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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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That's because they are, there was a post on here showing a video of Israeli ex-servicemen in Ukraine with Azov neo-nazis. Not surprising really when Israel is essentially a right-wing fascist state dressed up in the garb of "democracy", like much of the West.
IMO there is no way the Israeli or Jew will fight along the side of the neo-NAZI AZOV battalion.
It is fabricated and simply illogical.

Israel is still hunting for Nazi WW2 war criminals.

That is why Israel refuse to join the US even she is an ally and abstained frim voting against Russia. US insensitivity.

I will take this news by FranceTV with a pinch of salt.
Urgent AFP: The United Kingdom and Japan are preparing to conclude a defense agreement


Russian Defense Minister: Any NATO transport loaded with weapons is a legitimate target if it reaches Ukraine.

I seriously doubt those are Russian soldiers as the main fighting in Ukraine are done by the miilitia of the DNR, Lugansk and Chechen regiments.

The Russian units are mainly doing the encirclement.

It is not uncommon to hear the Ukrainian referring to militias from DNR, Lugansk as Russian.

Moreover many of these images are recycle over and over again, we find it hard to corroborated all these tweets. But it both fun and frustration between fake news and the truth. Russians are not saying much.
The head of U.S. Strategic Command, which oversees the nuclear arsenal, warned Congress Wednesday that Washington faces a heightened nuclear deterrence risk when it comes to Russia and China.

“We are facing a crisis deterrence dynamic right now that we have only seen a few times in our nation’s history,” Adm. Charles Richard told the Senate’s strategic forces panel. “The war in Ukraine and China’s nuclear trajectory — their strategic breakout — demonstrates that we have a deterrence and assurance gap based on the threat of limited nuclear employment.”

We have seen enough by now, the Russian military is disorganised.
But the war also showed where the Russians are shining⭐✨, some brilliantly:
1. Missiles: Ballistic, cruise, guided, unguided.. all are performing flawlessly. It's amazing to see missiles launched from hundreds of kms away slam 💥into the middle of a narrow bridge unerringly, every time. Bad news for NATO should nukes start flying. Not even one of the bigger missiles seem to have missed widely or dropped midway.. the way Tomahawks did.
2. Choppers : After the initial shootdowns by anti air, they seem to be doing rather well in such a hostile environment.
3. Morale: In spite of NATO propaganda, the individual Russian soldier and it's military seem to be in good spirits, well behaved and well fed.. maybe not well led.
4. Artillery.. whether shell or rocket based.

Compare their almost sedate demeanor during fighting or while capturing POWs with the angry and excited Ukrainian soldiers.
Russia should shoot down any NATO drones over the black Sea and say they mistook it for a TB2. They are feeding intelligence to sink your boats.
Meanwhile why are there no mysterious explosions in NATO energy stocks yet?
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We have seen enough by now, the Russian military is disorganised.
But the war also showed where the Russians are shining⭐✨, some brilliantly:
1. Missiles: Ballistic, cruise, guided, unguided.. all are performing flawlessly. It's amazing to see missiles launched from hundreds of kms away slam 💥into the middle of a narrow bridge unerringly, every time. Bad news for NATO should nukes start flying. Not even one of the bigger missiles seem to have missed widely or dropped midway.. the way Tomahawks did.
2. Choppers : After the initial shootdowns by anti air, they seem to be doing rather well in such a hostile environment.
3. Morale: In spite of NATO propaganda, the individual Russian soldier and it's military seem to be in good spirits, well behaved and well fed.. maybe not well led.
4. Artillery.. whether shell or rocket based.

Compare their almost sedate demeanor during fighting or while capturing POWs with the angry and excited Ukrainian soldiers.
Meanwhile why are there no mysterious explosions in NATO energy stocks yet?

Russian missiles have had failure rates up to 60% and have missed their targets time and again. Don’t know what your talking about.
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