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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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Source? Find it hard to believe.

It’s a mix of Ukrainian stocks with freshly trained tank crews and Eastern European supplied tanks.

The Pentagon said last week that Ukraine has achieved tank parity with Russia.
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I am a slavic person, I identify with Russians. I understand these people if they speak slowly. I love and admire Russians. I listen to Russian songs, read Russian novels. Of course I want them to be free and prosperous. I don't want slavs to be considered barbarians of europe one again like in the Cold War.

What Russia is doing is heartbreaking. It will destroy russia.

Russians in Ukraine have all the rights they could ever have. this rest is lies.

Just today I was watching Serbian TV, I can post the link, they talk about serbs in urkine how they have lived there for years speaking only Russian. and noone would look at them in a bad way. This is Serbian TV debunking Russian lies.

what's your ethnicity?

Yeah, the finns are about to get up off their knees and Stand up. Its been a long time coming.

Remember when you said you are Iranic originally.
According to former US President Donald J Trump, CNN is fake news. Nobody believes the nonsense they parrot in this useless and lying outlet.
Thump said today on Piers Morgan that he would threaten to nuke Putin.

Remember when you said you are Iranic originally.
In so far as all europeans apparently came from the afghan-Iran area. I dont know if thats true. But a lot of afghans look very European. just a bit darker. Its just a theory I've read. I'm not an expert on where europeans come from originally.
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They were only attacking Russian perimeter in Kherson.

Same for Russians, all breakout attempts did not succeed.

The moment any side got advantage in the no mans land in between Mikolaiv, and Kherson enemy artillery comes, and shells them out. Both sides are afraid to get under each others MLRS fire

Kherson is very heavily defended, plus it is a big city, plus it is very close to Crimea which means massive Russian military presence.
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Better watch this before it gets censored and deleted like the rest of videos that try to relay the truth, the US did not like.

By simply alleging that it violates the term and condition of YT and decide for yourself.
Better watch this before it gets censored and deleted like the rest of videos that try to relay the truth, the US did not like.

By simply alleging that it violates the term and condition of YT and decide for yourself.
scott ritter the child molester....like to **** small kids...seems ccp bots favourite....
scott ritter the child molester....like to **** small kids...seems ccp bots favourite....
Poor Scott Ritter, keeps trying to have sex with young girls on the internet but keeps running into cops. He quit his job as a UN weapons inspector in 1998 because the US was NOT getting tough on Saddam Hussein.

Then after getting caught for child sex offences in 2001 stared to become Saddam's protector.

Then in 2009 he needed more child sex so he tried online again. And again failed to get any sex but did succeed in spending time in jail for trying.

This is the guy they rely on for analysis. Very sad.
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That will be a big event.

The US invites the NATO and allies to a special meeting to Ukraine at Ramstein in Germany. 30 countries will participate. Top topic is weapons delivery to Ukraine army.
Ramstein is the biggest US airbase outside the United States.


Lavrov is a liar. He was asked numerous times however he denied. He lied to the world Russia would not attack Ukraine.
Ukraine has the every rights to defend. The UN, the international laws allow other countries to support Ukraine with every means to repel the attack. Those countries are not party to the war between Ukraine and Russia.

Local pseudo-nazis are NATO's main proxies. So denazification in Ukraine equals kicking out NATO goons.

Consequence of the Kiev regime oppressing Russian communities in Ukraine and posing a security threat through its enthusiastic participation in NATO's destabilization plans against Russia.

Russian's have their own neo nazis. So should denazify themselves.

If Russia likes having the weapons, why they telling U.S. to stop supplying them?

Russia warns United States against sending more arms to Ukraine​

LONDON, April 25 (Reuters) - Russia told the United States to stop sending more arms to Ukraine, warning that large Western deliveries of weapons were inflaming the conflict and would lead to more losses, Moscow's ambassador to Washington said.

Russia's Feb. 24 invasion of Ukraine has killed thousands of people, displaced millions more and raised fears of a wider confrontation between Russia and the United States - by far the world's two biggest nuclear powers.

