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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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Briefing by the official representative of the RF Ministry of Defense Igor Konashenkov as of 10.00 on April 28, 2022 on the progress of the special operation in Ukraine

The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation continue a special military operation in Ukraine.

▪️High-precision air-based missiles of the Russian Aerospace Forces during the night hit four military facilities in Ukraine. Two areas of concentration of manpower and military equipment of the enemy were hit. Also, two warehouses of rocket and artillery weapons and ammunition were destroyed in the areas of the settlements of BARVENKOVO and IVANOVKA.

▪️The operational-tactical and army aviation of the Russian Aerospace Forces hit 67 military facilities of Ukraine in a day. Among them: six command posts, two company strongholds, two large depots of rocket and artillery weapons and fuel in the settlements of PREOBRAZHENKA and NUTS, as well as 55 enemy manpower and military equipment concentration sites.

As a result of the strikes, more than 300 nationalists and up to 40 armored vehicles and vehicles were destroyed.

▪️Missile troops and artillery completed 408 fire missions during the night. 18 command posts and 383 areas of concentration of manpower and Ukrainian military equipment were hit.

▪️Russian air defense systems shot down a Su-24 aircraft of the Ukrainian Air Force over the settlement of NIKOLAEVKA in the Luhansk People's Republic.

Five Ukrainian unmanned aerial vehicles were destroyed in the areas of settlements Veselogorovka, Zatishnoye, Novomikhailovka, Lyubimovka, and Kharkiv.

▪️Also this morning, air defense systems repelled an attack by a Ukrainian Tochka-U ballistic missile on residential areas of the city of IZYUM, Kharkiv region.

The target of the strike was the city hospital, where the Russian medical detachment is located, providing assistance to the population of the Kharkov region.

▪️April 27, at about 23:00 Moscow time, the Ukrainian armed forces launched a massive missile strike with Tochka-U ballistic missiles and high-power multiple rocket launchers on residential areas in the central part of the city of KHERSON.

The targets of the indiscriminate missile attack by the nationalists were residential areas in the area of Ushakov Avenue, where kindergartens, schools and many social institutions are also located.

Russian air defense units repelled a missile attack by Ukrainian troops on residential areas of KHERSON.

In the air over the city, twelve shells of a high-powered multiple launch rocket system were shot down, as well as two Ukrainian Tochka-U ballistic missiles.
Fragments of one of the downed Ukrainian Tochka-U missiles fell in Shevchenko Park.
We dont have Uranium to feed nuclear plants

There is plenty of nuclear fuel called "atomic waste" in Germany. I can not be used in light water reactors, but it can be used in fast burner reactors. Whereas fast burners consume plutonium and higher transuranites and also can "refuel" light water reactors with uran. And the "waste" of the light water reactors then is again used in fast burner reactors. Its called "closed fuel cicle", whereas its not fully closed. But there is enough "atomic waste" to secure energy for more then one decade. All it needs is to build some fast burner reactors and some more light water reactors.
Not only that, you also need to brainwash them to think their enemies as non-humans. It is much easier to kill an animal than to kill a human. That is where Nazism and terrorism are close to each other. For Nazis, the racial purity and superiority are paramount. To think your own race to be supreme, you need to think everyone else, particularly your enemy, is below you. For terrorism, using Islamic terrorism as an example, you must think your enemy not fellow muslims. They are infidels and brutes. Nazism is like state terrorism.

Yes you are right. This is a big, big problem within Muslim societies.

Islam does not give anyone the right to decide if someone else is a true believer. That is for God to decide. Christian society, at least in the US and Western Europe, has progressed beyond this obsession.

The true meaning of 'jihad' is to introspect one's own life and find where one falls short of Islamic ideals. Unfortunately, some power hungry mullahs (religious leaders) turned this concept inside out to brainwash their disciples into attacking others as 'not true Muslims'.

This poisonous exploitation of Islam started with Muslims themselves, power hungry leaders using religion, and others (not just the West) used the technique that Muslims were already using upon each other.
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Impressive! One Stugna P takes out 4 muscovite tanksbin 4 minutes

It seems so for current state of affairs but you can always decrease goals and work on elimination of contemporay society isssues such are education, economy, commitment to developement. In that sense i am moderate optimist and for rest we can only hope to the best.

We can try but the world today is a very interconnected place. The West will never allow anyone else to rise and challenge its domination. It will play as dirty as it needs to, including nuclear war. This is not specific to the West, Anyone on top would do the same.

The current Western tantrum against China is just the latest example. China can resist Western sabotage only because it is not a democracy, which the West excels at infiltrating and exploiting, and the Chinese leadership exerts an iron fist to keep Western conspiracies at bay. Also Chinese culture has always been very hard working (except the opium era) and the ordinary Chinese people have worked very hard to take China to new heights.

Muslim society, alas, is not hard working except in rare cases. So many people, distressingly large numbers of young people, put their faith in religious prophecies instead of science and technology. This is a big cultural challenge we have to overcome if we want any hope of competing in the modern world as players instead of powerless spectators.
Impressive! One Stugna P takes out 4 muscovite tanksbin 4 minutes

In a lot of the videos showing Ukrainian forces hitting Russian tanks, there's no immediate response from the Russians, no reaction, no evasive maneuverers, no attempt to locate and attack the Ukrainians. It's almost as if the Russians are asleep, or the tanks have been abandoned anyway due to prior battle damage.
The world turns to green energy: wind, solar, hydrogen, bio gas, ocean wave, earth heat.
The more expensive the fossil fuels the quicker the green energy comes.

Depends tho, the fact that the government might be quick to push for more green energy sources, does not mean the average citizen are able to. To give some example, lets take heating. Around 1/3 of all houses in Germany are "Altbau", the other 1/3 were built during post war period. Only 1/3 of them are made according to the EneV. This means only 1/3 of all houses in Germany can be equipped with heating system that relies on green energy like Wärmepumpe, PV, and Pelletheizung because you need a building that is well insulated and equipped with surface heating. The government might give 30-45% subsidy for the new heating system and 20% for improving the insulation, but for 2/3 of home owners, this could mean at least EUR 40k investment after subsidy. Not everyone has that kind of money, especially with inflation and rising interest rate we are seeing today. Electricity price is also on the rise, if it passes 50ct/kwh, it would basically make Wärmepumpe more expensive than gas since it requires more energy to burn in order to achieve the same heat performance as gas heating.

The government has to basically spend money not only to make the energy sources green, but also to make the people want to adopt the green energy. The big question is, does Germany have that money?
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In a lot of the videos showing Ukrainian forces hitting Russian tanks, there's no immediate response from the Russians, no reaction, no evasive maneuverers, no attempt to locate and attack the Ukrainians. It's almost as if the Russians are asleep, or the tanks have been abandoned anyway due to prior battle damage.

The tanks are roughly 2km away.
they had a chance 2 nights ago to shot down israel airplanes but guess what nothing happened and will not, russsians are firm israel ally with some disturbances among them but nothing that could disrupt deep rooted relations with settlers, bonds are to strong.
OK. Yiu are entitled to your opinion. Even though I consider it to be wrong and old
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