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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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While I agree that with a muslim superpower, islamic terrorism would disappear, I don't think the lack of muslim superpower is the reason why islamic terrorism exists. Being a terrorist is a very precarious career. Very few people want to be a terrorist. For terrorism to appear and sustain, you not only need hatred but also encouragement and support, particularly material support. The latter part seems to be a specialty of US, which helped create terrorist groups to wage proxy wars for them. The recent news from Ukraine show the increased practice of terrorism by the NATO-armed Ukrainians. It is an easy transition from being a Nazi to being a terrorist. Both attack civilians without remorse.

To motivate someone to kill themselves and others, you need to brainwash them that some great injustice is being committed and there is no one else to avenge it. The reason individual Christians or Jews don't go blowing themselves up around the world is because power countries pick up their cause and take offenders to task.
To motivate someone to kill themselves and others, you need to brainwash them that some great injustice is being committed and there is no one else to avenge it. The reason individual Christians or Jews don't go blowing themselves up around the world is because power countries pick up their cause and take offenders to task.
Not only that, you also need to brainwash them to think their enemies as non-humans. It is much easier to kill an animal than to kill a human. That is where Nazism and terrorism are close to each other. For Nazis, the racial purity and superiority are paramount. To think your own race to be supreme, you need to think everyone else, particularly your enemy, is below you. For terrorism, using Islamic terrorism as an example, you must think your enemy not fellow muslims. They are infidels and brutes. Nazism is like state terrorism.
Never going to happen.

Turkey has schizophrenic ambitions to either join Europe or recreate the Ottoman Empire as an influence sphere.

Iran has delusions to recreate the Persian Empire of Cyrus, at least in terms of dominating influence.

Pakistan is hopelessly corrupt to the core: the military/political/media power structure is compromised and full of American slaves as we just saw this month.
It seems so for current state of affairs but you can always decrease goals and work on elimination of contemporay society isssues such are education, economy, commitment to developement. In that sense i am moderate optimist and for rest we can only hope to the best.
You have certain segments of Muslims that would boot lick and hold the white mans balls (it's encoded in there genes can't do anything about it), and then you have others who are egging it on cause its a white-on-white killing spree. :)

Muslims who think like that and cheer on killing sprees because of race and see race as one of the primary factors is not Muslim.
Long run Turkey's conduct will not get it anywhere, there in the same position as @Elvin stated regarding other Islamic states their impotent.

One thing I will teach you as I have used it in my business to destroy and eliminate other competitors you egg both sides to the point they will throw money at a problem to ruin themselves and you come and pick up the pieces. Twelve years back I did that while holding my contracts back in a massive real estate deal both sides wanted my position on. Through back channel engagement by using a third party who will bid high but drop out forcing the other two to fight it out, I forced both sides to out bid each other to the point they both went bust as they were in a race to acquire real estate worth $ 20,000,000, except they didn't have financial muscle left for rehab work and they were already over leveraged. Forced into bankruptcy, I come in and acquire the assets along with my team for approx. 1/3 the value.

Muslims need to learn how to destroy the enemy and weaken others, without firing a bullet. What's right/wrong doesn't matter as long the end result is your preservation.
Maybe you are right but muslim world can use Tyrkie as major power house for technological and economy advancement, they are now in perfect spot for such path but only if envy as main sikness is overcomed and if the proper long term vision is present for longer period of time.
Muslims who think like that and cheer on killing sprees because of race and see race as one of the primary factors is not Muslim.

That doesn't fall into the criteria if one is Muslim or not, sorry. It's a mute point.

Maybe you are right but muslim world can use Tyrkie as major power house for technological and economy advancement, they are now in perfect spot for such path but only if envy as main sikness is overcomed and if the proper long term vision is present for longer period of time.

I agree using Turkey as base and expanding it is what needs to be done at this hour -- however, we have incompetency for example in Pak Armed Forces we are late to adopting MRAPs, Drones, etc., we wait for example India to make an acquisition before we do ours it's stupidity has no bounds (don't get me wrong I have members of my family in Pak Armed Forces). Just look at how the West adopted drones into portable kill switch drones, you don't see the likes of Pakistan or anyone else taking technology and adopting it usefully.

We have a useless education and work ethic culture across the Islamic World, that produce useless leader's for civil and military purposes on top we have a reactive mindset rather than a proactive mindset.
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You have certain segments of Muslims that would boot lick and hold the white mans balls (it's encoded in there genes can't do anything about it), and then you have others who are egging it on cause its a white-on-white killing spree. :)
A bit simplistic. Yes, but there are other views.

The US empire has bombed and murdered its way through the post-war era. They are so drunk with power they think that they can get away with anything.

They've just driven into a concrete block. This is the end of the West as a global enforcer. As these events will accelerate the death of the dollar, it is also the end of the American empire.
They've just driven into a concrete block. This is the end of the West as a global enforcer. As these events will accelerate the death of the dollar, it is also the end of the American empire.
Russia, which is less than 2% of the world economy will cause the death of the Dollar ? I rather see, that the value of the USD is rather increasing, than decreasing lately.

I'm getting understanding that Ukrainians took decision to not to counterattack opportunistically beyond these quick pushbacks, and preserve forces until proper counterattack can be mounted.

I wouldn't call exact locations, but it's pretty clear Ukraine is now building a force of 2-3 proper divisions in the rear from territorials, and forces recovering in Kiyv.

Kiyv, and Lviv regions.

I see Russian movement in Moldaweiya as a diversion to disturb these new reserves. Russians don't have enough troops there to do anything really consequential.

Similarly, Ukrainian staybehinds are degrading Russian cohesion by dragging entire regiments into screen duty in the rear, and weakening Russian AA, artillery fobs, and taking down officers, in preparation for an attempt to collapse Russian frontlines.
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Russia, which is less than 2% of the world economy will cause the death of the Dollar ? I rather see, that the value of the USD is rather increasing, than decreasing lately.
We're not talking a day to day shift. I believe all China/ Russia trade now excludes the dollar, that's a lot of trade. The saudis are selling oil to China in Yuan. If this is the end of the petrodollar than it's game over for the US dollar.
We're not talking a day to day shift. I believe all China/ Russia trade now excludes the dollar, that's a lot of trade. The saudis are selling oil to China in Yuan. If this is the end of the petrodollar than it's game over for the US dollar.
The Dollar is not only backed by oil, but as well by US Financial, Technological and Soft Power. In the Future the fossil fuels will graduately become less important and this will be a Problem for Russia and some Countries in the Middle East. Actualy this war, will speed up the Green Revolution in Europe.
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