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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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If China wants to do that it's not the right time. They should only do it if and when European and American troops get involved.

US and NATO is using Afghanistan 2.0 tactics here, it will they will not openly send troops but will provide support with ISR, EW, Stats, Comms, weapons, Training and helping in operating/conducting operations etc.
And that was the aim of the US - to split Yugoslavia into lots of little states where they then can control and push Russia out.

Even the UN admit that bosnian muslims shoot arty at Sarajevo ect. And this the US (Clinton) then used as "fake excuse" to bomb the serbians in Bosnia. It is the same plot as always.
Please stop derailing this thread with cheap Serbian propaganda.
Please stop derailing this thread with cheap Serbian propaganda.

Its UN official statement. The mechanism behind is the same as the mechanism behind the Ukraine/Russia war is. The mechanism is called US.
West know that Taiwan is sensitive issue for China and China will not allow Taiwan to be independent state, US is shifting it's policy over Taiwan and now openly helping Taiwan military and supporting them for Independence, US may push Taiwan to apply UN membership and announce Taiwan to be a country, it will put China in very bad situation, lose Taiwan to US (allowing US bases very near to main land China) or go to war to reclaim it where US and its allies will be happy to support Taiwan.

China will break diplomatic relation with the US if the US recognizes Taiwan. US elites would have Biden's guts for gutters when they lose trillions of USD of profit.
Even the Pope blame NATO for the Ukrainian conflict.

Don’t forget, also, the pope blames capitalism, communism, liberty, women rights, Charles Darwin for evolution. He blames everything. Except Putin.
Putin will become the next Pope.
Who is send arms to Ukraine?? Who is providing ISR, EW capabilities to Ukraine?? Who is allowing ex military people to go fight for Ukraine?? Who have deployed Trainers in Ukraine??

Kindly stop this hypocrisy, and don't try to fool the world, Ukraine crisis/war is created by US and its European NATO allies, at the end only US will get benefit of this conflict.

No, its because Putins Imperialism.
A thousand fake tweets won't help Ukraine to win this war. I never bother to watch them.

It is heading one direction and that is south.

Russia just sank a Ukrainian Navy warship in Odessa.

So - how many times is Russia going to sink the same Ukrainian ship?
Well, i can make it short: Do you like Imran Khan?

Yes, I do. He is the only politician to get my vote twice in 2 consecutive general elections. He have credentials and he is not corrupt like some of his political rivals. His heart is in the right place.

But I do not consider him to be infallible. His mistakes have costed him his seat unfortunately. There were some matters beyond his control but he could show better judgement in some cases. He can learn from his experience nevertheless. There are deliberations and suggestions on these lines. Let us see.

WE should stay on topic now.
Even the Pope blame NATO for the Ukrainian conflict.


Caught lying again…
This means that NATO provided a feather, and Putin is calling it a hen.

Yes, I do. He is the only politician to get my vote twice in 2 consecutive general elections. He have credentials and he is not corrupt like his political rivals. His heart is in the right place.

But I do not consider him to be infallible. His mistakes have costed him his seat unfortunately. There were some matters beyond his control but he could show better judgement in some cases. He can learn from his experience nevertheless. There are deliberations and suggestions on these lines. Let us see.

WE should stay on topic.

Surprise. So me dont understand your believing in western propaganda.
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