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Russia-Ukraine War - News and Developments

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Ironic, coming from an American.

Washington: The US will expedite the opening of an embassy in the Solomon Islands and has warned the Pacific nation that it will “respond accordingly” if steps are taken allowing China to establish a military base there.

And its more than that. Cuba was also an 'independent' country but was denied the right to host the Soviet missiles. Iraq was also an 'independent' country but was invaded without the UNSC authorization in 2003. And I am sure there are more such examples.
Russia is simply duplicating the hegemonistic policies of America--or America had duplicated some hegemonistic policies of some other empire before.
Those living in the glass house should not... But then some here think that if a civilization is 'democratic' and 'free' that gives it a right for 'exceptionalism'. Such hypocritical thoughts are abundant in this thread.
Does Zelinsky want to win a war with Beyraktar, Javelin and Stinger..not even the European cannons and the American Phoenix will be enough for his victory in the war.. He can inflict more field losses than expected for Russia, but in the end he cannot stop the numerical superiority in equipment, personnel and the air and missile superiority and the presence of a large percentage of the Ukrainians that support Russia in the areas it occupies..

The Stinger cannot stop dozens of planes and helicopters that carry out daily raids, most of them from outside the range of the Stinger.

The Bayraktar and the Javelin could not repel the attack of hundreds of tanks, thousands of armored vehicles, more than 100,000 soldiers, and a large number of cannons and roket launchers.

European cannons that are numbered with fingers cannot repel a large land advance, even if the cannons are from the future era and Russia's equipment is from the era of the Romans.. The numerical, air and missile superiority is decisive..

The problem of the President of Ukraine, is that most of the inhabitants of this planet have been saying that Russia is coming to war since 2014, while the Ukrainian government was sleeping.. It buys coal from the separatists and sells it to Europe and takes a percentage of the delivery of Russian gas to Europe, and anot 1 % of this money went to prepare for this day.. so the result is expected, and even if you bring all of Turkey to fight with Ukraine, this war will not be resolved ..

Even the British Prime Minister admitted that Russia will win this war, and said we must be realistic and accept this fact..

And its more than that. Cuba was also an 'independent' country but was denied the right to host the Soviet missiles. Iraq was also an 'independent' country but was invaded without the UNSC authorization in 2003. And I am sure there are more such examples.
Russia is simply duplicating the hegemonistic policies of America--or America had duplicated some hegemonistic policies of some other empire before.
Those living in the glass house should not... But then some here think that if a civilization is 'democratic' and 'free' that gives it a right for 'exceptionalism'. Such hypocritical thoughts are abundant in this thread.
But you admit now that it was clearly not wrong to take over Iraq. especially to establish a democratic government. And you also admit that it would be justified take over Cuba.

Because if Russia is justified, these things are justified also.

Does Zelinsky want to win a war with Beyraktar, Javelin and Stinger..not even the European cannons and the American Phoenix will be enough for his victory in the war.. He can inflict more field losses than expected for Russia, but in the end he cannot stop the numerical superiority in equipment, personnel and the air and missile superiority and the presence of a large percentage of the Ukrainians that support Russia in the areas it occupies..

The Stinger cannot stop dozens of planes and helicopters that carry out daily raids, most of them from outside the range of the Stinger.

The Bayraktar and the Javelin could not repel the attack of hundreds of tanks, thousands of armored vehicles, more than 100,000 soldiers, and a large number of cannons and roket launchers.

European cannons that are numbered with fingers cannot repel a large land advance, even if the cannons are from the future era and Russia's equipment is from the era of the Romans.. The numerical, air and missile superiority is decisive..

The problem of the President of Ukraine, is that most of the inhabitants of this planet have been saying that Russia is coming to war since 2014, while the Ukrainian government was sleeping.. It buys coal from the separatists and sells it to Europe and takes a percentage of the delivery of Russian gas to Europe, and anot 1 % of this money went to prepare for this day.. so the result is expected, and even if you bring all of Turkey to fight with Ukraine, this war will not be resolved ..

Even the British Prime Minister admitted that Russia will win this war, and said we must be realistic and accept this fact..

If thats true, russia has nothing to worry about then.
but tis only 200km west of Russian mainland. what's a 200km difference? Its seconds. maybe a minute difference.

And besides, anything being in an enclave like this is able to be monitored easier. jammed and taken out of necessary. NATO would know exactly where its being launched from.
No my friend ..understand that this enclave is a Russian military base..well dugged in.. it is like the Steel factory in Mariupol that was built by Russia.. with 4 or 5 deep levels of protection and anti-nuclear build.. Finland, Sweden, Norway Poland and the Baltic states are all very vulnerable to Russian nukes if they are moved to Kaliningrad.. Almost no reaction time..in case of nuclear or even conventional strikes with Hypersonic missiles..

