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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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Because most countries are under the influence of the west. This will change now...clear lines are being drawn. West vs China and Russia

China isnt even trying to be a policeman. Russia is a declining power.

TBH i dont see how this is gonna work.
Underrated post

Je suis ukraine?
they can go to hell

this is the Ruskies PUTINg and end to a Corpse Biden led endless military expansion.. about time someone showed them their place

long time a comin'
but when it came


was no seasonal rain

He actually has a very good option , and that is to end this stupid war.

By now Putin knows this this is not some " special operation " , no matter how long they will keep calling it that,

This would likely involve months of war and years of sanctions , no one can predict the outcome of and full effect of.

And for what go through that ? for a few parts of Ukraine ? Cant the great Russia survive without those parts ?

But Putin can spare us all this months of fighting . There are so many clips of tanks exploding online now , so there is really no need for any more wars to reproducer more of the same clips.

As for as I am concerned this can be the last war to end all wars.

You see to armies firing at each others with some monstrous canons from 40km away. Metal beats like in some revelation from the book of Daniel , on the forth beast :

" in my vision in the night, suddenly a fourth beast appeared, and it was terrifying—dreadful and extremely strong—with large iron teeth. It devoured and crushed; then it trampled underfoot whatever was left. "

Daniel 7:7

" with large iron teeth. It devoured and crushed; then it trampled underfoot whatever was left . . . :

It is really time to stop this madness , there is no need for humanity to see war again.

This could be the last war. No more war no more bloodshed.

This was the vision of all the prophets for the end of days.

Yet people forget is that it is with in our power to achieve that , we do have to wait to some devine miracle to see it materialize.


You can't end something you did not start. If the people of Kiev did not do Euro Maidan and then shelling the people of Donbas since 2014, there be no war.

Kherson and other Russian captured areas are now using the ruble,
And recieving full salaries/pension from Russia

RIP ukraine 1991-2022

Ukraine will turn into a cautionary geopolitical tale in history. Of how a nation dies, once CIA rats get their tentacles in and turn it into an outpost for american geopolitical advancement

Ukraine died in 2013 with Euro Maidan.

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China isnt even trying to be a policeman. Russia is a declining power.

TBH i dont see how this is gonna work.
Only the whites have the instinct the enslave nations and they have done it for centuries. Even today African nations no longer ruled by France pay 100s of million to France
they can go to hell

this is the Ruskies PUTINg and end to a Corpse Biden led endless military expansion.. about time someone showed them their place

long time a comin'
but when it came


was no seasonal rain


Your kidding right? The Russian military is getting obliterated. They are significantly weaker now. NATO grows even stronger with the entrance of Finland and Sweden.

Russia has strategically lost. The US and the West have clearly won.
Your kidding right? The Russian military is getting obliterated. They are significantly weaker now. NATO grows even stronger with the entrance of Finland and Sweden.

Russia has strategically lost. The US and the West have clearly won.
they may have

but they won the tactical battle against NATO+Ukies..
Your kidding right? The Russian military is getting obliterated. They are significantly weaker now. NATO grows even stronger with the entrance of Finland and Sweden.

Russia has strategically lost. The US and the West have clearly won.

Still too early to assume anyones victory. War could go either way.
I know you Americans aren't used to adequate education, but you should read and check the sources you're posting more carefully. Scroll down the Twitter thread, those pics are from Indonesia.
Yes, the photo was taken in Indonesia. Note the word "Hanggar" in the photo. Hanggar is an Indonesian word for Hangar.
Your kidding right? The Russian military is getting obliterated. They are significantly weaker now. NATO grows even stronger with the entrance of Finland and Sweden.

Russia has strategically lost. The US and the West have clearly won.
Yes they are being destroyed yet the keep taking land...amazing. I just don't get it
The Russians don’t understand. Western sanctions increase the costs on Russia and certainly on the West. Sanctions not going to prevent any war. Least this Ukraine war. As Biden puts it, It’s just how long either sides can bear the costs. And don’t forget consider this: while the western kids can enjoy McDonald’s meals, russian kids can’t. Russia is cut off from trades, finance, stock exchanges, bonds markets, diplomacy, cultural and everything else.
The Russians don’t understand. Western sanctions increase the costs on Russia and certainly on the West. Sanctions not going to prevent any war. Least this Ukraine war. As Biden puts it, It’s just how long either sides can bear the costs. And don’t forget consider this: while the western kids can enjoy McDonald’s meals, russian kids can’t. Russia is cut off from trades, finance, stock exchanges, bonds markets, diplomacy, cultural and everything else.

The more the West bullies Russians, the stronger Russians become. If you want to beat Russians, you have to do genocide. Kill every Russian man, woman, child with WMD.

Napoleon could not beat Russians. Hitler can't beat Russians.
The more the West bullies Russians, the stronger Russians become. If you want to beat Russians, you have to do genocide. Kill every Russian man, woman, child with WMD.

Napoleon could not beat Russians. Hitler can't beat Russians.
Very possible
If Ukraine can acquire nuclear weapons.
Lavrov will shut up immediately.
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