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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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They're attempting it, I doubt they'll succeed. They barely took Mariupol, taking Azovstal will be 100 time harder.

It was better to starve them out, but Putin's idiocy continues to sabotage Russian military plans. This is why you don't let spies plan wars.

As for the parade, what a joke. Not only are they gonna risk a potential Ukrainian attack during the parade, but they're parading in a completely destroyed city. This smells of desperation, nothing more.

Absolutely pathetic, the Russians have been a massive disappointment. I expected nothing, and I received even less.
They are already in the plant and all communication has been cut off. They will take it soon. But yes Russia a military super power is struggling, lack of planning, coordination, intelligence. Shocking. It shows the world that Russia is not the old power. If Russia fails then Nato will become more aggressive and expand as more countries will want to join due to fear/protection. Russia is the founding member of Shanghai Cooperation Organisation but the SCO is quiet, not even a statement in favour of Russia, whilst Nato is openly supporting Ukraine.


These may be the screwed up Israeli mercenaries who did it for money and never studied their histories.

China save so many Israeli lives from the holocaust in Europe. They were shipped and offered sancturies and home in China.

today many of the US originated Jews acted so ungratefully and advocate hostilities against China e.g. Anotony Blinkens.
Another pompous Western guy pulling uncorroborated figures outta his *** and quoting unnamed US intelligence sources.
This schtick doesn't work anymore, the world has moved on

Inaccurate? I won't not underestimate them Russians.

They destroyed most of the weapons, power stations, railway bridges and stations being delivered to Ukraine with high precisions.
Another pompous Western guy pulling uncorroborated figures outta his *** and quoting unnamed US intelligence sources.
This schtick doesn't work anymore, the world has moved on
These guys still retained a supremacist mindset.

Yes. The world have since move on while the US is still struggling with high inflation.
While in 2021 China added USD 3 trillion to her GDP while US merely 763 billion.

The GDP Q1 GDP of the US has contracted and she has approved USD33 billion military hardware to Ukraine.
They are already in the plant and all communication has been cut off. They will take it soon. But yes Russia a military super power is struggling, lack of planning, coordination, intelligence. Shocking. It shows the world that Russia is not the old power. If Russia fails then Nato will become more aggressive and expand as more countries will want to join due to fear/protection. Russia is the founding member of Shanghai Cooperation Organisation but the SCO is quiet, not even a statement in favour of Russia, whilst Nato is openly supporting Ukraine.
They're attempting to enter, they aren't in yet.

Also, cutting off coms there is fairly easy, just set up jammers.

Russian Federation was never a super power, the USSR was.

If nations are joining NATO, it's Russia's own fault.

SCO is not a defensive Treaty, and even if it was, Russia invaded Ukraine and set off these hostilities, not the other way around. The SCO had no role to play here.

This entire war has proven that Russia has been and will always be a joke...a deadly joke, but a joke none the less. It is not a clown, it is the entire circus.
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I think the stalemate will become more difficult for Russia as the pledged western weapons reach frontline. Russia may also be and to strengthen their logistics, but their weapons may not be as good.

The amount of artillery the West gave Ukraine is peanuts compared to the amount of artillery Russia uses. It's a drop in a bucket.
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