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See that’s the point you’re missing, who is Russia to demand what sovereign Ukraine does? Border/sphere of influence doesn’t matter, Ukraine is independent and choose their own destiny

So why did the US invade Cuba again? Who is the US to demand what sovereign Cuba did? Border/Sphere of influence doesn’t matter, Cuba was independent and chose their own destiny.
Does Zelinsky want to win a war with Beyraktar, Javelin and Stinger..not even the European cannons and the American Phoenix will be enough for his victory in the war.. He can inflict more field losses than expected for Russia, but in the end he cannot stop the numerical superiority in equipment, personnel and the air and missile superiority and the presence of a large percentage of the Ukrainians that support Russia in the areas it occupies..

The Stinger cannot stop dozens of planes and helicopters that carry out daily raids, most of them from outside the range of the Stinger.

The Bayraktar and the Javelin could not repel the attack of hundreds of tanks, thousands of armored vehicles, more than 100,000 soldiers, and a large number of cannons and roket launchers.

European cannons that are numbered with fingers cannot repel a large land advance, even if the cannons are from the future era and Russia's equipment is from the era of the Romans.. The numerical, air and missile superiority is decisive..

The problem of the President of Ukraine, is that most of the inhabitants of this planet have been saying that Russia is coming to war since 2014, while the Ukrainian government was sleeping.. It buys coal from the separatists and sells it to Europe and takes a percentage of the delivery of Russian gas to Europe, and anot 1 % of this money went to prepare for this day.. so the result is expected, and even if you bring all of Turkey to fight with Ukraine, this war will not be resolved ..

Even the British Prime Minister admitted that Russia will win this war, and said we must be realistic and accept this fact..

Russia has already lost strategically. Ukraine has tank parity with the Russians and Russia artillery advantage is shrinking. They’ve lost a quarter of their combat power in 2 months.

Ukraines will be better armed in the coming weeks than they were 4-6 weeks ago.
But you admit now that it was clearly not wrong to take over Iraq. especially to establish a democratic government. And you also admit that it would be justified take over Cuba.

Because if Russia is justified, these things are justified also.

Hah?? I am not admitting anything. Pointing out the hypocrisy of that guy above who brought up 'independence' of Ukraine. Of course Ukraine has the rights given to a sovereign state and of course Cuba and Iraq had the rights of sovereign states. There are two wrongs being done--by America and Russia.

yeah well, we shall see the consequences of their actions in due time, Ukraine is obviously as you say in a mess. but all that matters to the west is the final outcome and the damage it does to russia. And it will be huge.

Ahh, yes. A famous line from 'Dr. Zhivago' immediately came to my mind: "Your point, their village'. You were surely, and unfortunately, raised in a totalitarian society. Sad.

So the brave Russian/chechen/jewish resistance fighters are waging a (defensive) special military operation against the Zionist/Bandera/Nazi/Satanist/Islamist/Nato war mongers from a non-existant country. Right, got it. And there have now been 3128 vehicles lost in accidents.
Russia has interfered since 2014. Russians mercenaries have been active even though they should leave Ukraine according to the agreement.
It is futile to argue about this in the absence of credible evidences coming from you.

We referred to these as "hearsays" in a court of law, in layman terms "gossips" and in politics as "propaganda".

If one applied commonsense to what you just wrote, alleging about Russia leaving as a condition according to the agreement, it is simply illogical.

That will tantamount to an admission to the world that Russia direct involvement in Ukraine.

You really thinks that the Russia is that stupid.

So IMO YOU fabricated all this.

So stop trolling. We will continue when you can present at least more solid evidence.

Even the US denied despite of the circulation of an audio tape recording of US attack deputy SS Victoria Nuland admitting US role into Ukraine.

BTW Zalensky could NOT even prove that the weapons supplied used by the rebellious militia of these breakaway republics were supplied from Russia.

Now you will understand why I don't debate with trolls.
Russian hates these groups as much if not more than the west does,

Hezbollah gets bombed every day by Israel under Russian air cover.
Quote 1. Even a cornered rat fights
Quote 2. Enemy of your enemy..

1+2= French choppers dropping from the skies in the Sahel, or Oil & gas shipping to EU getting pinged by Javelins from lanky men in dhows..
Russia will have to try and take over all of Ukraine sooner or later. No half measures. Otherwise, western Ukraine with NATO weapons will constantly bombard eastern Ukraine under Russian control for years to come.

If Russia controls all of Ukraine, only then neighboring NTO countries will not attack into Ukraine. They may support insurgencies but no supply of heavy weapons.

I see this war dragging out for months unless Russia ramps up the pressure big time.
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