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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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There is no way out of the crisis for Ukraine except to negotiate for a truce no matter how late it is. Listening to the serpent and bald eagle will brings undesirable consequences.

The end results will be the same, no matter how many weapons the US and the West are preparing to send to Ukraine.

They will just ended up in blackmart and the rebels.

All these heroic tales by brave Ukrainians written by bloggers thousands of miles away are just meant to lift their low morale but Russia forces will grind them to broken pieces slowly but surely just they did to Nazi Germany and ISIS in Syria.

Like it or not, Ukraine will ended up like the former Yugoslavia curved into many nations by the US and NATO.

Soon Ukraine will lose complete access to the Black Sea.

Crimea and now Odessa will be lost forever.

I have no idea why the continue holdout in Azovstal Steelworks with their families by the Azov neo-nazi battalion. Nothing heroic about that.
these azov terrorists and their western backers have pretty much reached the bottom end of the scum spectrum.

you simply cannot get lower and more cowardly then azov. Kidnapping, forcing, and tricking civilians into the steel plant to use as a human shield.

and western propaganda tells you its voluntary. Kids and women enjoy hiding in a bunker, getting starvation level rations, not seeing the sun for months/years... because... evil putin?

Russia has opened a corridor, civilians are allowed to leave at any time. Multiple cease fires for this exact reason. Not a single 1 left. thats voluntary? western propaganda says yes. human logic says NO
The western world are wolf in sheep skin bragging about human right and moral practices when they are no different from savage.
Post-Soviet Russia hasn't intervened militarily other than against neighbors ruled by strictly anti-Russian regimes which engaged in open collaboration with NATO and served as hubs for subversive activity and security threats against Moscow. Consequently, Kazakhstan and the like have had nothing to fear.

Russia and the USA are like apples and oranges in this regard. Whilst Russia is defining its foreign policy in strictly classical terms of national security, and is therefore not envisaging military options beyond its immediate neighborhood as well as in defence of a handful of close strategic allies, the US regime has proclaimed itself as the exclusive global policeman and hegemon.

More importantly, the ideological foundations of "America"'s imperialist expansionism are of an active messianist nature, a masonic, secularized form of Kabbalist and Christian zionist messianism. And this makes it immensely more dangerous to world peace and security as well as to mankind than Russia will ever be. Because megalomaniac rulers driven by an active messianist ideology will be tempted to pull the trigger on everyone as soon as things start turning out differently than what they imagined.

Hereby you are indirectly highlighting why the US regime is immeasurably more dangerous to international security than Russia. Because it illegally attributes itself the "right" to topple governments under bogus pretexts such as "spreading democracy" and "removing dictators".

Bogus because:

1) For centuries, the US regime itself has been sponsoring and protecting the worst types of autocrats and dictators. Contemporary examples include Saudi Arabia and many others. Washington's double standards and hypocrisy in this regard are beyond nauseating. I doubt that in 2022 people can still be led down the garden path by the US regime's appalling and outright disgusting two-facedness on the subject.

2) The US regime consciously lied to the UN, lied to its public, lied to the world by concocting fake "evidence" and trumped-up charges to try and justify its illegal 2003 invasion of Iraq. From the standpoint of international legal norms, it was therefore an unlawful and criminal act. Defence Secretary Rumsfeld had a covert special office set up to this effect, and worthless "informants" such as the one codenamed "Curveball" were cited to falsely incriminate the Iraqi government.

3) Illegal invasions by the US (e.g. Iraq in 2003) are not aimed at replacing a dictatorship with democracy at all. Their goal is to obliterate and dismantle nation-states, shatter their social fabric and infrastructures for generations to come, in conformity with the Ralph Peters and Arthur Cebrowsky strategy as well as with the Bernard Lewis and Oded Yinon masterplans for West Asia. Basing themselves on the work of authors such as Nathan Sharansky and the philosopher Leo Strauss, US neoconservatives devised a policy of plunging nations into what they refer to as "constructive chaos" i.e. the deliberate provocation of instability and enduring calamity for the populations of targeted countries. Foreign policy wise, both neoconservatives and liberal hawks seek to impose US hegemony on the world, through equally repressive and sordid means.