The United States has ruled out sending its own or NATO forces to Ukraine but Washington and its European allies have supplied weapons to Kyiv such as drones, Howitzer heavy artillery, anti-aircraft Stinger and anti-tank Javelin missiles.

Anatoly Antonov, Russia's ambassador to the United States, said such arms deliveries were aimed at weakening Russia but that they were escalating the conflict in Ukraine while undermining efforts to reach some sort of peace agreement.

"What the Americans are doing is pouring oil on the flames," Antonov told the Rossiya 24 TV channel. "I see only an attempt to raise the stakes, to aggravate the situation, to see more losses."

Antonov, who has served as ambassador to Washington since 2017, said an official diplomatic note had been sent to Washington expressing Russia's concerns. No reply had been given, Antonov said.

‘The race is on’: Britain moves to get heavy artillery to Ukraine​

By Andrew Chuter
Apr 25, 09:54 PM

An AS90 self-propelled vehicle with a 155mm gun from Britain's 3rd Regiment Royal Horse Artillery is loaded onto the Longstone for deployment to the Arabian Gulf area from the Port of Emden, Germany, on Feb. 8, 2003. (Stuart Franklin/Getty Images)

LONDON — Britain’s defence secretary says allies must move quickly to supply Ukraine with heavy artillery capable of at least matching Russia.
“The race is on to equip Ukraine with the same long-range capability that Russia has so they are not outranged and indeed pinned down,” Ben Wallace told Parliamentarians April 25.

“The next three weeks are key,” he added. “Ukraine needs more long-range artillery and ammunition, and both Russian and NATO caliber types to accompany them. It also seeks anti-ship missiles to counter Russian ships that are able to bombard Ukrainian cities.”

Analysts, including the International Institute for Strategic Studies think tank here, have for some time acknowledged Russia has a distinct advantage in artillery capabilities.

Wallace denied weekend media reports claiming the government was sending British Army AS90 tracked 155mm howitzers, but did say consideration was being given to dispatching Army 105mm towed light guns to Ukraine.

Responding to questions from lawmakers, Wallace said the main artillery effort initially centered on procuring Russian equipment, but now has extended to highly mobile Western 155mm weapons.

“We first and foremost started with sourcing around the world 152mm Soviet caliber [weapons] so [Ukraine] can keep going with that and, in parallel, exploring with a number of other nations either 105mm, our main lightweight guns, and the 155mm in more mobile versions than the big armored AS90,” he said.

“One of the things this modern battlefield is showing is you had better move quickly once you have fired your guns because you can be found very quickly by pretty cheap off-the-shelf UAVs,” Wallace added.

Canada, France and the U.S. have all agreed recently to arm the Ukrainians with modern towed or truck-mounted howitzer artillery systems.

The Ukrainian defense ministry said Monday it was already receiving 155mm cannons from the U.S. and other partners, and the Financial Times reported the Ukrainians as saying the weapons would “fundamentally” change the course of the war.

Wallace’s howitzer remarks may have some impact at home, as the British are in the early stages of a competition to replace the aging AS90 in a program known as the Mobile Fires Platform.

The competition is likely to put tracked vehicles like Hanwha’s K9A2 , already purchased by Poland, against wheeled rivals like the Boxer 8x8 RCH 155mm weapon.

One industry executive here said an early lesson for the British from Ukraine is that it might be preferable to have a mixed wheeled and tracked fleet to cover a range of terrain and mobility requirements .

Aside from efforts to improve artillery firepower, Wallace detailed the extent of British military supplies to the Ukraine. Included in the list are 5361 NLAW anti-tank missiles — 1,000 delivered last week alone, 200 Javelin missiles, armored logistics vehicles, night vision goggles and anti-air missiles. The British said they had also sourced anti-ship weapons, anti-structure munitions and loitering munitions.

Wallace said the Treasury has agreed to foot the bill to replace weapons sent to the Ukraine, and rebuilding weapons stocks for the British military is already underway.

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