Olaf Scholtz and Annalena Charlotte has blundered very badly.
Germany may go into a recession.

Even Hungary, Slovakia and the Czech Republic understand that their National Interest comes FIRST.

Now to avoid the splitting up of EU, the EU commission offers concession in the gorm of exemption to these nations. Now will other EU follows suit.

They sure missed the political shrewness of Chancellor Angela Merkel.

She would have stand up to the US led NATOlile she did with Trump.

And surely avoid the Ukrainian conflict according to many analysts.

And Nordstream 2 would be in operation. Now Germany lost everything including her reputation as an independent EU leader.
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