4) Liberal secular "democracies" of the west are in fact the single most totalitarian political systems in existence, as conceptualized by political philosopher Sheldon Wolin. They rely on social engineering to impose a pre-defined outcome in all things political and to de facto enslave their citizenry while at the same time projecting an illusion of freedom and pluralism. This is a particularly under-handed and perfidious form of suffocating dissent. However, this system is slowly nearing its end, as the naked coercive brutality of liberal so-called "democracies" is slowly but surely starting to spill over from foreign theaters of military aggression to their own home turf. Case in point, the unprecedented censorship practiced by western regimes and their affiliated capitalist corporations with regards to the current NATO-provoked war in Ukraine.

Iran lost about 280.000 (not a million) of her citizens as a result of the 1980-1988 Imposed War.

Plus, it was chiefly the criminal US regime which propped up Saddam and encouraged the dictator to invade Iran. It was the US and US-allied NATO member states which were at the forefront of backing Saddam's Iraq in its aggression against Iran.

Including by supplying him with all he needed to manufacture and employ WMD against both Iranian military and civilians, and moreover preventing the UN Security Council from sanctioning Iraq for its use of chemical weapons. Indeed, in its unlimited cynicism the US regime went as far as resorting to its veto power against a UNSC draft resolution designed to condemn Iraqi WMD use versus Iran.

Some instructive papers:

Arming Iraq: A Chronology of U.S. Involvement
By: John King, March 2003

The Iran-Iraq War: Serving American Interests
By: The Research Unit for Political Economy (R.U.P.E.), Mumbai (Bombay), India


The US regime is truly the very last entity on earth to be entitled to invoke Saddam's crimes in order to justify an invasion of Iraq, invasion which directly and indirectly caused the deaths of 1,5 million Iraqis as per a report published by The Lancet, a respected British medical journal.

This is without mentioning half a million Iraqi children killed as a result of the US-imposed embargo in the 1990's. With former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright publicly declaring on CNN that this mind-boggling toll was "worth it". Not in a century could Saddam, for all his barbarity, have come even remotely close to the havoc wrecked upon the Iraqi population by the regime in Washington.

The whole world minus a few NATO sympathizers will jump up and down of joy when the US regime leaders and oligarchy are gotten rid of.

Neither do you invoke false pretexts to launch illegal invasions of sovereign nations like the US regime did against Iraq in 2003. Those responsible for such actions are war criminals and should stand trial. Regimes that conduct such policies must be stopped and pushed back for the sake of peace, security and the general well being of mankind.

The list of crimes committed by the US regime at the global scale is so extensive and virtually endless, that the fate which will befall that regime and its dominant oligarchy is going to be shatter the earth.

The notion that Kennedy was eliminated by anyone other than the US regime's own deep state is frankly far-fetched.

The US has no business deciding what regime has to end and what regime is allowed to keep exercising power.

Liberal so-called "democracy" will be flushed out first. The zio-American empire has entered its historic phase of decline, it's on a downward spiral and its totalitarian messianic dream of world domination has already been lobbed into the trash can of history, in no small part thanks to that empire's own boundless hubris. It's going to go down as one of the most short lived and arrogant empires of all time.

Someone will get rid of the US regime for being the single most intensive violator of international norms and elementary human decency, its very inception being grounded in the genocide of the native population of northern "America".

The US-imposed order enslaved many more.


Local pseudo-nazis are NATO's main proxies. So denazification in Ukraine equals kicking out NATO goons.

Consequence of the Kiev regime oppressing Russian communities in Ukraine and posing a security threat through its enthusiastic participation in NATO's destabilization plans against Russia.


The US regime is the biggest and most systematic war criminal on this planet. It will pay. Dearly and soon enough.
It’s remarkable who the western countries give citizenships to. I would definitely have a citizenship review. Some people take all the benefits of the west and yet work to undermine it.
Just draw the blue line further over Krywyj Rih to Transnistria. That me think is the minimum goal Russia wants to accomplish.

The minimal goal is also probably the maximal goal--and very much doable and strategic enough to declare some 'victory' by Putin: A Ukraine cut off from Black Sea and Russia having access from Transnistria to Donbas to Russia, while ensuring water to the Crimean Peninsula. All of such goals within reach of Russia. Remember that: Finland, too, gave a bloody nose to the Soviet Union just before WW 2 started but the Soviets eventually got more than what they initially wanted.

This war looks like a duplicate of that and no amount of social media noise could undo the gains on the ground. We should not forget that barely 6 months ago before this war started, all the trolls could not stop what the Afghan Talibans achieved toppling a supposedly mighty Afghan govt and even the boastful son of the Lion of Panjshir! Where is he now??? Are our memories that short??

Real wars are still not fought in the media--the wars are fought on the battle grounds. Heeeee Hawwwing here and there won't change facts on the ground.
You are the troll because it is true.

It is on record even the US and Kiev have admitted it.

The weapons used by the militia were captured from blackmart and Ukrainian Forces themselves.

Today Russia supplied them with captured weaponries including Javelin and Stinger missiles.

So stop trolling and go home.

Ukraine is meanwhile considering retreating from Lugansk in view of the heavy artilleries shelling.
Still waiting for you to tell me where you’re from 🤔
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There is no way out of the crisis for Ukraine except to negotiate for a truce no matter how late it is. Listening to the serpent and bald eagle will brings undesirable consequences.

The end results will be the same, no matter how many weapons the US and the West are preparing to send to Ukraine.

They will just ended up in blackmart and the rebels.

All these heroic tales by brave Ukrainians written by bloggers thousands of miles away are just meant to lift their low morale but Russia forces will grind them to broken pieces slowly but surely just they did to Nazi Germany and ISIS in Syria.

Like it or not, Ukraine will ended up like the former Yugoslavia curved into many nations by the US and NATO.

Soon Ukraine will lose complete access to the Black Sea.

Crimea and now Odessa will be lost forever.

I have no idea why the continue holdout in Azovstal Steelworks with their families by the Azov neo-nazi battalion. Nothing heroic about that.

Yes. In modern warfare, nations with ample supplies of lethal weapons and having a large cadre of cannon fodders have advantages. Russia has that.

PS. Europeans are once again proving bloody damn barbarians and if this leads to World War 3--an outcome not unthinkable--then they are again proven the most savage people in the human history!! The 70-80 years of peace we have seen in Eurasia after WW2 was perhaps an interval in the bloody savagery history of Europe!! God-damned Tribal people!! But please don't bring down the rest of the world with your tribalism!!
The minimal goal is also probably the maximal goal--and very much doable and strategic enough to declare some 'victory' by Putin: A Ukraine cut off from Black Sea and Russia having access from Transnistria to Donbas to Russia, while ensuring water to the Crimean Peninsula. All of such goals within reach of Russia. Remember that: Finland, too, gave a bloody nose to the Soviet Union just before WW 2 started but the Soviets eventually got more than what they initially wanted.

This war looks like a duplicate of that and no amount of social media noise could undo the gains on the ground. We should not forget that barely 6 months ago before this war started, all the trolls could not stop what the Afghan Talibans achieved toppling a supposedly mighty Afghan govt and even the boastful son of the Lion of Panjshir! Where is he now??? Are our memories that short??

Real wars are still not fought in the media--the wars are fought on the battle grounds. Heeeee Hawwwing here and there won't change facts on the ground.
Good point. The media propaganda is so powerful, the reason people believe Russia will loose or is doing badly is because Russia has not fought a war since the Afghan soviet war, so this is actually Russian first big war, their economy, technology, equipment has been in decline.

Are the Russian casualties true. Its a huge number for 2 months of war
"A total of 21000 troops killed, 873 tanks are said to have been destroyed, along with 2238 armoured vehicles, 179 planes, 154 helicopters and 408 artillery systems"
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NATO is an expansionist pact. Their aim is try to steal as much other land as possible. Its a colonial organization in disguise. Not much different from Imperial Japan or Nazi Germany. Russia is a fat meat. Good target to be invaded. Russia need to defend themselves against such evil organization.

Russians believe NATO's ultimate aim is to break Russia into three parts.

2003 illegal invasion of Iraq by the Americans

US invaded and removed Saddam because he wanted to switch from USD to EUR for his oil sales.

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